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Grønnsaker har hatt en økende omsetning senere år, men kålvekster har ikke hatt samme økning. Prosjektets kompetanseløft skal bidra til økt verdiskaping av norske kålvekster gjennom å etablere og å formidle kunnskap om variasjoner i smaks-, lukt-, og helserelatert kvalitet hos hodekål, blomkål og ulike typer bladkål. Det ble gjennomført feltforsøk med både velkjente og uprøvde kålsorter, og sorter med ulike egenskaper og mulige bruksområder. Det ble funnet store variasjoner i sensoriske egenskaper og helserelaterte innholdsstoffer for hodekål- og bladkål-sortene, mens de hvite blomkålsortene hadde relativt like egenskaper. Spesielt innen hodekål og bladkål var det sorter som spente fra milde til smaksintense, og fra lite til mye aromastoffer. Innholdet av helserelaterte innholdsstoffer var generelt høyere i de smaksintense sortene. Anbefalingen fra prosjektet er å utnytte sortsmangfoldet til økt produktdifferensiering i markedet gjennom å tilby ulike typer og sorter kålvekster til ulike bruksområder. Et større produktmangfold kan gi økt forbruk og verdiskaping for norskdyrket kål. Rapporten ble tilgjengelig for prosjektdeltakere mars 2021 og publiseres som åpen rapport juni 2024 (del 1 og 2).

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Grønnsaker har hatt en økende omsetning senere år, men kålvekster har ikke hatt samme økning. Prosjektets kompetanseløft skal bidra til økt verdiskaping av norske kålvekster gjennom å etablere og å formidle kunnskap om variasjoner i smaks-, lukt-, og helserelatert kvalitet hos hodekål, blomkål og ulike typer bladkål. Det ble gjennomført feltforsøk med både velkjente og uprøvde kålsorter, og sorter med ulike egenskaper og mulige bruksområder. Det ble funnet store variasjoner i sensoriske egenskaper og helserelaterte innholdsstoffer for hodekål- og bladkål-sortene, mens de hvite blomkålsortene hadde relativt like egenskaper. Spesielt innen hodekål og bladkål var det sorter som spente fra milde til smaksintense, og fra lite til mye aromastoffer. Innholdet av helserelaterte innholdsstoffer var generelt høyere i de smaksintense sortene. Anbefalingen fra prosjektet er å utnytte sortsmangfoldet til økt produktdifferensiering i markedet gjennom å tilby ulike typer og sorter kålvekster til ulike bruksområder. Et større produktmangfold kan gi økt forbruk og verdiskaping for norskdyrket kål. Rapporten ble tilgjengelig for prosjektdeltakere mars 2021 og publiseres som åpen rapport juni 2024 (del 1 og 2).

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Biosynthesis of phytochemicals in leaves of Brassica can be initiated by abiotic factors. The aim of the study was to investigate elicitor treatments to add value to waste of cabbage. A leaf waste fraction from industrial trimming of head cabbage was exposed to UV radiation (250–400 nm, 59 and 99 kJ∙m−2, respectively), photosynthetic active radiation (PAR, 400–700 nm, 497 kJ∙m−2), and ultrasound in water bath (35 kHz, at 15, 30 and 61 kJ∙l−1 water), in order to improve nutraceutical concentration. UV was more effective than PAR to increase the level of flavonols (2 to 3-fold higher) and hydroxycinnamate monosaccharides (1 to 10-fold higher). PAR was three times as effective as UV to increase anthocyanins. Interaction of PAR + UV increased antioxidant activity (30%), the content of five phenolics (1.4 to 10-fold higher), and hydroxycinnamic monosaccharides (compared with PAR or UV alone). Indoles were reduced (40–52%) by UV, but the other glucosinolates (GLS) were unaffected. Ultrasound did not influence any parameters. The results are important for white cabbage by-products by demonstrating that UV + PAR can be successfully used as an effectual tool to increase important phenolics and antioxidant activity of waste fraction leaves without an adverse effect on the main GLS.


Klimaendringer er i Norge ventet å gi en lenger vekstsesong, men også mer ekstremvær med tørke og store nedbørsmengder. Dette påvirker planteproduksjonen og gir behov for tilpasninger. Dette faktaarket omhandler strategier for klimatilpasning for potetdyrking på indre Østlandet.


