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Farmers in northern Norway have experienced frequent winter damages of grassland, especially on flat areas and peat soils. The use of open ditches and surface grading has become the common method to drain such fields and for reclaiming new land with such characteristics. We designate this as surface grading in this paper. An investment analysis is carried out to explore the profitability of this method. This analysis indicates that the method is profitable from the farmers’ point of view. However, the conclusions are sensitive to changes in crop yields and the value of the yields. The cost of a winter damage and thus an unplanned reseeding is high for young leys, but is small for leys approaching the optimal replacement age.


Ecconomical analysis of cost - benefit of surface grading of peat soils in Northern Norway, due to the influence on overwintering and yields of crops.

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This report presents the greater part of the scholarly contributions at the NJFseminar No. 313, titled “The Food Sector in Transition – Nordic Research”. The seminar was held at June 14th–15th 2000 in Oslo. The following working group within NJF (Section IX, Agricultural Economics) was responsible for planning and organizing: - Illka Laurila (Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Finland) - Jerker Nilsson (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) - Søren Büchmann Petersen (Danske Andelsselskaber) - Øystein Strøm (Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute). The overall purpose of the seminar was to debate vital driving forces behind the current changes in the Nordic food sectors such as new regulatory regimes, new competitors, new consumer trends and the rise of dominating retail chains. What challenges do such changes pose for the Nordic food industries? The theoretical point of departure was the ongoing redirection of research focus within agricultural economics from the free competition paradigm towards game theory, principalagent theory and transaction cost economics. More specifically, the following issues were debated during the seminar: - Strategic issues for the Nordic agricultural cooperatives, with a bent towards the significance of agency problems. - Entrepreneurship and organizational change - Brands, private labels and willingness to pay - Vertical coordination - Margins and consumer prices - Regulation and deregulation - Efficiency in agricultural sectors.


Epiphytic lichen vegetation on birch stems was studied in the border areas between Norway and Russia. The area is heavily influenced by sulphur dioxide pollution emitted from Russian nickel smelters.Hypogymnia physodes and Melanelia olivacea were the two most abundant lichen species on birch stems in the investigated area. However, the coverage of H. physodes and M. olivacea was clearly reduced in parts of the investigated area. The lichen vegetation increased with increasing distance from the pollution source, i.e. from a lichen desert to normal background levels. A different pattern of occurrence of the two lichen species was observed.


Here we describe the detection, developmental accumulation and cellular location of the putative plant defensin SPI1 (spruce pathogen induced 1), in the gymnosperm Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.], using specific antibodies. Contrary to what has been found in angiosperms, it was not detected in the embryo or other parts of the seed, but accumulated during root development. The protein was detected by immunolocalization along the cell membrane of cells forming the root cortex. Furthermore, a significant accumulation of the SPI1 protein was detected in roots during the first day of infection with the fungal pathogen Heterobasidium annosum, but not in response to the pathogens Pythium dimorphum or Ceratocystis polonica