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Ingen av de tornfrie sortene Adrienne, Douglas og Loch Ness er egnet til dyrking på friland i Norge. I plasthus er Loch Ness en god sort.


Artikkelen skisserer aktuelle strategiar for vidare forskingsarbeid ved Ullensvang forsøksgard sett i lys av erfaringer fra norske og utenlandske forskingsprogrammer og - prosjekter


The International Humic Substances Society (I.H.S.S.) has published a general procedure for the fractionation and isolation of FA, but crucial information is lacking. Here we give an account of a modified procedure to fractionate and isolate FA from soil using XAD-8 resin. We also present results with respect to the yield of FA and its ash content for a number of soil horizons. Our results indicate that more NaOH than previously assumed was needed to remove all adsorbed FA from the XAD-8 resin. By contrast to the IHSS procedure we combine several FA fractions prior to purification. To purify FA, two HCl/HF treatments were necessary to reduce the ash content to an acceptable level. In the four soil horizons investigated in this study, the relative importance of FA in total humic compounds increases in the order peat podzol O podzol Bhs podzol Bs