Increased interest in plant-based food in Norway is creating a demand for more locally produced raw material. In addition, the feed industry has the goal to reduce its dependency on imported protein and use more nationally produced plant proteins. In a preliminary research project funded by the Research funding for the Agriculture and the Food industry (FFL/JA) we are investigating the potential for cultivating quinoa, buckwheat, lentils, chickpea, lupin and soya in Southern Norway. While some of these crops have been grown on a very small scale, we lack knowledge about cultivation under Norwegian conditions. These six crops can be cultivated with the same equipment as cereals; thus, they represent interesting candidates to be included in a cereal rotation. Two fields were established in Agder and Innlandet in spring 2021. Two cultivars of each crop, selected for their earliness, were sowed at two different sowing dates between 24th April and 21st May. Soya was sown only once. Pesticides and herbicides were not applied in the trials. Growth stages were recorded every week. A demonstration field was sown in Vestfold with one sowing date per crop between 23rd April and 1st June. All of the crops were harvested between 25th August and 4th November in Agder. The trial in Innlandet was harvested between 15th September and 27th October. However, chickpeas and one cultivar of soya were not ripe in November and were not harvested. The field in Vestfold was harvested between 1st September and 2nd December (after swathing for the latest). Weeds and length of the growing season were the two main challenging parameters impacting yields in 2021. Quinoa was most affected by weeds while chickpeas and soya could not be harvested in all three locations. Both lentils, buckwheat and lupin showed a potential in the three regions in 2021, while soya could be a candidate in the most southern area. Similar field trials are repeated in 2022.

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Fava bean (Vicia faba L.) yields are featured by high variability, influenced by the agro-environmental conditions during the growing seasons. These legume crops are sensitive to hydric and heat stresses. The adaptation depends on the efficiency of specific cultivars to use the available resources to produce biomass. This capacity is determined by the genotype and agronomical management practices. The present work aimed to uncover the influence of Baltic agro-environmental conditions (fava bean cultivar, plant density, climate, and soil features) on yield and protein content. For this, field trials were set under Baltic agro-climatic conditions, in Latvia and Estonia with five commercially available fava bean cultivars, representing broad genetic variation (‘Gloria’, ‘Julia’, ‘Jogeva’, ‘Lielplatones’, and ‘Bauska’). The results evidenced ‘Bauska’, ‘Julia’, and ‘Lielplatones’, as the most productive cultivars in terms of seed yield (4.5, 3.7, and 4.6 t ha−1, respectively) and protein yield (1.39, 1.22, and 1.36 t ha−1, respectively) under Estonian and Latvian agro-climatic conditions. Sowing these specific cultivars at densities of 30–40 seeds m−2 constitutes sustainable management for fava bean production in conventional cropping systems in the Baltic region.

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In the Arctic part of the Nordic region, cultivated crops need to specifically adapt to adverse and extreme climate conditions, such as low temperatures, long days, and a short growing season. Under the projected climate change scenarios, higher temperatures and an earlier spring thaw will gradually allow the cultivation of plants that could not be previously cultivated there. For millennia, Pea (Pisum sativum L.) has been a major cultivated protein plant in Nordic countries but is currently limited to the southern parts of the region. However, response and adaptation to the Arctic day length/light spectrum and temperatures are essential for the productivity of the pea germplasm and need to be better understood. This study investigated these factors and identified suitable pea genetic resources for future cultivation and breeding in the Arctic region. Fifty gene bank accessions of peas with a Nordic landrace or cultivar origin were evaluated in 2-year field trials at four Nordic locations in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Norway (55° to 69° N). The contrasting environmental conditions of the trial sites revealed differences in expression of phenological, morphological, crop productivity, and quality traits in the accessions. The data showed that light conditions related to a very long photoperiod partly compensated for the lack of accumulated temperature in the far north. A critical factor for cultivation in the Arctic is the use of cultivars with rapid flowering and maturation times combined with early sowing. At the most extreme site (69°N), no accession reached full maturation. Nonetheless several accessions, predominantly landraces of a northern origin, reached a green harvest state. All the cultivars reached full maturation at the sub-Arctic latitude in northern Sweden (63°N) when plants were established early in the season. Seed yield correlated positively with seed number and aboveground biomass, but negatively with flowering time. A high yield potential and protein concentration of dry seed were found in many garden types of pea, confirming their breeding potential for yield. Overall, the results indicated that pea genetic resources are available for breeding or immediate cultivation, thus aiding in the northward expansion of pea cultivation. Predicted climate changes would support this expansion.


