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Resistens mot epleskurv og eplemjøldogg ble evaluert hos 39 lokalsorter og eldre sorter av eple, i sammenlikning med 8 kontrollsorter. Flere av lokalsortene viste seg å være sterke mot skurv og / eller mjøldogg, og er aktuelle som foreldresorter i sortsforedlingen.


Mengde jordbærsnutebille be sammenholdt med avling i 6 jordbærfelt hos tre dyrkere i Hedmark. Det ble registrert både i sprøytede og usprøytede ruter, og både i første- og tredjeårsfelt (plantet henholdsvis to og fire år tidligere). Avlingen varierte fra dyrker til dyrker, og bare i tredjeårsfelt var jordbærsnutebille en sannsynlig årsak til noe av denne variasjonen. Skadedyrsprøytingen så ut til å gi best avkastning i eldre felt der man forventer høy avling. I førsteårsfeltene hadde dyrkerne relativt lite igjen for sprøytingen og burde heller konsentrert seg om å øke plantekvaliteten (målt som antall blomsterklaser), som forklarte 73% av variasjonen i avling i denne årsklassen. Telling av biller ved å riste plantene over et fat ("banking") i godt vær ga i vår undersøkelse et bedre bilde av sprøytebehovet i eldre felt enn telling av avbitte knopper. Banking er dessuten den raskeste metoden


Ved hjelp av observasjonar i felt har ein funne når på døgnet rognebærmøllet produserar  feromon og parar seg. Ein har vidare funne fram til kva komponentar i feromonet som er viktige for tiltrekking av hannar. Bruk av feller med syntetisk produsert feromon kan truleg på sikt nyttast i rognrbærmøllvarsling. Ein kan ved hjelp av slike feller varsle fare for angrep og tidspunkt for å setje inn tiltak mot rognebærmøll i eplehagar.


The paper gives a brief overview of the background, history and main results of forest fertilization experiments on mineral soils in Norway. Positive results of initial phosphorus (P) fertilization on survival and growth of Norway and Sitka spruce have only been achieved in the coastal districts of western Norway. Other elements have seldom given any significant effect.In young and old stands of Norway spruce and Scots pine nitrogen (N) fertilization with 150 kg N ha-1 usually gave increment increases in the range of 1-2 m3 ha-1 yr-1, for a period of 6-8 yrs after application. Given individually, no other element has proved stimulating to stem growth in a similar way. In young Norway spruce stands P has often given additional growth response when given together with N. Liming has been shown to have no or negative effects on tree growth. Fertilization experiments have changed from being management orientated towards addressing the problems of possible nutrient imbalances.


The effect of one and two treatments with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) against lepidopterans in an organic apple orchard was compared. The results showed that Bt clearly had an effect on both the weight and the number of geometrids. The effect against tortricids was not that clear. There was no difference found between one and two treatments, probably caused by clod weather condition during the last treatment.


Materials and Methods: In the field, fresh samples were obtained from different sources. Lake samples were collected from Lake Årungen, which is located in Ås. Stream samples were collected from Ås and Birkenes in southern Norway. All the samples were filtered in the field through 0.45 um membrane filters using syringes. Then the samples were fractionated through Bond Elut SCX cartridges connected to a portable vacuum pump, based on the method of Wickstrøm et al. (2000). A portion of the sample was passed immediately through the cation exchange cartridge. After the fieldwork another portion of the sample was taken to the laboratory where the same fractionation procedure was applied. These two fractions were then analysed for non-labile aluminium. A portion of the unfractionated sample was also analysed for total dissolved aluminium. An additional laboratory fractionation with a time lag was also applied to observe storage effects. Subsequent determination of total elements was done using ICP-AES. Transport, pretreatment and storage can also have an effect on the pH and organic matter concentration of the samples and, through this, on the equilibrium between different Al fractions. To evaluate pH differences prior to analysis, pH values were also measured in the field and in the laboratory. DOC was also determined. Differences between fractionation in the field and fractionation in the laboratory: In this study, non-labile fractions of Al were compared instead of the labile fractions of Al (which can be removed from solution on passage through cation exchange column) that are believed to have the greatest toxic effect on organisms.


Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum J.H. Simmonds was detected in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) for the first time in Norway in 1999. Symptoms were found in greenhouse grown strawberries in the cultivar Korona. The article describes symptoms, identification, fungal characteristiques, and how Koch"s postulate was fulfilled