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The European pine sawfly Neodiprion sertifer is a widely distributed defoliator of pines that can cause substantial growth losses over extensive areas. It attacks most species of twoneedle pines in its distribution area, and have occasional short-lived outbreaks that may cover up to 200.000 ha. In Norway we have had outbreak populations in the eastern part of the country since 2004, and in an ongoing research project we are evaluating aerial application of the Neodiprion sertifer nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NsNPV) to control Neodiprion sertifer....


In 1996, a survey on cavity spot started in Norway. Among the Pythium species isolated from the lesions a pathogenic Pythium was found that could not be identified neither by morphological nor by molecular methods (ITS sequencing). This Pythium sp. was repeatedly detected using specific primers developed for this propose and in many cases isolated from cavity spots lesions. The isolates from the new species do not produce zoospores. Oogonia are smooth walled and mostly intercalary with an average size about 20µm. Oospores are aplerotic with an average diameter approximately 17 µm and wall less then 2 µm thick. Antheridia are mostly monoclinous with a sort stalk or sessil, but diclinous antheridia are also common. The modal number of antheridia per oogonium is one or two. Some differences are observed between the isolates studied. Some isolates have a daily growth rate of ca 23 mm on PCA at 25 °C while others have a growth rate around 28 mm. The isolates that grow slower have a tendency to produce one antheridium per oogonium while the isolates with higher growth rates normally produce two. These two groups could also be differentiated based on their ITS sequences which showed 97.8% identity in the 955 base pair rDNA fragment. By using the developed PCR primers it is possible to detect isolates that do not produce the sexual stage in single cultures. These isolates have the same ITS sequence and a similar growth rate and pattern than the fast growing fertile ones.


På seinsommaren 2008 vart bladskimmel for første gong påvist i lisespringfrø (Impatiens walleriana) i Noreg. Sjukdomen fører til misvekst, bladgulning, knopp og bladfall. Store angrep er registrert i Oslo og Bergen. Mikroskop-studium og molekylære analysar tilseier at det er arten Plasmopara obducens som har gitt skaden


Fusarium foetens ble for første gang påvist i Norge i 2002 i Begonia x hiemalis. Deretter er betydlige angrep registrert i hiemalisbegonia, i den nye vertsplanten Begonia cheimanta (juleglede) og i den nye kultivaren Betulia. Utgang på mer enn 50% er observert i alle de tre vertsplantene i ulike gartneri. For identifikasjon av F. foetens ble det brukt real-time PCR basert på (mtSSU)rDNA.


In November 2002, P.ramorum was detected for the first time in Norway (1). It was isolated from Rhododendron catawbiense imported earlier the same year. After the first detection the Norwegian Food Safety Authority has carried out surveys from 2003 to 2006. The surveys were first directed to nurseries and garden centres. Most of the positive findings were on Rhododendron spp., but one sample of Pieris japonica, one of Kalmia sp., one of Syringa sp. and one of Viburnum sp. were also positive. In 2005 and 2006, P. ramorum was isolated from well-established viburnum and rhododendron plants in private gardens, parks and public greens. Infections were detected on well-established plants from 9 different outdoor sites. While the positive samples from nurseries were spread over the country, the positives found on well-established plants were concentrated in and around the cities of Bergen and Stavanger on the southwestern coast of Norway. This part of the country has cool summers, mild winters and more than 2000 mm of annual precipitation. In 2006, P. ramorum was found in private gardens in the eastern part of the country on young recently introduced plants. P. ramorum was found in 12 import shipments, mainly on rhododendron, but also on a viburnum sample.


I 2007 ble Phytophthora ramorum påvist i planteprøver fra 35 lokaliteter i Norge. Av disse var 16 planteskoler, 7 hagesentre, 10 parker og 1 private hage. I tillegg ble patogenet påvist i 22 importsendinger. Påvisningene i planteskoler og hagesetre ble hovedsakelig gjort på rododendron, men det ble gjort en påvisnig på Pieris sp. i et hagesenter. I parker og private hager ble P.ramorum påvist på rododendron i Bergen, Stavanger, Hvitsten (Akershus) og Kvanne (Møre og Romsdal), samt på Pieris sp. i Ørsta (Møre og Romsdal). Skadene observert i Bergensområde i 2007 er de mest omfattende observert siden kartleggingen begynte i 2004. En undersøkelse gjennomført i en infisert park i Bergen viser at P. ramorum kan overvintre i jord, og infisere friske planter neste år. En undersøkelse gjennomført i en planteskole viste av bladavfall kan være en smittekilde for P. ramorum