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Increasing levels of Fusarium toxins, particularly deoxynivalenol (DON), T-2 /HT-2 and moniliformin, have been recorded in Norwegian cereals during the last few years. Previously F. avenaceum, F. culmorum, F. poae and F. tricinctum were the most common Fusarium species found on cereals in Norway. However, more recently F. graminearum has occurred more frequently, and the T-2/HT-2 toxin producing species F. langsethiae has also been detected, especially in oats. Investigations were made to clarify if there has been a change in the composition of Fusarium species. We are aiming to establish a three-step screening system in order to identify grain lots with high levels of Fusarium toxins: 1- Identify `high-risk" fields/lots, based on information on cultivation practice and climatic conditions, through the use of a FHB-prediction model. 2- Analyze the `high-risk" lots using a rapid test selected for its capacity to detect Fusarium toxins in a large number of grain samples at low cost. 3- Forward selected samples (based on analyses in step 2) for chemical mycotoxin analyses. Since 2004, we have run chemical mycotoxin analyses on grain samples from oat and spring wheat grown in Norway under different climatic conditions. Prediction models will be developed to estimate the risk of Fusarium infection and mycotoxin development in cereal fields, based on data for weather and cultivation practices. Preliminary results from using the prediction models will be presented.


The ascigerous stage (formation of perithecia with viable ascospores) of Colletotrichum acutatum was recently reported to occur on fruits of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) in Norway. When 113 isolates of C. acutatum from various plant species were cultured on strawberry leaf agar, nine developed perithecia with viable ascospores. Four isolates originated from apple (Malus domestica) and one each from sweet cherry (Prunus avium), raspberry (Rubus idaeus), highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum), hollyberry cotoneaster (Cotoneaster bullatus), and northern dock (Rumex longifolius). Except from blueberry, we never detected the ascigerous stage on decaying fruits or any other parts of the above mentioned plant species. On potato dextrose agar, colour of the underside of the cultures forming perithecia varied from light grey-green to dark grey-green or dark brown-green. Colour of the upperside varied greatly, being dark grey-green, grey-brown, grey, and beige-pink, and only two of the isolates were beige-pink (the raspberry and blueberry isolates). Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of the isolates using six primer combinations resulted in 103 clear polymorphic bands. A dendrogram was constructed, and based on cluster analysis using genetic similarity, the isolates could be divided into several clusters. Eight of nine perithecia-forming isolates grouped together in the dendrogram, indicating genetical difference from other isolates. This was also supported by Principal Coordinate (PCO) analysis.

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Økningen i barkbillebestandene siden 2002 fortsetter. Alle fylker unntatt ett viser oppgang i 2008; og noen fylker på Østlandet har nær en fordobling fra fjoråret. Økningen settes i sammenheng med de varme somrene, hvor spesielt fluktsesongen i 2008 har hatt gitt gode betingelser for barkbillebestandene. På Østlandet var fellefangstene flere steder så høye at masseangrep på stående skog kunne ha funnet sted om det samtidig hadde vært langvarig tørke og omfattende vindfellinger. I Trøndelag og Nordland, som aldri har hatt barkbilleutbrudd, har det vært en betydelig økning siden 2002. Bestandene er fortsatt for lave for masseutbrudd i denne landsdelen, men mulighetene for utbrudd øker om klimaendringer gir vesentlig høyere temperatur i fremtiden. Det anbefales å overvåke skogen for nye angrep og å vurdere om driftsapparatet er tilstrekkelig til å raskt få ut angrepne trær ved en eventuell masseformering av granbarkbillene i fremtiden.


The difficulty in subculturing biotrophic fungi complicates etiological studies related to the associated plant diseases. By employing internal transcribed spacer rDNA-targeted quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, we now show that the heteroecious rust Thekopsora areolata, commonly associated in natural conditions to sapling shoots and cones of Norway spruce and leaves of wild bird cherry, frequently infects nurserygrown seedlings of the conifer. A spatial sampling scheme was used to investigate seedlings and saplings of Norway spruce showing phloem necrosis: the highest concentration of DNA of T. areolata was recorded in the area with necrotic phloem. The separate analysis of bark and wood tissues suggested that the initial spread of the rust to healthy tissues neighboring the infection site takes place in the bark. A Phomopsis species found to coexist with T. areolata in several seedlings showed very high DNA levels in the upper part of the lesion, and even in the visually healthy proximal tissues above the lesions, which indicates that the ascomycete, most probably a secondary invader following primary infection by T. areolata, has a latent stage during early host colonization. We hypothesize that this hemibiotrophic mode of infection contributes to the successful coexistence of Phomopsis with a biotrophic rust.


I to veksthusforsøk ble hvete og havre sprayinokulert under blomstring med en enkelt eller en blanding av flere Fusarium arter. De artene som ble studert var F. graminearum, F. culmorum, F. avenaceum, F. poae og F. langsethiae. Vi studerte i hvilken grad samspillet mellom artene påvirket etableringen og veksten av Fusarium, og også hvilken effekt dette hadde på mykotoksinproduksjonen.