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Gjennomgang av grunnlag, teori, metoder og eksempler


13 potetsortar er prøvde i tre demonstrasjonsfelt i Valdres i 2006. Nye sortar vart prøvde saman med gamle sortar som "Svart Valdres", "Mandelpotet" og "Kongo". Det vart tørråteangrep på to av felta og sterke angrep av håra engtege på eitt felt. Avlinga var i middel høgast hos den nye nummersorten "N 93-7-20". Av dei gamle sortane hadde "Kongo" størst avling. Tørråteangrepa var sterkast hos "Mandelpotet" og "Svart Valdres", men det var også litt hos "Kongo" og "Folva". Sorten "Svart Valdres" er interessant som merkevaresort, men sorten må da renskast for virus og prøvast meir.


Members of the actinomycete genus Clavibacter are known to produce antimicrobial compounds, but so far none of these compounds has been purified and characterized. We have isolated an antimicrobial peptide, michiganin A, from the tomato pathogen Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis, using ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by cation-exchange and reversed-phase chromatography steps. Upon chemical derivatization of putative dehydrated amino acids and lanthionine bridges by alkaline ethanethiol, Edman degradation yielded sequence information that proved to be sufficient for cloning of the gene by a genome-walking strategy. The mature unmodified peptide consists of 21 amino acids, SSSGWLCTLTIECGTIICACR. All of the threonine residues undergo dehydration, and three of them interact with cysteines via thioether bonds to form methyllanthionine bridges. Michiganin A resembles actagardine, a type B lantibiotic with a known three-dimensional structure, produced by Actinoplanes liguriae, which is a filamentous actinomycete. The DNA sequence of the gene showed that the michiganin A precursor contains an unusual putative signal peptide with no similarity to well-known secretion signals and only very limited similarity to the (only two) available leader peptides of other type B lantibiotics. Michiganin A inhibits the growth of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus, the causal agent of ring rot of potatoes, with MICs in the low nanomolar range. Thus, michiganin A may have some potential in biological control of potato ring rot.


Forsøket viste at ettårig kløvereng er en god forgrøde for korn uavhengig av antall pussinger i engåret og pløyetidspunkt for enga. Planterester fra underjordiske plantedeler og positive effekter på jordstrukturen er trolig de viktigste årsaken til den gode ettervirkningen av kløvereng. Hvis en har bruk for graset fra første slåtten, kan dette således gjerne høstes uten at det går særlig på bekostning av ettervirkningen. For å få best mulig vekst av enga vil en anbefale 3-4 kuttinger. Pløyetidspunktet påvirket ikke kornavlinga i dette forsøket.


Presentasjon av Nordnorsk kompetansenettverk for småskala mat med innlagt miniforedrag om merkevarer


To realize the full potential of agricultural biotechnology, concerns about the possible impact of GM plants on ecosystem properties and functions must be addressed. If transgenic crops substantially affect soil organic matter decomposition and mineralization, this could be of serious concern to many farmers in the developing world, as well as to organic farmers in the developed world. These farmers rely on local residues, organic matter and soil organisms for soil fertility, and there is a risk that this could be reduced if crop products cause a slowing down of the natural processes of decomposition and nutrient release by inhibiting the activity of the soil biota.


I artikkelen vert det diskutert startegiar for kontroll med utbreiinga av pærebrann i Vest-Noreg.


A method for quantitative determination of extractives from heartwood of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) using gas chromatography (GC) with flame ionization detection (FID) was developed. The limit of detection (LOD) was 0.03mg/g wood and the linear range (r=0.9994) was up to 10mg/g with accuracy within ±10% and precision of 18% relative standard deviation. The identification of the extractives was performed using gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The yields of extraction by Soxhlet were tested for solid wood, small particles and fine powder. Small particles were chosen for further analysis. This treatment gave good yields of the most important extractives: pinosylvin, pinosylvin monomethyl ether, resin acids and free fatty acids. The method is used to demonstrate the variation of these extractives across stems and differences in north–south direction.