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Vi studerer to sykdommer forårsaket av Phytophthora, rotstokkråte i jordbær (P. cactorum) og rød rotråte i bringebær (P. fragariae var. rubi (Pfr)). Bringebær og jordbær sorter varierer i resistens, men de fleste kommersielle kultivarene er mottakelige for disse to sykdommene. En universell merkemetode ble brukt for å gjøre markøranalyse for å identifisere genetiske markører koblet til resistens. For bringebær er populasjonen brukt for kartlegging avkommene fra en krysning mellom resistent Asker og mottakelig Glen Moy. Resistensen til 200 avkom har blitt testet under kontrollerte betingelser med smitting i vannkultur. Tretti dager etter inokulering med mycel av Pfr ble grad av symptom registrert. Kommersielt dyrket jordbær er en svært heterozygot oktoploid. Vi bruker derfor diploid villjordbær som en modellplante. Bioforsk har en samling av diploide jordbærgenotyper fra ulike steder i Norge. Totalt har 68 genotyper blitt testet for deres resistens mot P. cactorum. Ulik grad av resistens har blitt observert. Mottakelige så vel som svært resistente aksesjoner har blitt identifisert. Basert på disse resultatene vil genotyper bli valgt for å lage en segregerende populasjon fra en resistent x mottagelig krysning for å studere nedarvingen av P. cactorum resistensen.


Vi studerer to sykdommer forårsaket av Phytophthora, rotstokkråte i jordbær (P. cactorum) og rød rotråte i bringebær (P. fragariae var. rubi (Pfr)). Bringebær og jordbær sorter varierer i resistens, men de fleste kommersielle kultivarene er mottakelige for disse to sykdommene. En universell merkemetode ble brukt for å gjøre markøranalyse for å identifisere genetiske markører koblet til resistens. For bringebær er populasjonen brukt for kartlegging avkommene fra en krysning mellom resistent Asker og mottakelig Glen Moy. Resistensen til 200 avkom har blitt testet under kontrollerte betingelser med smitting i vannkultur. Tretti dager etter inokulering med mycel av Pfr ble grad av symptom registrert. Kommersielt dyrket jordbær er en svært heterozygot oktoploid. Vi bruker derfor diploid villjordbær som en modellplante. Bioforsk har en samling av diploide jordbærgenotyper fra ulike steder i Norge. Totalt har 68 genotyper blitt testet for deres resistens mot P. cactorum. Ulik grad av resistens har blitt observert. Mottakelige så vel som svært resistente aksesjoner har blitt identifisert. Basert på disse resultatene vil genotyper bli valgt for å lage en segregerende populasjon fra en resistent x mottagelig krysning for å studere nedarvingen av P. cactorum resistensen.


Combined bark beetle-fungus attacks are a key factor in conifer ecosystems in the Northern Hemisphere, where they regularly cause massive tree mortality. Central to the success of the bark beetle-fungus complex is the fact that bark beetles are among the few insects that are capable of breaching the potent anatomical and chemical defenses of healthy tree stems.....


I British Columbia, Canada er de midt oppe i tidenes største barkbilleutbrudd. Til nå er om lag 135.000 km2 furuskog angrepet, og volumet drepte trær utgjør flere hundre millioner kubikkmeter. Hvis angrepet fortsetter å vokse med samme fart som det har utviklet seg de siste årene vil halvparten av det hogstmodne arealet av kontortafuru i British Columbia være drept innen utgangen av 2008, og innen utgangen av 2013 vil 80 prosent være borte. Billene har i løpet av de siste årene også spredt seg nordover og østover i Canada, og truer nå store furuområder som aldri tidligere har vært utsatt for angrep. Kombinasjonen av et gunstigere klima og en kraftig økning i mattilgangen har skapt nærmest ideelle forhold for barkbillene i Canada, og er årsaken til at det pågående utbruddet er mer omfattende enn noen tidligere utbrudd. Utbruddets enorme geografiske omfang og den høye tredødeligheten gjør at angrepet endrer hele økosystemer, og de økologiske og økonomiske ettervirkningene av angrepet vil være merkbare i flere tiår fremover.