Orientering om prosjektet "Nye arter for kornområdene", muligheter og utfordringer ved å ta inn nye proteinrike arter i vekstskifte med korn, og situasjonen for produksjonen av planteprotein i Norge i dag. Visning av forsøksfelt med quinoa, bokhvete, linser, kikerter, søtlupin og soya.

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The biosynthesis of polyphenolic compounds in cabbage waste, outer green leaves of white head cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata subvar. alba), was stimulated by postharvest irradiation with UVB lamps or sunlight. Both treatments boosted the content of kaempferol and quercetin glycosides, especially in the basal leaf zone, as determined by the HPLC analysis of leaf extracts and by a non-destructive optical sensor. The destructive analysis of samples irradiated by the sun for 6 days at the end of October 2015 in Skierniewice (Poland) showed an increase of leaf flavonols by 82% with respect to controls. The treatment by a broadband UVB fluorescent lamp, with irradiance of 0.38 W m−2 in the 290–315 nm range (and 0.59 W m−2 in the UVA region) for 12 h per day at 17 °C along with a white light of about 20 μmol m−2 s−1, produced a flavonols increase of 58% with respect to controls. The kinetics of flavonols accumulation in response to the photochemical treatments was monitored with the FLAV non-destructive index. The initial FLAV rate under the sun was proportional to the daily radiation doses with a better correlation for the sun global irradiance (R2 = 0.973), followed by the UVA (R2 = 0.965) and UVB (R2 = 0.899) irradiance. The sunlight turned out to be more efficient than the UVB lamp in increasing the flavonols level of waste leaves, because of a significant role played by UVA and visible solar radiation in the regulation of the flavonoid accumulation in cabbage. The FLAV index increase induced on the adaxial leaf side was accompanied by a lower but still significant FLAV increase on the unirradiated abaxial side, likely due to a systemic signaling by mean of the long-distance movement of macromolecules. Our present investigation provides useful data for the optimization of postharvest photochemical protocols of cabbage waste valorization. It can represent a novel and alternative tool of vegetable waste management for the recovery of beneficial phytochemicals.

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Potato onions (Allium cepa var aggregatum G. Don) are multiplying or aggregating onions, very similar to shallots and have been historically cultivated throughout Europe. Currently in Northern Europe they are maintained in home gardens and ex situ field collections. Potato onions are primarily vegetatively propagated, however in Estonia, near Lake Peipsi, this species has been propagated by seed since the seventeenth century. There is increasing interest in Northern Europe in utilizing this germplasm in organic and/or sustainable farming systems. The genetic diversity and relationship between and within European potato onion collections is unclear. From historical records it is known that cultivation, exchange and trade of potato onion has occurred throughout Europe for hundreds of years. This study utilised molecular markers to assess genetic diversity, duplication of genotypes and relationships among and between Nordic, Baltic, Czech and Croatian potato onion collections. Of 264 accessions, 80 catalogued as unique had identical genotypes with one or more other accessions, and are putative duplicates. The genetic diversity within two Estonian sexually propagated accessions was comparable to that found in all of the vegetatively propagated accessions. Accessions from the Nordic countries grouped together genetically, as did Latvian and Lithuanian accessions. Croatian accessions were genetically separated. These genetic relationships suggest historical movement of potato onion germplasm in North-Eastern Europe. The results, in conjunction with other passport and characterization data, can assist in the development of potato onion core collections, facilitating the conservation and utilization of valuable potato onion genetic resources.


Nordmenn spiser i gjennomsnitt 6 kg løk i året. Det er lavt sammenlignet med de fleste andre land, men er likevel en økning fra ca 4 kg for 10-15 år siden. Det har blitt jobbet mye i verdikjeden for løk i Norge, med fokus på kvalitet, mangfold og kunnskapsdeling. Løk har fremfor alt god smak, men er også en av de sunneste grønnsakene. Løk anbefales spesielt som en av 5-om-dagen på grunn av sine gode dokumenterte helsevirkninger.


