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The morphological ontogeny of Nanhermannia sellnicki Forsslund, 1958 is described and illustrated. In all juvenile stages the bothridial seta is minute, and two pairs of exobothridial setae are present (exa reduced to its alveolus, exp short). In the larva, the seta f1 is setiform but in the nymphs it is unobservable among cuticular tubercles. Most prodorsal and gastronotal setae of the larva are short while thouse of nymphs are long; seta in and all gastronotal and adanal setae are inserted in small individual depressions. In all instars the leg segments are oval in cross section and relatively thick, and most setae on tarsi are relatively short, thick or conical. The seta d accompanies solenidion σ on all genua, φ1 on tibia I and φ on other tibiae.

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The morphological ontogeny of Zachvatkinibates svanhovdi A. Seniczak & S. Seniczak, 2023 is described and illustrated. The juveniles of this species are light brown with slightly darker colour on the prodorsum, gastronotal shield, surrounding of gla opening, and legs. The larva has 12 pairs of gastronotal setae, most are of medium size and barbed; the nymphs have 15 pairs, most are short and smooth. In all juveniles, the setae of c-series are inserted on unsclerotized integument. In the larva, the pygidial shield is absent but, in the nymphs, the gastronotal shield is present and the setae p2 and p3 are inserted on unsclerotized integument. In the larva, a humeral organ is absent but is present in the nymphs.


Tap av organisk materiale, jordpakking og erosjon truer jordhelsa på kornareal. Problemer med dette vil antagelig øke i et våtere klima og medføre store kostnader for både gårdbrukere og samfunn. Fremover må vi passe på å stabilisere erosjonsutsatt jordoverflate og sikre en god infiltrasjon av nedbør. På kornareal er lav årlig tilførsel av karbon en begrensende faktor for aggregering og stabilisering, men dette kan forbedres ved å beholde halmen på jordet eller bruke en tilpasset fangvekststrategi. En bør trolig skjevfordele tilført organisk materiale mer mot jordas overflate og dermed stimulere mikrobiell aktivitet i jordas toppsjikt. Da må en minimere jordarbeidingsintensiteten. Slik redusert jordarbeiding fører også til utvikling av et kontinuerlig poresystem nedover i profilet som kan øke infiltrasjonen etter kraftige nedbørsepisoder og dermed bidra til å dempe flomtopper. Store mengder plantemateriale ved jordoverflaten gir imidlertid også noen utfordringer. Det trengs økt kunnskap om ugrasbekjempelse, spesielt i et scenario der glyfosat blir forbudt. Minimal jordarbeiding med planterester på jordoverflaten kan også øke angrep av sopp. Integrerte plantevernstrategier bør identifisere arter og sorter av matplanter og fangvekster som kan bidra til å begrense forekomst av patogener i jord og halmrester. Bedre jordhelse på kornareal er en tverrfaglig utfordring og krever en varig endring av dagens dyrkingspraksis.


Vi har kartlagt arbeidskraftbehovet til grøntprodusenter i Norge gjennom intervju og gjennom en spørreundersøkelse som ble utført i mars 2022. Målsettingen har vært å undersøke hvordan arbeidskraftbehovet til grøntsektoren kan sikres. Spørreundersøkelsen ble gjennomført i etterkant av to år med innreisebegrensninger under covid19-pandemien. Konsekvenser av covid19-pandemien (2020/2021) er derfor også kartlagt i spørreundersøkelsen.

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Introduction: Conventional rice production techniques are less economical and more vulnerable to sustainable utilization of farm resources as well as significantly contributed GHGs to atmosphere. Methods: In order to assess the best rice production system for coastal areas, six rice production techniques were evaluated, including SRI-AWD (system of rice intensification with alternate wetting and drying (AWD)), DSR-CF (direct seeded rice with continuous flooding (CF)), DSR-AWD (direct seeded rice with AWD), TPR-CF (transplanted rice with CF), TPR-AWD (transplanted rice with AWD), and FPR-CF (farmer practice with CF). The performance of these technologies was assessed using indicators such as rice productivity, energy balance, GWP (global warming potential), soil health indicators, and profitability. Finally, using these indicators, a climate smartness index (CSI) was calculated. Results and discussion: Rice grown with SRI-AWD method had 54.8 % higher CSI over FPR-CF, and also give 24.5 to 28.3% higher CSI for DSR and TPR as well. There evaluations based on the climate smartness index can provide cleaner and more sustainable rice production and can be used as guiding principle for policy makers.

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The Saimaa ringed seal (Pusa hispida saimensis) is endemic to Lake Saimaa in Finland. The subspecies is thought to have originated when parts of the ringed seal population of the Baltic region were trapped in lakes emerging due to postglacial bedrock rebound around 9000 years ago. During the 20th century, the population experienced a drastic human-induced bottleneck. Today encompassing a little over 400 seals with extremely low genetic diversity, it is classified as endangered. We sequenced sections of the mitochondrial control region from 60 up to 125-years-old museum specimens of the Saimaa ringed seal. The generated dataset was combined with publicly available sequences. We studied how genetic variation has changed through time in this subspecies and how it is phylogenetically related to other ringed seal populations from the Baltic Sea, Lake Ladoga, North America, Svalbard, and the White Sea. We observed temporal fluctuations in haplotype frequencies and loss of haplotypes accompanied by a recent reduction in female effective population size. In apparent contrast with the traditionally held view of the Baltic origin of the population, the Saimaa ringed seal mtDNA variation also shows affinities to North American ringed seals. Our results suggest that the Saimaa ringed seal has experienced recent genetic drift associated with small population size. The results further suggest that extant Baltic ringed seal is not representative of the ancestral population of the Saimaa ringed seal, which calls for re-evaluation of the deep history of this subspecies.