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Presentasjon av resultater fra to års forsøk i prosjektet "Organic protein feed and edible oil from oilseed crops". Resultater fra nitrogen- og svovelgjødsling til høstoljevekstene høstrybs og -raps diskuteres. Resultater fra forsøk med nitrogengjødsling til vårrybs og dodre blir også presentert sammen med enkelte kvalitetsanalyser. De foreløpige resultatene viser at dodren kan være en interessant vekst. Den kan virke mer nøysom enn vårrybs, og det ser ikke ut til at den har de samme utfordringene med skadedyr som vårrybs. Når det gjelder vårrybs ser det foreløpig ut til at en kan oppnå et akseptabelt avlingsnivå ved bruk av husdyrgjødsel.


Soppbekjempelse i åkerbønner kan gi store meravlinger. Best effekt mot sopp får en når behandlingen gjøres ved de første symptomene på angrep. Sjokoladeflekk utvikler seg raskt i fuktig vær og en kan lett komme for seint ut med behandling. Signum er det midlet som bør velges for å oppnå best effekt. Dersom Delaro blir tillatt benyttet i åkerbønner vil dette være et aktuelt middel. Sein behandling, etter midten av juli, kan utsette høstetidspunktet i meste laget. Det er behov for å arbeide mer med sjukdommer i åkerbønner.

Til dokument


The relative effects of using light (2-3 Mg) versus heavier (5-7 Mg) tractors, shallow (15 cm) versus deeper (25 cm) ploughing and on-land versus in-furrow wheel placement during ploughing were investigated from 2003 to 2006 in organic rotations (wheat or barley, green manure, oats with peas) and conventionally fertilized barley. Trials were located on loam soil in south-eastern Norway and silty clay loam in central Norway. Ploughing was performed in spring, when the topsoil moisture content was at or below field capacity, using single furrow ploughs that allowed alternative wheel placement and resulted in complete coverage of the surface by wheels each year (ca. 3 times the normal coverage during ploughing). Low tyre inflation pressures (:<= 80 kPa) were used throughout. The use of a heavy tractor increased topsoil bulk density slightly in the loam soil, and, in combination with in-furrow wheeling, it reduced air-filled pore space and air permeability at 18-22 cm. On the silty clay loam, the use of a heavy tractor did not increase bulk density, but it reduced air-filled pore space throughout the topsoil. In-furrow wheeling reduced air-filled pore space in this soil also, compared to on-land wheeling. Penetration resistance was in this soil always greater at 15-25 cm depth after shallow than after deep ploughing, especially with in-furrow rather than on-land wheeling. Shallow ploughing led on both soils to marked increases in perennial weed biomass compared to deep ploughing. Earthworms were hardly affected by the treatments, but in the loam in 2006 a higher number of individuals were found where the light rather than the heavy tractor had been used. Few significant treatment effects were found on grain yield and quality. Deep ploughing with a light tractor gave the highest wheat yield and protein content in 2 years on the loam soil, and on the silty clay loam the yield of conventionally fertilized barley was higher after deep than after shallow ploughing. In summary, limited evidence was found to support the use of on-land rather than in-furrow wheeling when ploughing is performed at favourable soil moisture and with tractor weights < 5 Mg. There is, however, reason to be wary of using heavy tractors (> 5 Mg), even under such conditions. With regard to ploughing depth in organic rotations dominated by cereals, the need to combat perennial weeds by deep ploughing weighs probably more heavily than any possible beneficial effect of shallow ploughing on stimulating nutrient turnover. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



Redusert jordarbeiding til høstkorn gir ofte like bra avling som pløying. Avlingsnedgang kan imidlertid forekomme. Avhengig av forutsetninger kan man akseptere en avlingsnedgang på 5-10%, fordi etableringskostnaden ved redusert jordarbeiding er lavere enn ved pløying. Kritiske faktorer er halmbehandling og ugrasbekjempelse. Dersom dette gjøres riktig, vil etableringen lykkes. Vanligvis vil da avlingen bli like bra som ved pløying. Av og til kan man imidlertid se avlingsnedgang selv om etableringen har gått bra. Jordstruktur eller sterkere soppangrep er da de sannsynlige årsakene.


Use of mineral NPK fertilizer and animal manure has been compared since 1922 in two trials on morainic loam soil at a former research station, Møystad, near Hamar, southeast Norway. Yield results for the period 1983-2003 were reported recently (Riley 2007). During this time cattle manure at rates of 20, 40 and 60 Mg ha-1 yr-1 gave 81%, 87% and 90%, respectively, of the yields obtained using 100 kg N ha-1 yr-1 and adequate P and K supply, in mineral fertilizer. Approximate balance between the supply and takeoff of N, P and K was achieved at the lowest manure rate, but higher manure rates resulted in large surpluses of all three nutrients. In order to study possible residual effects, no manure has been applied from 2004 to 2007, and mineral fertilizer has been withheld from one of the NPK treatments in each trial. The residual effects are evaluated in relation to both control plots that have not been fertilized since before 1922 and plots that have received 100 kg N, 25 kg P and 120 kg K ha-1 yr-1. Cropping in these four years was 2nd-4th year timothy/meadow fescue ley followed by oats. No residual effects of the mineral fertilizer treatments were found. Previous use of manure, on the other hand, has given large residual effects, with only a slight decline over the four years. These responses in relation to the use of mineral fertilizer and the residual supply of N, P and K from manure, estimated from its uptake in crops, will be presented at the seminar.


The production of fresh vegetables within Europe relies on intensive rotations, supported by large inputs of nitrogen from fertiliser and organic sources which is required to maintain the yield and quality of produce demanded by the multiple retailers and their customers. Most field vegetable crops use nitrogen inefficiently and often leave large residues of nitrogen (either as unused fertiliser or crop debris) in the soil after harvest, which can potentially cause damage to soil, water and aerial environments. Funding from the EU Commission has enabled the development of a new computer model, EU-Rotate_N, which can be used to investigate the fate of nitrogen supplied to rotations of field vegetable crops. EU-Rotate_N was used to examine the effects of applying existing codes of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) on the economic and environmental performance of several case study rotations in Europe. In some cases, following GAP, led to significant reductions in N losses without affecting the farmer"s gross margin but in others reduced gross margin without reducing N losses significantly. This paper will briefly describe the development of the model and will present the results of several case studies to show the effects of applying GAP on the performance of horticultural rotations.