Vi blir gradvis mer bevisste på å spise grønt og bærekraftig. Hvor går veien videre? Hvor mye av ny og grønnere mat kommer egentlig fra Norge? Litt om FoU på proteinrike vekster, og litt om nye muligheter og hva som kan produseres lokalt på Agder.


The “Arctic peas” project Climate changes expected in the near future will result in higher temperatures and longer growing season at high latitudes. This might open up for possibilities for pea production in Arctic and northern areas, and the need for cultivars more adapted to northern conditions is likely to increase. At NordGen - a common genebank for all the Nordic countries - a large number of Nordic pea accessions are conserved, including both cultivars, landraces and breeding material. Does this material hold keys to the future? The ongoing Nordic cooperation research project «Arctic peas» aims to identify germplasm of peas well adapted either for breeding or immediate cultivation in the Arctic/Nordic regions. The project evaluates important traits in 50 selected accessions from NordGen in field trials at four contrasting Nordic locations, at latitudes ranging from 55° to 69° N (see map). Among the evaluated traits are flowering time, maturation time and yield, as well as protein content. Will the genetic material show different expressions at locations with clear distinction in daylength, temperature and climate? The project also aims to increase the knowledge and use of the Nordic pea accessions conserved at NordGen, and strengthen the collaboration between companies, organizations and researchers in the Nordic countries.

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Faba beans are highly nutritious because of their high protein content: they are a good source of mineral nutrients, vitamins, and numerous bioactive compounds. Equally important is the contribution of faba bean in maintaining the sustainability of agricultural systems, as it is highly efficient in the symbiotic fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. This article provides an overview of factors influencing faba bean yield and quality, and addresses the main biotic and abiotic constraints. It also reviews the factors relating to the availability of genetic material and the agronomic features of faba bean production that contribute to high yield and the improvement of European cropping systems. Emphasis is to the importance of using new high-yielding cultivars that are characterized by a high protein content, low antinutritional compound content, and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. New cultivars should combine several of these characteristics if an increased and more stable production of faba bean in specific agroecological zones is to be achieved. Considering that climate change is also gradually affecting many European regions, it is imperative to breed elite cultivars that feature a higher abiotic–biotic stress resistance and nutritional value than currently used cultivars. Improved agronomical practices for faba bean crops, such as crop establishment and plant density, fertilization and irrigation regime, weed, pest and disease management, harvesting time, and harvesting practices are also addressed, since they play a crucial role in both the production and quality of faba bean.

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The project “Sustainable food production through quality optimized raw-material production and processing technologies for premium quality vegetable products and generated by-products” [SUNNIVA] aimed at the development of a sustainable food system from production to consumption, addressing the entire food supply chain for the vegetables tomato and Brassicae. The goal was better utilisation of the vegetable raw materials, reduced energy and water consumption, higher profitability and healthier food. This was achieved by providing various valorisation strategies to reduce waste and limiting environmental impact. Preservation of the intrinsic health-beneficial phytochemicals present in the raw material in order to improve the nutritional properties of vegetable food products was central in the project. The project contained optimization of harvest time and pre-processing storage conditions, development of novel mild processing design based on modelling, and a two-track valorisation strategy. SUNNIVA has demonstrated how the various residual raw materials can be exploited to the full: Either directly for sustainable production of healthy food (as a refined product or an ingredient), or indirectly by bringing it back into the food chain (as organic fertilizers and soil amendment products) in order to generate renewed primary production with minimal environmental impact.

