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Etter oppdrag fra Statens vegvesen og prosjektet E16 Bjørum - Skaret har NIBIO med samarbeidspartnere utført undersøkelser av vannkjemi og biologi i vannforekomstene som påvirkes av anleggsvirksomheten. De høye verdiene for nitrogen i Damtjernbekken synes å normaliseres etter avsluttet tunneldriving. Tilsvarende avtar nitrogenavrenningen til Rustanbekken. Bekkene viste lave konsentrasjoner av tungmetaller. Unntaket var Damtjernbekken, som tidvis viste forhøyede konsentrasjoner av krom fram til tunneldrivingen ble avsluttet i august 2023. De biologiske undersøkelsene viste god eller svært god tilstand for bunndyr, begroing og fisk i alle bekkene, men moderat for begroingsalger i Rustanbekken. Samlet ble økologisk tilstand i bekkene vurdert som moderat som følge av forhøyede konsentrasjoner av totalnitrogen.

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Effekten av skogbruk på eutrofibelastningen i Oslofjorden er anslått basert på tilførsler av løst uorganisk nitrogen (DIN). Dette anslaget er beheftet med en rekke usikkerheter som kan forbedres ved å bl.a. samle inn flere data om effekten av skogsdrift på vann, samt forbedre anslag over årlig hogstareal. Våre anslag antyder at tap av nitrogen fra skogsdrift til Oslofjorden ligger på nivå med tapet fra spredt avløp og bebyggelse. På side 6 finnes et utvidet sammendrag. The effect of forestry on the eutrophic pressure of the Oslo Fjord has been estimated based on fluxes of DIN (dissolved inorganic nitrogen). This estimate is subject to many uncertainties that can be improved by, among other things, collecting more data on the effect of forestry on water, as well as improving estimates of annual logging area. Our estimate suggests that losses of nitrogen to the Oslo Fjord from forestry are in the same range as losses from households not connected to sewage treatment plants and from settlements.


This report describes the development of models to calculate losses of soil particles, phosphorus, nitrogen and organic carbon from agricultural land to first order streams. The results from the models serve as input data to the TEOTIL model which estimates the net losses from agriculture and all other sources. The agricultural models (AGRITIL) were calibrated for catchments in the Agricultural Environmental monitoring programme and are limited by the availability of data for different regions in Norway.

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Large-scale replacements of native birch with spruce have been carried out in Western Norway for economic reasons. This tree species shift potentially affects biotic components such as the eucaryome, consisting of microscopic animals (Metazoa), protists and fungi, which are key players in the functioning of forest ecosystem. The impact on the belowground eukaryome and its interactions with vegetation and soil properties is not well assessed. We examined the impact of replacing native birch with Norway spruce plantations on the eukaryome of the boreal forest floor in Western Norway using 18S rDNA metabarcoding. The tree species shift from birch to spruce had significant impacts on the eukaryome at both taxonomic (Metazoa) and functional categories (phagotrophs, phototrophs, parasites and osmotrophs). The distinct differences in eukaryome communities were related to changes in understorey vegetation biomass and soil chemistry following the tree species shift. This had a negative effect on eukaryome richness, particularly affecting phagotrophs and parasites, while the opposite was observed for osmotroph richness. Our results indicated that the spruce plantations altered the eukaryome communities and their food-web patterns compared to what was found in the native birch forest soil. This information should be taken into consideration in forest management planning.