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This paper presents peer-reviewed studies comparing the content of deoxynivalenol (DON), HT-2+T-2 toxins, zearalenone (ZEA), nivalenol (NIV), ochratoxin A (OTA) and fumonisins in cereal grains, and patulin (PAT) in apple and apple-based products, produced in organically and conventionally grown crops in temperate regions. Some of the studies are based on data from controlled field trials, however, most are farm surveys and some are food basket surveys. Almost half of the studies focused on DON in cereals. The majority of these studies found no significant difference in DON content in grain from the two farming systems, but several studies showed lower DON content in organically than in conventionally produced cereals. A number of the investigations reported low DON levels in grain, far below the EU limits for food. Many authors suggested that weather conditions, years, locations, tillage practice and crop rotation are more important for the development of DON than the type of farming. Organically produced oats contained mainly lower levels of HT-2+T-2 toxins than conventionally produced oats. Most studies on ZEA reported no differences between farming systems, or lower concentrations in organically produced grain. For the other mycotoxins in cereals, mainly low levels and no differences between the two farming systems were reported. Some studies showed higher PAT contamination in organically than in conventionally produced apple and apple products. The difference may be due to more efficient disease control in conventional orchards. It cannot be concluded that any of the two farming systems increases the risk of mycotoxin contamination. Despite no use of fungicides, an organic system appears generally able to maintain mycotoxin contamination at low levels. More systematic comparisons from scientifically controlled field trials and surveys are needed to clarify if there are differences in the risk of mycotoxin contamination between organically and conventionally produced crops.


Myr er ein viktig naturtype med eit særeige artsmangfald. Myrene er viktige for omregulering, og dei utgjer eit stort karbonlager. I Noreg er myrarealet 28 300 km2 og utgjer 9 % av landarealet. Dette viser tal frå prosjektet «Arealrekneskap for ut- mark» som no er presentert for heile landet. I tillegg til myr kjem 9 400 km2 anna forsumpa areal i form av sumpskog, som er 3 % av landarealet. Samla forsumpa areal utgjer da 12 %.

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El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar los métodos más efecientes para la extracción de las comunidades de nematodos presentes en suelos del agrupamiento Ferralíco. Se muestrearon las localidades de Güines y San José de las Lajas, en la provincia Mayabeque, Cuba. El área seleccionada de 1 ha de suelo, se dividió en estratos y de cada uno se tomaron 100 submuestras para conformar cuatro muestras por ha. La toma de muestras se realizó en zig-zag utilizando una barrena; se colocaron en una bolsa de polietileno y se trasladaron al laboratorio de Nematología Agrícola del Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (CENSA).Se utilizaron lastécnicas de Embudos de Baermann, Bandejas Whitehead modificadas (en ambas con filtros de leche y gasa), así como el método de las dos botellas y la técnica de centrifugación flotación. Se procesaron 5, 25, 50, 100, 150, 250 y 350 gramos de suelo, excepto en la técnica de Embudos Barmann, donde se utilizaron 5 y 25g. Los datos del número de especímenes extraídos por muestra se procesaron mediante Análisis de Componentes Principales. Los mayores recobrados se obtuvieron con los métodos de las Bandejas de Whitehead (con ambos filtros)(100g de suelo) y el método de Centrifugación-Flotación