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European pulse production faces a continued loss of cultivated area along with decreasing or stagnant yields. Vicia faba is a traditional legume with high genetic diversity cultivated in a wide range of European climates. Therefore V. faba is promising to identify stable and high yielding genotypes for specific target environments. The Nordic-Baltic region is challenging for legume growing due to short vegetation period and heat/drought stress in continental climates. Within the pan-European Eurolegume project a set of 18 V. faba accessions containing var. minor and major local landraces and modern cultivars of different geographical origin was evaluated in multi-environmental trials. The aim of this study was to identify ideotypes for Northern Europe and reveal key phenotypic traits conferring high yield potential and stability. Four target environmental clusters represented the range of Nordic growing conditions with yield levels from 128 gm−2 to 380 gm−2. Multivariate classification differentiated distinctive groups of var. minor and var. major accessions with few overlapping genotypes, the former having higher average yield, taller structure, more pods per node and longer flowering duration. Late sowing under long-day conditions above 55°N latitudes resulted in early flowering due to short vegetative development (650 °Cd). Extended flowering duration and tall stature were the most important traits conferring high yields. A negative trade-off between yield potential and yield stability was detected, with yield advantages of stress resistant genotypes only in a limited range of low yielding target environments (< 180 gm−2). The highest yielding accessions (Latvian var. minor landrace Bauska and var. major landrace Cēres) represented a favourable combination of yield potential and stability. High temperatures at flowering, within a range of average maximum July temperatures between 20.5–24.5 °C, were identified as most critical environmental variable depressing yield levels between 38.5 (var. major) and 56.2 (var. minor) gm−2 °C−1. It was concluded that Baltic landraces are promising ideotypes, with adapted flowering phenology and morphological structure, for increased V. faba yields in Nordic target environments.


Matching high performing varieties of legumes with effective symbiotic N-fixing bacteria can potentially enhance production volumes and economic returns when cultivating grain legumes. We investigated whether field inoculation with local or introduced Rhizobia to six different varieties of faba bean improved growth, nitrogen (N) fixation and protein content in a field experiment in Southern Norway. In 2016, a full factorial experiment featuring three inoculation treatments (a mixture of four morphotypes of Rhizobia isolated from locally grown faba bean, a mix of two efficient and well documented Rhizobium strains from Latvia, and a non-inoculated control treatment) and six faba bean (Vicia faba) genotypes (Agua Dulce, Bauska, Jõgeva, Gloria, Julia, Lielplatones) was set up in an experimental field with sandy loam soil with no recent legume culture history (>10 years). At late flowering/early pod formation stage we quantified N fixation of the crop using the N-15 natural abundance method, using weeds from the same plots as reference plants. We also assessed morphological and phenological characters, seed yields and protein levels at plant maturity. Clear differences were observed, and detailed results from this study will be presented at the conference (analyses are still pending). This research is a part of the EU FP7 project Eurolegume.


Genetic resources of pea (Pisum sativum) may represent valuable traits for inclusion in breeding programs, but may also be valuable directly due to good adaptation to local agro-climatic conditions, or have market potential as heirloom foods. Grain legume production in Norway is limited compared to many other European countries, but increased acreage is desired and expected for several reasons. A short growing season and the specific agro-climatic conditions makes choice of genotypes important for reliable grain and protein yields. During three years, several evaluation field trials with pea genetic resources were carried out in Southern Norway, assessing morphological and phenological traits, seed yields and protein levels. The trials included pea accessions from Norway(1), Sweden(6), Finland(1), Latvia(8), Estonia(9) and Portugal(1), as well as commercial cultivars(6). The genotypes differed widely in grain yield, time and duration of flowering, maturity, plant height, and resistance to lodging. Seed protein levels ranged from 24.0 to 32.7%. Protein levels for these pea genotypes under Norwegian field conditions appear to be higher than in comparable trials in countries at lower latitudes. The research was supported by the EU FP7 project Eurolegume and NordGen (Nordic Genetic Resource Center).


It is widely accepted that legume crops yield and basic chemical composition of pulses regarding crude proteins content are closely dependent on agro-environmental conditions and cropping system. Monoculture is used mostly in conventional agriculture, where the same crop is cultivated on the same land for a 12-month period. In an organic and integrated growing approach more attention is paid to plant-environment interactions, and as a result, diverse growing systems applying intercropping, catch crops, green manure, alternatives are being implemented. Thus, trials aimed at increasing the current knowledge on sustainable agriculture constitute an essential part of EUROLEGUME, which envisages the comparison of organic vs conventional cropping systems for faba bean and pea production in northern Europe. Thus, field experiments were set up in two different locations (AREI - Latvia and NIBIO -Norway). Results obtained showed significant differences in yield between tested genotypes of faba bean and pea. For pea most yielding cultivars (‘Klara’ and ‘Kirke’) slightly differed between trial locations, being the most promising in both locations. On the other hand, on faba bean accessions ‘Julia’ and ‘Lielplatones’ exhibited the highest yield in Norway, and ‘Bauska’ and ‘Lielpaltones’ in Latvia. Apart from the evaluation of the impact of crop rotation on legumes yield, the influence of legumes as intercrop with horticultural crops was also evaluated on a two years’ study, on vegetables and strawberry crops in Latvia. This work showed that the most efficient intercropping variants were cabbage/faba bean and carrot/faba bean, whilst onion and faba bean intercrop are not recommended.