Tree-killing bark beetles conquer healthy trees by means of pheromone mediated mass-attacks. The initial attackers select trees through a process of random landing and processing of tactile and short-range chemical stimuli. Inside acceptable hosts they produce aggregation pheromones that attract additional attackers. In a recent field experiment we induced defense responses in 60-year-old Norway spruce trees and monitored colonization by the spruce bark beetle Ips typographus. Induced stem sections had significantly less beetle colonization than control sections, with shorter parental galleries and fewer eggs deposited. In addition, fewer beetles were attracted to beetles tunnelling in induced bark. This reduced ability to attract conspecifics suggests that induced host defenses interfere with beetle pheromone production or emission. The mechanisms responsible for this are unknown, but may involve emission of volatile terpenes such as (E)-b-farnesene and linalool, which have been shown to increase up to 100-fold in induced Norway spruce trees. These compounds have been reported to attract natural enemies of herbivores or repel herbivores directly in other conifer-insect interactions.


Seed production in Norway spruce (Picea abies) seed orchards may be severely reduced by insects attacking cones and seeds. Insects in several orders and genera are responsible for the damage, and at present there are no effective and environmentally acceptable control options. Studies in Sweden have shown promising results with spraying Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki x aizawai) against species of Lepidoptera, but for other pests other control methods must be developed....

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Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is the fifth most important crop in the developing countries after rice, wheat, maize and cassava. The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) method was used to study the genetic diversity and relationships of sweet potato accessions in the germplasm collection of Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro and Sugarcane Research Institute, Kibaha, Tanzania. AFLP analysis of 97 sweet potato accessions using ten primer combinations gave a total of 202 clear polymorphic bands. Each one of the 97 sweet potato accessions could be distinguished based on these primer combinations. Estimates of genetic similarities were obtained by the Dice coefficient, and a final dendrogram was constructed with the un-weight pair-group method using arithmetic average. AFLP-based genetic similarity varied from 0.388 to 0.941, with a mean of 0.709. Cluster analysis using genetic similarity divided the accessions into two main groups suggesting that there are genetic relationships among the accessions. Principal Coordinate analysis confirmed the pattern of the cluster analysis. Analysis of molecular variance revealed greater variation within regions (96.19%) than among regions (3.81%). The results from the AFLP analysis revealed a relatively low genetic diversity among the germplasm accessions and the genetic distances between regions were low. A maximally diverse subset of 13 accessions capturing 97% of the molecular markers diversity was identified. We were able to detect duplicates accessions in the germplasm collection using the highly polymorphic markers obtained by AFLP, which were found to be an efficient tool to characterize the genetic diversity and relationships of sweet potato accessions in the germplasm collection in Tanzania.

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Many bacteria produce antimicrobial substances such as nonribosomally synthesized antibiotics and ribosomally synthesized proteinaceous compounds referred to as bacteriocins. Secretion of antimicrobials is generally thought to contribute to the competitiveness of the producing organism, but there are indications that these compounds in some cases may have regulatory roles too. Bacteriocins most often act on closely related species only and are thus of interest for application as targeted narrow-spectrum antimicrobials with few side effects. Although the application of bacteriocins in plant disease control is an attractive option, very little is known about the occurrence and roles of these compounds in plant pathogenic bacteria and their natural competitors occurring in the same biotopes. This study presents an overview of current knowledge of bacteriocins from plant pathogenic bacteria.

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The Gram-positive bacterium Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus is the causal agent of bacterial wilt and ring rot of potato. So far, only two proteins have been shown to be essential for virulence, namely a plasmid-encoded cellulase CelA and a hypersensitive response-inducing protein. We have examined the relative expression of CelA and eight putative virulence factors during infection of potato and in liquid culture, using quantitative real-time PCR. The examined putative virulence genes were celB, a cellulase-encoding gene and genes encoding a pectate lyase, a xylanase and five homologues of the Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis pathogenicity factor Pat-1 thought to encode a serine protease. Six of the nine assayed genes were up-regulated during infection of potato, including celA, celB, the xylanase gene, and two of the pat genes. The pectate lyase gene showed only slightly elevated expression, whereas three of the five examined pat genes were down-regulated during infection in potato. Interestingly, the two up-regulated pat genes showed a noticeable sequence difference compared to the three down-regulated pat genes. These results reveal several new proteins that are likely to be involved in Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus pathogenicity.