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Under the subheadings "Establishment rate", "Disease occurrence", "Nutrient and pesticide leaching" and "The aging green",  this oral presentation summarized results from an experiment in the lysimter facility at Landvik from 2003 till 2006, exploring Shagnum peat, garden compost or biosolid compost as amendments to sand-based USGA-greens.


Organic Cow Comfort is an advisory tool in animal welfare, developed to secure animal welfare on organic dairy farms in Norway. The farm advisory tool consists of * A farm visit by a veterinarian and a production advisor both specialized in animal welfare and organic farming * An evaluation of herd health and welfare through welfare assessment * Advice on disease prevention and improve-ment of animal welfare * Follow up visit by an advisor looking at im-plementation of new initiatives * Counselling meetings with groups of farmer The evaluation of herd health and welfare is done with the help of checklists where animal based pa-rameters, farm management and operating systems, and human-animal relationship are recorded. A report is prepared after every farm visit with a health and welfare plan where specific measures for improve-ment of animal welfare are outlined.

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Organic Eprints er en internasjonal database hvor forskning innen økologisk landbruk og økologiske matvaresystemer gjøres synlig og søkbart. Søk etter artikler, prosjekter, program og forskningsinstitutt. Legg inn egne publikasjoner og forskningsprosjekt. Finn forsknings-kontakter, pågående forskning og forskningsresultat. Nettsida er: www.orgprints.org.


Foredraget gir de viktigste resultater fra et prosjekt med tilførsel av organiske gjødseltyper og biostimulanter til golfgreener på Bioforsk Landvik og Apelsvoll, samt et fotballfelt på Særheim.  Det konkluderes med at ingen av de prøvde produktene kan erstatte mineralgjødsel, men enkelte av produktene kan fungere som supplement i perioder da graset er stresset.


A system for winter greenhouse production of strawberries was developed in Norway. Plants of the June-bearing cultivar `Korona" were artificially induced to flower with short-day (SD) treatments. Plants were induced to flower three times: in July, in September and in December, and were harvested from November to June. Three-week old strawberry plants exposed to fourteen 12-hour SD cycles in May, were compared to non-treated plants (control) and large, cold-stored tray-plants. Photoperiod preconditioned plants produced significantly more branch crowns than control plants, but less than cold-stored tray-plants. Preconditioned plants produced more fruits than control plants, but the difference was not significant. Cold stored tray-plants had the highest total yield. Large multiple-crown, cold-stored tray-plants are of variable quality and expensive in Norway. Photoperiodic preconditioning is potentially useful for increasing strawberry productivity and therefore the profitability of a winter greenhouse production system.


Climatic zones in Europe range from semi-arid in the Mediterranean basin to polar and so intensity of seasonality in forage production differs widely, influenced mainly by temperature and soil moisture. Management systems which overcome seasonal limitations vary. Forage may be conserved at times of excess supply, whether of grass or crops, for feeding stock in times of undersupply, principally as silage and hay. Seasonal forage growth curves can be manipulated by the use of fertilizer (mainly nitrogen), by irrigation, by selection of appropriate species and varieties, including development of secondary grasses and legumes, and by grazing management. Alternative forages or feeds such as maize, cereals, brassicas, a range of crop byproducts, and fodder trees and shrubs (in some regions) are valuable complements to grassland forage. Management systems including adjustment of stocking rates to reflect more closely grass growth and forage supply and their efficient integration, or changing stock reproduction cycles contribute to overcoming seasonality. The additional constraint of minimizing adverse environmental impact in any strategy to overcome seasonality is acknowledged and some possible means of utilizing the feed resources to minimize nitrogen and phosphorus losses are considered. It is concluded that while decision support systems are useful in aiding farmers to make decisions to deal with seasonality problems, more information is required on the true costs of producing grassland forage and complementary feed alternatives to ensure options can be intelligently chosen.


Kontraktarealet av konvensjonelt og økologisk dyrka frø meldt inn til høsting i 2005 var totalt 33922 daa, som er en økning på 32% sammenlignet med tilsvarende areal i 2004. Størst var økningen for engsvingel (85%), men også for rødkløver, timotei og engrapp var økningen betydelig (20-56%). For engsvingel må det legges til at arealet i 2004 var det laveste på mange år. Timotei la beslag på 57% av det totale frøavlsarealet, og er fortsatt den dominerende arten innen norsk frøavl. Totalt ble det avlet frø av til sammen 30 sorter av 15 ulike gras- og kløverarter i 2005. Det ble i 2005 høsta 57 frøavlsforsøk, noe som er en nedgang på om lag 10% sammenlignet med foregående år. Nedgangen skyldes først og fremst mindre forsøksaktivitet innenfor økologiske frøavl