Quality aspects of food crops have been gaining increased attention at important regarding economic and health levels. Grain legumes have high potential for the nutritional improvement of foods, although to date, existing gaps of information on the compositional characteristics of legumes as feedstuffs and foodstuffs, as well as concerning technologies enabling the development of new food and feed products entail a reduced consumption. Recognizing this challenge, EUROLEGUME has addressed this topic by selecting the best legume varieties regarding their content in protein, amino acids, dry matter, ash, and total fats in a panel of underexplored varieties of faba bean (n = 10), pea (n = 16), and cowpea (n = 28). The results obtained on the proximate composition have identified nutritionally enhanced and genetically diverse germplasms. In this work it was identified the most promising genotypes of faba bean (‘Gloria’, ‘Džūkstes’, ‘Kučānes’, and ‘Aqua Dolce’), pea (‘Looming’, ‘k4171’, ‘k4831’,‘Eesti kollane söödahernes’, and ‘Bruno’), and cowpea (‘Vg50’, ‘Vg51’, ‘Vg56’, ‘Vg57’, ‘Vg58’, and ‘Vg59’) for the development of new attractive, convenient ready-to-eat, and tasty legume-based food formulations that will contribute to the diversification of healthier diets. In addition, in this work, significant differences were stated regarding the content in protein, total, essential, and non-essential amino acids between legumes grown in organic and conventional systems that allowed to highlight the relevance of the cropping system for the nutritional value of legumes.


Aim: The objective was to assess the nitrogen provided to following crops by peas and fava beans, with varying legume residue incorporation and use of cover crops. Meth: Organic field trial, ‘spilt-split plot design’ with 4 blocks. Whole plots (spring 2014) had legumes (pea or faba beans), and sub plots (autumn 2014) had 4 autumn soil treatments with combinations of legume residue incorporation and cover crop. The sub-sub plots (spring 2015) were with and without additional manure fertilization. Res: The root biomass of both legume pre cops had equal nitrogen (N) concentration, but total root biomass was twice as high for fava beans as for peas (5.08 vs. 2.41 kg m-2). Fava bean pre crop with biomass incorporation without cover crop gave the highest broccoli yield (4.10 t ha-1) compared with pea pre crop with biomass incorporation and no cover crop (2.44 t ha -1). Also the last crop in the rotation, lettuce, had 94% higher yield after fava beans (6.6 t ha-1) compared to peas (3.4 t ha-1). Rye as cover crop efficiently assimilated and conserved N during winter, shown by a 4 to 5 fold reduction in soil NO3-N, and nearly 2 fold reduction in soil N-min levels, compared to open soil. Additional manure application affected crop yield, with 3 and 2 fold increase in broccoli and lettuce respectively. Conc: Fava beans as pre crop resulted in higher yields of broccoli and lettuce the following seasons, compared to peas. This was explained twice as much root biomass for that crop.

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The SUNNIVA project aims to increase the overall sustainability of vegetable processing by providing valorisation strategies to reduce waste and limiting environmental impact, while improving the nutritional properties of vegetable food products. Results obtained during the first project year indicate that; (i) The waste and by-product fractions of cabbage, tomato and black salsify have a great potential to be better utilized in the food processing chain and to serve as valuable sources for health beneficial phytochemicals (HBPC), and (ii) that tomato and grape seed press cakes have an interesting plant nutritional (NPK) profile, which makes them suitable candidates as raw material in soil amendments. Further, raw materials from tomato and cabbage, in terms of cultivars and morphological parts, has been assessed for HBPC and nutritional value as an effect of N-fertilization and processing. Experimental data for deriving numerical thermal models for agitated and static retort are obtained. Mapping of the most important underutilized vegetable biomass streams in partnering countries are under way. The development of non-destructive tools for rapid HBPC measurements in cabbage and tomato is promising, but some more calibration/validation of the method is necessary. One year into the 3-year project, we conclude that progress has been satisfactory.