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The aim of this chapter is to summarize dietary measures to mitigate methane at animal level. The chapter briefly summarizes methane measurement techniques. The focus is on the mitigation potential studied in vivo, but when such data were not available, in vitro measurements were included. The chapter covers main dietary ingredients such as forage quality, inclusion of concentrate, grazing management and inclusion of primary (e.g. lipids) and secondary (e.g. tannins) plant compounds as well as chemical inhibitors (e.g. 3-NOP) to the diet. This chapter can be used as a guidance on what to use, at which concentrations in the diets levels (farmers) and how to quantify the effect (researchers).

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Boken har kommet ut på Fagbokforlaget og presenterer forbildeenger i ulike regioner. Den gir også råd om hvilke arter som bør velges hvor, hvordan man best etablere en blomstereng og hvordan den skal skjøttes.