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Agricultural soil on 12 farms converting to organic farming was sampled in 1989 and 1995 at the same sample points. Concentrations of plant-available (-AL) P, K, Ca and Mg, HNO3-soluble K, tot- N, tot-C and pH were measured in two layers. The average K-AL concentration and pH were reduced in both layers. The average P-AL concentration was reduced in the topsoil. K-AL and P-AL increased in samples with low concentrations and decreased in samples with high and very high concentrations in 1989. KHNO3 increased in the topsoil and tot-N increased in the subsoil. Tot-N and tot-C increased in top- and subsoil with a low organic matter content. The net import of P, calculated by farm level nutrient balances, was negatively correlated to the change in kg P-AL per hectare in the topsoil. No such correlation was found for K.


Global climate change is about uncertainty related to ecological and economic processes, and political responses. It is about fairness and income distribution among nations, both now and in the future. It is a dynamic problem that involves national carbon transition functions, damage functions and discount rates. These issues form the basis of the current paper, which examines them from a conceptual point of view.