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N.E. Pedersen H. BjørnstadSammendrag
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T. Westby N.E. Pedersen L. WestlieSammendrag
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L. WestlieSammendrag
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T. Westby N.E. PedersenSammendrag
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M.Ø. HansenSammendrag
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O. NordalSammendrag
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Sondre Skatter Bohumil KuceraSammendrag
A new theory is presented on the cause of the prevalent directions of the spiral grain patterns found in conifers. The hypothesis is based upon the assumption that spiral grain has a function, i.e. that it represents a growth strategy to ensure survival of the trees. The mechanical function of the tree trunk is placed in focus, that is the ability of the trees to withstand external mechanical loads, mainly from wind. Spiral grain is an optimized growth feature when the trees are exposed to combined bending and torsion. Torsion occurs when the crown is asymmetric in the plane perpendicular to the wind direction. Systematic crown asymmetry, with heavier crowns on the south side, was confirmed by measuring the crown projections on 253 sparsely grown pines; 76.7% of the trees had longer branches on the south than on the north side, and the average length difference was 40.8 cm. By studying wind maps it was seen that most of the coniferous forests have prevailing westerly winds, which, when combined with the crown asymmetry, leads to a prevailing torque. Right-handed spiral grain in the outermost layers of mature trees is proposed to be a strategy to withstand this torque, i.e. to avoid stem breakage
The seasonal variations in volume of the milk in Norwegian goat dairyfarming, complicate production of brand goat cheeses. In the specialised goat dairy farming system most kids are culled shortly after birth without utilising the meat. In this paper the farm economics of an alternative system with altered period of kidding (currently in theperiod from January to March) combined with production of meat and cashmere fibre, is examined. May kidding combined with raising the kids for 8 or 20 months yielded the m ost promising economical return. Raising the kids one year is also profitable when kidding takes place in February while December kidding seems to perform best with thepresent system of culling the kids right after birth. Cashmere fibre production seems to be profitable on Norwegian dairy goat farms and fibre and meat could become an optio n in countries seeking to improve incomes on dairy goat farms. Compared to the present system the changes also would be favourable from an animal welfare point of view.
Mekjell MelandSammendrag
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