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Grøne blad og vakre, raude bær midt på vinteren har gjort kristtorn til eit populært innslag i julepyntinga. For at dette skal kunna halda fram, må det setjast i verk tiltak mot det omfattande bladfallet ein ser i klyppegrøntfelt og viltveksande kristtorn. Bladfallet ser hovudsakeleg ut til å skuldast aukande angrep av soppsjukdomar. Det kan vera fleire årsaker til meir soppsjukdomar, men i viltveksande kristtorn har det truleg samanheng med auka gjengroing pga. mindre beiting og lite stell av plantene. Spørsmålet er difor om stell og beiting med sau kan bøta på dette.


Knowledge of variation in vascular plant species richness and species composition in modern agricultural landscapes is important for appropriate biodiversity management. From species lists for 2201 land-type patches in 16 1-km2 plots five data sets differing in sampling-unit size from patch to plot were prepared.Variation in each data set was partitioned into seven sources: patch geometry, patch type, geographic location, plot affiliation, habitat diversity, ecological factors, and land-use intensity.Patch species richness was highly predictable (75% of variance explained) by patch area, within-patch heterogeneity and patch type. Plot species richness was, however, not predictable by any explanatory variable, most likely because all studied landscapes contained all main patch types ploughed land, woodland, grassland and other open land and hence had a large core of common species.Patch species composition was explained by variation along major environmental complex gradients but appeared nested to lower degrees in modern than in traditional agricultural landscapes because species-poor parts of the landscape do not contain well-defined subsets of the species pool of species-rich parts.Variation in species composition was scale dependent because the relative importance of specific complex gradients changed with increasing sampling-unit size, and because the amount of randomness in data sets decreased with increasing sampling-unit size. Our results indicate that broad landscape structural changes will have consequences for landscape-scale species richness that are hard or impossible to predict by simple surrogate variables.


In a preliminary experiment terminal stem cuttings (4 – 5 cm) were collected in the spring (May) from a wild population of lingonberry near Holt Research Center, Tromsø, Norway. The cuttings were rooted in peat mixed with 30% perlite with and without auxin treatment (Seradix 1 or Seradix 2: 3-indol-butyric-acid). The effect of dipping in a fungicide (Rovral) was also tested. With the best treatment, control without auxin and fungicide, as much as 66% of the cuttings rooted. Both dipping in Seradix and in the fungicide reduced rooting of the cuttings. To test the seasonal variations in rooting of lingonberry cuttings, terminal cuttings were harvested regularly every month in more than one year. The results indicate that a relatively short cold period is needed to induce bud break and shoot growth. Cuttings harvested during spring and summer rooted poorly compared to cuttings harvested in late autumn and during winter. The best rooting was obtained using cuttings harvested in September and November.


Denne veiledningsartikkelen, presentert på Norges Golfforbunds hjemmeside, gir råd om hvordan greenkeeperne skal stelle gresset foran og gjennom vinteren.


Referat fra NJF seminar 391 ved Balsgård i Sverige. I mange av de nye vekstene det blir jobbet med i Norden, er det svært høyt innhold av stoffer som man tror kan gi helsegevinst. Artikkelen omhandler nye resultater fra undersøkelser med helsefremmende stoffer i bærvekster. Artikkelen omhandler i tillegg flere nye vekster som det har vært arbeidet med i Norden, blant annet nyper, tindved, eldkvede og vindruer. Interessen for dyrking er nye vekster er økende både i Norden og i de Baltiske land.


Sensing landscape level change in soil fertility following deforestation and conversion in the highlands of Madagascar using Vis-NIR spectroscopy. Research data on soil quality are scarce in Madagascar, despite the island"s widely recognized problems of soil and environmental degradation. One of the major constraints to properly assessing current status, trends and processes of soil degradation is the high level of costs involved when using conventional soil analytical methods. Previous studies have demonstrated that visible-near-infrared (Vis-NIR) reflectance spectroscopy may permit rapid and cost effective analysis of tropical soils that could provide new opportunities for farmers, land managers, local authorities and researchers in assessing and managing soil quality. This study tested the potential of Vis-NIR soil spectral libraries for predicting and mapping soil properties in the eastern highlands of Madagascar. Stable calibration models were developed for several key soil properties. Cross-validated r2 values were soil organic carbon (SOC), 0.94; total nitrogen (TN), 0.96; and cation exchange capacity (CEC), 0.80. A spectral soil fertility index (SFI) was developed based on ten commonly used agronomic indicators of soil fertility. SFI varied significantly with current and historic land use. The index was successfully calibrated to both soil reflectance measured in the laboratory ( p =0.003) and Landsat TM reflectance ( p =0.003), which permitted mapping of the index.