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Fusarium graminearum causes head blight disease in wheat, and to help understand the infection process we studied global gene expression of F. graminearum in a time series of 24 to 196 hours after inoculation, compared to a water control. The infection is rapid and already after 48h over 4000 genes is expressed. The number of genes expressed increased over time up to 96h (>8000 genes), and went down again 144h and 192h post inoculation. After subtraction of genes found expressed on complete media, during C and N starvation, and on barley, only 355 were found exclusively expressed in wheat, mostly ones with unknown function (72,6%). These were mainly found in SNP enriched islands on the chromosomes, suggesting a higher evolutionary selection pressure of wheat specific genes. The annotated genes found were enriched in functional groups involved in allantoin and allantoate transport, detoxification, nitrogen, sulfur and selenium metabolism, secondary metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism and degradation of polysaccharides and ester compounds. Several putative secreted virulence factors were also found expressed in wheat.


Fusarium graminearum causes head blight disease in wheat and barley. To help understand the infection process on wheat we studied global gene expression of F. graminearum in a time series from 24 to 196 hours after inoculation, compared to a non-inoculated control. The infection was rapid and after 48h over 4000 fungal genes were expressed. The number of genes expressed increased over time up to 96h (>8000 genes), and then declined at the 144h and 192h post inoculation time points. After subtraction of genes found expressed on complete medium, during carbon or nitrogen starvation, and on barley, only 355 were found exclusively expressed in wheat, mostly ones with unknown function (72.6%). These genes were mainly found in single-nucleotide polymorphism enriched islands on the chromosomes, suggesting a higher evolutionary selection pressure. The annotated genes were enriched in functional groups predicted to be involved in allantoin and allantoate transport, detoxification, nitrogen, sulfur and selenium metabolism, secondary metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism and degradation of polysaccharides and ester compounds. Several putative secreted virulence factors were also found expressed in wheat.


Fusarium graminearum causes head blight disease in wheat and barley. To help understand the infection process on wheat we studied global gene expression of F. graminearum in a time series from 24 to 196 hours after inoculation, compared to a non-inoculated control. The infection was rapid and after 48h over 4000 fungal genes were expressed. The number of genes expressed increased over time up to 96h (>8000 genes), and then declined at the 144h and 192h post inoculation time points. After subtraction of genes found expressed on complete medium, during carbon or nitrogen starvation, and on barley, only 355 were found exclusively expressed in wheat, mostly ones with unknown function (72.6%). These genes were mainly found in single-nucleotide polymorphism enriched islands on the chromosomes, suggesting a higher evolutionary selection pressure. The annotated genes were enriched in functional groups predicted to be involved in allantoin and allantoate transport, detoxification, nitrogen, sulfur and selenium metabolism, secondary metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism and degradation of polysaccharides and ester compounds. Several putative secreted virulence factors were also found expressed in wheat.

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Gene expression levels (PAL, CCR1, HCT1, and CAD for the phenylpropanoid pathway, PX3 peroxidase, and CHI4 class IV chitinase), lignin, and soluble and cell wall bound phenolic compounds in bark and sapwood of Picea sitchensis clones inoculated with Heterobasidion annosum s.s. were compared before and 3 days after wounding and artificial inoculation, at site of inoculation and 1 cm above the inoculation site. In bark all genes were up-regulated at the site of inoculation but, except for CAD, not in the distal zone. In sapwood all genes were down-regulated, except for PX3 and CHI4; PAL, CCR1, HCT1 and CAD were present at lower levels around the inoculation site than in the distal zone. Compared to wounding only, inoculation with H. annosum triggered different CAD, PX3, and CHI4 levels in bark but not in sapwood. Different concentrations of cell wall bound phenolic compounds (unknown2, unknown3, coniferin, astringin, taxifolin, piceid, and isorhapontin) were found in bark after wounding and inoculation compared to constitutive material (i.e. untreated samples), whereas in sapwood concentrations did not differ following treatment. These results indicate that bark of Sitka spruce has a stronger and earlier response to wounding and pathogen inoculation than sapwood.

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We treated Norway spruce (Picea abies) stems with methyl jasmonate (MeJA) to determine possible quantitative and qualitative eVects of induced tree defenses on pheromone emission by the spruce bark beetle Ips typographus. We measured the amounts of 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol and (S)-cis-verbenol, the two main components of the beetle’s aggregation pheromone, released from beetle entrance holes, along with phloem terpene content and beetle performance in MeJA-treated and untreated Norway spruce logs. As expected, phloem terpene levels were higher and beetle tunnel length was shorter (an indication of poor performance) in MeJA-treated logs relative to untreated logs. Parallel to the higher phloem terpene content and poorer beetle performance, beetles in MeJA-treated logs released signiWcantly less 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol and (S)-cis-verbenol, and the ratio between the two pheromone components was signiWcantly altered. These results suggest that host resistance elicited by MeJA application reduces pheromone emission by I. typographus and alters the critical ratio between the two main pheromone components needed to elicit aggregation. The results also provide a mechanistic explanation for the reduced performance and attractivity observed in earlier studies when bark beetles colonize trees with elicited host defenses, and extend our understanding of the ecological functions of conifer resistance against bark beetles.