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Owe MartinssonSammendrag
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Ketil KohmannSammendrag
Side effects of the permethrin formulations Gori 920 and Gori 920 L, the fenvalerate formulation Sumicidin 10 FW and the emulsifier of the Gori formulations have been studied in seedlings of Norway spruce. Whole plant treatment with the Gori formulations in early autumn resulted in a 5 - 10 C poorer frost tolerance (TDI) later in the autumn. Moreover, this treatment increased mortality by 30 % within two years of testing in field trials. A basal part treatment with the Gori formulations and whole plant treatment with Sumicidin 10FW containing 10 % fenvalerate, gave on the other hand no negative effects during two years of field testing. Late autumn treatment with Gori 920 and Gori 920 L. followed by cold storage for six months revealed poorer frost tolerance (3-4 C) in the spring than the control. These treatments also reduced leader shoot growth in the first year, and increased the frequency of plants lacking a dominant leader after two years by 20-40 %. The detrimental agent in Gori 920 L was found to be the emulsifier, ethoxylated nonylphenol, alone and in combination with the dispersal agent, the linseed oil. The linseed oil gave no significant additional negative effect on frost resistance and growth after the cold storage during the winter. The investigation demonstrates the necessity of testing for possible side effects before practical use of any commercial pesticide formulation. The experiments were conducted in Norway at the nursery of Buskerud Forestry Society and at The Norwegian Forest Research Institute at s
P.I. KraftSammendrag
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A. Njøs B. SlyngstadSammendrag
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A. NjøsSammendrag
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Helge BonesmoSammendrag
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Rune Halvorsen Økland Knut Rydgren Tonje ØklandSammendrag
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Per Holm Nygaard Torbjørn ØdegaardSammendrag
Vegetation data were collected in 1931, 1961 and 1991 from permanent plots in a boreo-nemoral forest 20 km north of Oslo in southern Norway. Major changes were found in the vegetation composition during 60 years. The main changes were a reduction in the frequency and frequency of joint occurrence of species like Calluna vulgaris, Vaccinium uliginosum, Trientalis europaea, Maianthemum bifolium, Melampyrum pratense, Cornus suecica, Andromeda polifolia, Eriophorum vaginatum, Vaccinium oxycoccus, Pleurozium schreberi, Hylocomium splendens, Ptilium crista-castrensis, Dicranum fuscescens and Ptilidium ciliare. The observed changes were interpreted as induced by internal processes e.g., a long-term change from paludified forest to mesic forest. In particular the growth of Picea abies seems in particular to be a main driving force. The dominance of Picea abies and Vaccinium myrtillus appears to have made the conditions more unfavourable to other species. A doubling of the living stem biomass of P.abies during the last 67 years shows that this old-growth forest has not reached a steady state. Species like Deschampsia flexuosa and Molinia caerulea did not increase in frequency as has been demonstrated in response to nitrogen deposition elsewhere in northern Europe. The results of this study indicate that protection from logging has promoted the reduction of species in the field layer and bottom layer. This study questions if monitoring of forest vegetation should be restricted to protected forests as is the practice in Scandinavia today. We recommend that areas with some kind of selective cutting are also used for monitoring of forest vegetation
Edland, TorgeirSammendrag
Dette er Del I av ein kursperm som blei utgitt av Planteforsk Plantevernet i 1999. Føremålet med permen, er at den skal vere eit nyttig hjelpemiddel når ein skal identifisere skadesymptom, skadegjerarar og deira naturlege fiendar. Den kan såleis vere ein reiskap for fleire målgrupper: rettleiarar, produsentar og studentar. Denne første delen omfattar skade- og nyttedyr i frukthagar, ei illustrert innføring i dyra sin utsjånad, kroppsbygnad og struktur, vertplanter og levemåte. Dessutan er det utarbeidd fire bestemmingsnøklar av ulike grupper og utviklingsstadium. Solid kjennskap til dette er viktig når ein vil nytte integrerte rådgjerder. Del I er utarbeidd av Torgeir Edland (TE). Forfattaren vil takke professor Trond Hofsvang, Plantevernet, avdeling skadedyr, og fruktdyrkar Odd Berle, Svelvik, for gode råd om opplegg og vurdering av manuskriptet. Ei spesiell takk til fagassisten Ingrid Helleland (IH) for skriving og utforming av delen.
Sjur BaardsenSammendrag
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