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The major event that hit Europe in summer 2021 reminds society that floods are recurrent and among the costliest and deadliest natural hazards. The long-term flood risk management (FRM) efforts preferring sole technical measures to prevent and mitigate floods have shown to be not sufficiently effective and sensitive to the environment. Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) mark a recent paradigm shift of FRM towards solutions that use nature-derived features, processes and management options to improve water retention and mitigate floods. Yet, the empirical evidence on the effects of NBS across various settings remains fragmented and their implementation faces a series of institutional barriers. In this paper, we adopt a community expert perspective drawing upon LAND4FLOOD Natural flood retention on private land network (https://www.land4flood.eu) in order to identify a set of barriers and their cascading and compound interactions relevant to individual NBS. The experts identified a comprehensive set of 17 barriers affecting the implementation of 12 groups of NBS in both urban and rural settings in five European regional environmental domains (i.e., Boreal, Atlantic, Continental, Alpine-Carpathian, and Mediterranean). Based on the results, we define avenues for further research, connecting hydrology and soil science, on the one hand, and land use planning, social geography and economics, on the other. Our suggestions ultimately call for a transdisciplinary turn in the research of NBS in FRM.

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Soils form the basis for agricultural production and other ecosystem services, and soil management should aim at improving their quality and resilience. Within the SoilCare project, the concept of soil-improving cropping systems (SICS) was developed as a holistic approach to facilitate the adoption of soil management that is sustainable and profitable. SICS selected with stakeholders were monitored and evaluated for environmental, sociocultural, and economic effects to determine profitability and sustainability. Monitoring results were upscaled to European level using modelling and Europe-wide data, and a mapping tool was developed to assist in selection of appropriate SICS across Europe. Furthermore, biophysical, sociocultural, economic, and policy reasons for (non)adoption were studied. Results at the plot/farm scale showed a small positive impact of SICS on environment and soil, no effect on sustainability, and small negative impacts on economic and sociocultural dimensions. Modelling showed that different SICS had different impacts across Europe—indicating the importance of understanding local dynamics in Europe-wide assessments. Work on adoption of SICS confirmed the role economic considerations play in the uptake of SICS, but also highlighted social factors such as trust. The project’s results underlined the need for policies that support and enable a transition to more sustainable agricultural practices in a coherent way.

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Planted filters are often used to remove pesticides from runoff water. However, the detailed fate of pesticides in the planted filters still remains elusive. This hampers an accurate assessment of environmental risks of the pesticides related to their fate and thereby development of proper mitigation strategies. In addition, a test system for the chemical fate analysis including plants and in particular for planted filters is not well established yet. Therefore, we developed a microcosm test to simulate the fate of pesticide in planted filters, and applied 2-13C,15N-glyphosate as a model pesticide. The fate of 2-13C,15N-glyphosate in the planted microcosms over 31 day-incubation period was balanced and compared with that in the unplanted microcosms. The mass balance of 2-13C,15N-glyphosate turnover included 13C mineralization, degradation products, and the 13C and 15N incorporation into the rhizosphere microbial biomass and plants. We observed high removal of glyphosate (> 88%) from the water mainly due to adsorption on gravel in both microcosms. More glyphosate was degraded in the planted microcosms with 4.1% of 13C being mineralized, 1.5% of 13C and 3.8% of 15N being incorporated into microbial biomass. In the unplanted microcosms, 1.1% of 13C from 2-13C,15N-glyphosate was mineralized, and only 0.2% of 13C and 0.1% of 15N were assimilated into microbial biomass. The total recovery of 13C and 15N was 81% and 85% in planted microcosms, and 91% and 93% in unplanted counterparts, respectively. The microcosm test was thus proven to be feasible for mass balance assessments of the fate of non-volatile chemicals in planted filters. The results of such studies could help better manage and design planted filters for pesticide removal.

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Chapter 8 provides a comprehensive review of literature pertaining to agroecological (AE) farming approaches/practices and knowledge driven from stakeholders’ and scientific studies. The review identifies the major drivers, barriers, gaps, and opportunities of AE practices in the context of African farming systems. The chapter presents the best combinations of AE practices as alternative approaches to the current unsustainable farming practices. Experiences from Zambia and other countries where selected AE practices are being implemented by farmers with the support of diverse stakeholders are shared in the chapter. Further, key ecological, social, and economic indicators developed in the countries are also discussed. The chapter analyses how the AE practices contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions and at the same time address the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), e.g., SDG 2 (food and nutrition security), SDG 12 (sustainable food production and consumption), SDG 13 (climate action), and SDG 15 (life on land).

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Chapter 6 provides a summary of research findings from the case studies in India that showed significant benefits of another climate-smart rice system, namely the direct seeded rice (DSR), which shows positive outcomes compared to puddled transplanted rice in terms of (i) higher water productivity, (ii) reduction in labour and production costs, and (iii) lower methane emissions. However, there are some challenges for adopting DSR which include poor weed control, need for specific water and nutrient management, availability of suitable varieties for DSR, increased damage by soil pathogens and nutrient disorders, especially N and micronutrients. Possible solutions to overcome these challenges that will make it easier for adoption by farmers will be analysed in this chapter. Field data/evidence from India and other previous studies under both dry and wet conditions were presented to support the solutions. The options for scaling up DSR combined by need-based farmer trainings, accessibility to good quality seeds, availability and use of drum seeders and selective herbicides were discussed.

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In Chapter 2, the authors focus on the importance of precision-based soil and nutrient management practices tested on rice farms in the eastern part of India and the potential for reducing GHG emissions. This is highly relevant for countries such as India, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and Thailand with large areas under rice production, where the use of excess amounts of fertilizer and chemicals, especially nitrogen fertilizer, is a serious problem for the environment and health of people. The chapter shows the importance and benefits from the use of tools ranging from the simple leaf colour chart to innovative digital tools and their relevance to improve nutrient use efficiency. The chapter towards the end provides guidelines/models and policy recommendations for upscaling precision soil and nutrient management in rice systems and other related food crops.

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NIBIO-modellen JOVAest og NIVA-modellen TEOTIL har vært brukt i mange år for å simulere tilførsler av totalt nitrogen og fosfor på nasjonal skala i Norge. Modellene brukes til å støtte vannforvaltning, for eksempel ved å sammenligne simulerte tilførsler med målverdier. Denne rapporten beskriver de eksisterende modellene i detalj og foreslår oppdateringer og forbedringer for å gjøre modelleringsarbeidsflyten mer relevant for behovene til vannforvaltere. Foreslåtte endringer inkluderer: (i) oppdatering av alle komponenter i den eksisterende arbeidsflyten; (ii) å bruke modellen Agricat2 for å simulere jordbruksfosfor; (iii) simulering av underfraksjoner av totalt nitrogen og fosfor; (iv) tilsetning av suspendert sediment og organisk materiale som tilleggsparametere; og (v) å tilføre ytterligere punktkilder til næringsstoffer, slik som utslipp fra landbasert akvakultur.