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Mørk ringråte er under spredning i flere land i Europa. Blant flere tiltak for å bekjempe sykdommens videre spredning har EU i sitt Rådsdirektiv 98/57/EC bestemt at medlemslandene skal utføre systematiske undersøkelser av vassdrag for eventuell forekomst av bakterien Ralstonia solanacearum. Denne forebyggende overvåkingen utføres nå også i Norge. Risikoen for introduksjon ansees å være i stor grad knyttet til importpotet fra land der sykdommen forekommer og derfor til industripotetbedrifter som bearbeider importpotet. Det blir analysert prøver av vaskevann og flytende avfall fra potetindustribedrifter. I tillegg blir det tatt vannprøver og planteprøver (Solanum dulcamara) av vassdrag i nærheten av disse bedriftene, dersom de mottar utslipp fra disse. I sesongene 2003, 2004 0g 2005 er det totalt blitt testet 149 prøver uten at organismen er blitt påvist.

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Det er utarbeidet et testprogram for å vurdere egnethet av overskudds- og restmasser for bruk til tildekking av forurensede sedimenter. Testprogrammet vurderer materialets egnethet på generelt grunnlag, uavhengig av en rekke stedspesifikke faktorer som da må vurderes i et helhetlig perspektiv i forhold til et søkt tildekkingsprosjekt. Inntil det er etablert egnede akseptkriterier for dette formålet anvendes kriterier etablert for andre formål. Forslag til opplysninger som SFT eller fylkesmannen bør kreve av søkeren av gjennomføring av tildekkingsprosjekt er en del av i rapporten. Dette omfatter prosjektering, gjennomføring og langsiktig overvåkning av eventuelle miljøkonsekvenser.


The relative distribution of PoiBI in different tissues and in different parts ofthe plants was quantified using the comparative Ct method and a new developed TaqMan real-time PCR assay. Five samples were analysed from each of six different nodes equally distributed along the height of the plant. Also samples from the top of the plant, from the stem base and the primary and secondary roots were studied. The quantitative real-time PCR test proved to be a very sensitive test. Highest level of phytoplasma was found in the bark samples while the stem core samples contained little or no detectable phytoplasma. The lack of accumulation of phytoplasma in sink tissues indicates restricted phloem translocation of PoiBI. There were large plant-to-plant variations in PoiBI content and further studies including more plants will be needed in order to reveal the general distribution of PoiBI and its possible correlation to branching in poinsettia.


The effect of plant age and cold hardening on resistance to pink snow mould caused by Microdochium nivale was studied in perennial ryegrass. Resistance to M. nivale was estimated as relative regrowth after inoculation and incubation under artificial snow cover at 2 degrees C. Resistance increased with increasing plant age. Cold hardened and unhardened plants of the same age displayed identical resistance. Preliminary studies indicate that expression of genes coding for the PR proteins chitinase and PR-1a increased during incubation of inoculated perennial ryegrass, but no clear difference in expression of these genes was found between plants of different ages, or in hardened versus unhardened plants.


Feed fatty acid (FA) composition influences the FA composition of cow milk. In a continuous production experiment with 32 Norwegian red dairy cows fishmeal (FM) was compared to peameal (PM) as protein supplement to home-grown cereals and grass silage in organic farming. The protein supplements were together with cereals formulated to be isonitrogeneous and isoenergetic (NEL) and were compared at high (HC) and low concentrate (LC) level. The concentrate rations did not affect the intake of silage. Fishmeal resulted in significantly higher milk yield (kg) with a lower fat concentration (HC) compared to PM. Lower concentrations of urea and FFA were found in milk produced with FM compared to PM. Milk flavour and odour was equal or better when FM rather than PM was fed. Fishmeal diets increased significantly the proportions of several long-chain FAs: oleic acid (C18:1c9), vaccenic acid (C18:1c11), CLA (C18:2c9,t11, not significant at HC), C20:0, C18:1t10, and DHA (C22:6 n-3) in milk fat compared to PM. DHA, which is found in high concentrations in FM (14 g/100g FAME), had the most significant increase. The proportion of C18:3 n-3 (ALA) was significantly lower when FM was fed compared to PM. The percentage of saturated FA was significantly lower and the percentage of monounsaturated FA was higher when FM rather than PM was fed. For cows on HC the n-6/n-3 ratio was lower in the FM group than in the PM group, and the ratio was lower at LC than at HC (p = 0.006, interaction p = 0.02). Fishmeal diets included higher proportions of oats than PM diets. Oats have high content of oleic acid and may therefore have influenced the composition of FAs in milk fat as well as the protein supplements. Fishmeal increased the proportion of beneficial FAs without reducing the sensoric quality of milk. It remains unclear whether this is an effect of protein source or an effect of the higher oat proportions in FM diets.