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This paper focuses on the cropping systems in northern European countries such as Norway and Finland. Challenges with growing, an strategies for development for "out-of-season" production are discussed.


Visse målerarter har masseforekomst i fjellet med ca 10 års mellomrom. Variasjon i solflekk aktivitet kan forklare dette. Ved lav solflekk aktivitet brytes ozonlaget ned og UV strålingen øker. Bjørka bygger opp forsvar mot UV lys. Ressursene tar den fra forsvar mot insektgnag, med økt overlevelse for målerlarvene som konsekvens. Måler bestandene eksploderer. Ved høy solflekk aktivitet bygges ozonlaget opp igjen, UV strålingen reduseres og bjørka kan igjen forsvare seg mot insektene.


P.ramorum er funnet i Norge på Rhododendron, pieris og kalmia. P. ramorum er årsaken til Sudden Oak  Death(SOD) i California


There is generally low atmospheric sulphur (S) deposition in northern Scandinavia. Because of this, the herbage S content on 28 organic farms was monitored in order to discover eventually shortage in the S-supply for plants or ruminants in organic livestock production. The S content and the protein content were generally low. In spite of this, the yields were surprisingly good in many locations, and S fertilisation improved yields, biological nitrogen fixation and the protein content of red clover only when the S supply was very low. In a pot trial, increasing S application did not increase the S content of red clover above a certain level. That level depended on the growing conditions. Instead of an increase in the shoots with increasing S supply, there was an accumulation of S in the roots.


Wood samples treated with ammonium copper quat (ACQ 1900 and ACQ 2200), chromated copper arsenate (CCA), Tanalith E 3491 and Wolmanit CX-8 have been studied in accelerated weathering experiments. The weathering experiment was performed by cycles of 2 h UV-light irradiation followed by water spray for 18 min. The changes on the surface of the weathered samples were characterized by roughness and color measurements on the samples with 0, 200, 400 and 600 h of total weathering.The objective of this study was to investigate the changes created by weathering on impregnated wood with several different wood preservatives. This study was performed on the accelerated weathering test cycle, using UVirradiation and water spray in order to simulate natural weathering. Surface roughness and color measurement was used to investigate the changes after several intervals (0200400600 h) in artificial weathering of treated and untreated wood.


The substitution of biomass for fossil fuels in energy consumption is a measure to mitigate global warming, and political action plans at European and national levels exist for an increased use. The use of forest biomass for energy can imply different economic and environmental advantages and disadvantages for the society, the energy sector and forestry. For the achievement of an increased and sustainable use of forest biomass for energy, the WOOD-EN-MAN project aimed at synthesis and creation of new knowledge within the field.