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The performances of the plum rootstocks Plumina® Ferlenain, Ishtara® Ferciana, Jaspi® Fereley and the pentaploid open pollinated seedling of Mariana P 8-13 compared with St. Julien A as a standard, for the cultivars "Opal" and "Reine Claude GF 1119" were assessed in a field trial in western Norway at 60" North. This trial was one part of an international plum rootstock trial located in seven European countries and organized from INRA Bordeaux. Trees were planted in spring 1994; spaced 2.0 x 4.0 m and formed with a central leader as free spindles. Soil management was grass in the alleyways and herbicide strips 1-m wide along the tree rows. Tree vigour, yield, fruit size and yield efficiency were evaluated for the seven subsequent years. Tree size was significantly affected by the rootstocks. P 8-13 produced the largest trees for both cultivars as measured by trunk cross-sectional area. The smallest trees were produced on Plumina® Ferlenain for the cultivar `Opal" and on Jaspi® Fereley for `Reine Claude". The cultivar `Opal" was the most productive and gave three times larger crop than "Reine Claude" on average for the six cropping years. The "Reine Claude" trees came two years later into production than "Opal". There were small differences between the different rootstocks in productivity: However, the rootstock Plumina® Ferlenain produced significant lower crop than the other rootstock for `Opal". Trees on Jaspi® Fereley were the most yield efficient for `Opal" and Plumina® Ferlenain for `Reine Claude". The fruit sizes were in general medium to small for both cultivars and became little affected by the different rootstocks. The average fruit size was about 29 g for `Opal" and 22 g for `Reine Claude". Fruit quality characterized by the content of soluble solids was high for `Reine Claude" with average 20 % and 15 % for `Opal" and did not differ much between trees on the various rootstocks.


The performances of the plum rootstocks Ferlenain, Ishtara, Jaspi and P 8-13 compared with St. Julien A as a standard, for the cultivars `Opal" and `Reine Claude GF 1119" were assessed in a field trial in western Norway at 60° North. This trial was one part of an international plum rootstock trial located in seven European countries and organized from INRA Bordeaux. Trees were planted in spring 1994; spaced 2.0 x 4.0 m and formed with a central leader as free spindles. Soil management was grass in the alleyways and herbicide strips 1-m wide along the tree rows. Tree vigour, yield, fruit size and yield efficiency were evaluated for the seven subsequent years. Tree size was significantly affected by the rootstocks. P 8-13 produced the largest trees for both cultivars as measured by trunk cross-sectional area. The smallest trees were produced on Ferlenain for the cultivar `Opal" and on Jaspi for `Reine Claude". The cultivar `Opal" was the most productive and gave three times larger crop than "Reine Claude" on average for the six cropping years. The `Reine Claude" trees came two years later into production than `Opal". There were small differences between the different rootstocks in productivity: However, the rootstock Ferlenain produced significant lower crop than the other rootstock for `Opal". Trees on Jaspi were the most yield efficient for `Opal" and Ferlenain for `Reine Claude". The fruit sizes were in general medium to small for both cultivars and became little affected by the different rootstocks. The average fruit size was about 30 g for `Opal" and 25 g for `Reine Claude". Fruit quality characterized by the content of soluble solids was high for `Reine Claude" with average 20 % and 15 % for `Opal" and did not differ much between trees on the various rootstocks.


With the overall aim of improving the phenological function of a decision support tool support for predictions of grass yield and fodder quality , we have tested how appropriately the scale Mean stage by count describes the continuum of phenological events in timothy. Further adaptions to the presented equations describing the functional relationships between temperature and development are suggested.


P.capsici funnet for første gang i agurk i Norge i 2005

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At least 60–80 Phytophthora species has been described and most of them are soil-borne pathogens causing damping off, root rot, collar and stem rot and foliar blight on different woody plant species. These microbes are sometimes difficult to isolate and even more difficult to identify. A general review of isolation, detection and some newly identified species, including Phytophthora alni complex and P. ramorum, is presented in this article.