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The soil conditioner, VEAS-Biosolids, is produced through compression, heating and vacuum drying of sewage sludge at the VEAS wastewater treatment plant in Slemmestad, Norway. The sanitation efficacy for potato cyst nematode (PCN), Globodera rostochiensis and wild oat, Avena fatua, was evaluated for the final production step, the combined thermal filter press and vacuum dryer Germ carriers, each carrying three nylon bags with 20 nematode cysts and one bag with 100 seeds of wild oat, were placed in three filter presses. Germ carriers were either exposed to sludge for 4 days, or kept dry before the test. The test pathogens were exposed to pressures of up to seven bars at 35 ºC, followed by heating to 80 ºC and vacuum at "0.92 bar during continued heating. Nematode vitality was studied by recording juvenile hatch, by vitality staining with New Blue R, and by recording nematode development on susceptible potato. Viability of wild oat was examined by tetrazolium test. There was a 100% efficacy in the sanitation of PCN and wild oat. For both organisms pre-exposure to sludge seemed to reduce vitality and viability.


Sauen er en god "restaureringsarbeider". Dette viser undersøkelser av sauebeitingens virkning på vegetasjonen på delvis gjengrodde øyer på Helgelandskysten i årene 1999-2001. Mengden av "problemurter" avtar og artsmangfoldet i de gjengrodde arealene øker. I områder gjengrodd med lyng og einer er trolig ikke sauebeiting alene nok til å restaurere vegetasjonen. I artsrik engvegetasjon fører sauebeitingen til en økning i forekomst av "ugrasarter". På grunn av undersøkelsens tidsbegrensning anbefales fremdeles at man er forsiktig med sauebeiting i spesielt artsrike områder.


Kap. 19. Sauens atferd Kapittelet beskriver de viktigste og mest karakteristiske atferdsmønstre hos sau. Kapittelet omfatter sauens beiteatferd, flokkatferd og sosialatferd, samt sauens reproduktive atferd og atferden til mor og lam. Kap 20. Hus og innredning til sau Dette kapittelet beskriver forskjellige hustyper og innredningsdetaljer til sau, med spesiell fokus på hvilken løsninger sauene selv velger. Ved investering i hus og innredning må man likevel som oftest gjøre en totalvurdering basert på dyrevelferd, arbeidsmiljø, praktiske hensyn og ikke minst økonomi.


This dissertation addresses questions of timber quality in the interface between the forestry and the sawmill. The labour was carried out in an industrial environment for the benefit of the sawmill industry and - in a wider scope - for the entire wood chain. Specimens from a total of more than three thousand five hundred softwood sawlogs and trees were investigated for heartwood, spiral grain or log geometry. Applying analytic and statistical tools, several models for wood properties were built. For pine heartwood the samples spanned most growth conditions and forested areas in the Scandinavian Peninsula. Age was found to be the predominant factor in heartwood formation. A global model termed the Heartwood Age Law could be recognised: Heartwood age, at arbitrary height in the tree, equals the square root of cambial age less three, to the second power. This finding might be used for heartwood modelling. Based on temperature gradients between the sap- and heartwood, an algorithm for calculating the heartwood diameter fraction in an IR image was established. Used in conjunction with a scanner, the following model was established: Top end heartwood diameter might be calculated by multiplying top end diameter observed in a shadow scanner with heartwood diameter fraction estimated from an IR image of arbitrary end of the log. The observed temperature gradient between heart- and sapwood indicated the accuracy of the method. In the industry, IR heartwood detection might be applied in sorting sawlogs to produce timber of distinct properties. Further, correlation to properties like ring width and knots, and to time since harvest, was suggested. A constant change rate in grain angle was found for the mature part of spruce sawlogs. Albeit great variability in intercept and inclination, a linear pattern in grain angle to radial distance from the pith prevailed for specimens from both of the two separated Nordic samples. A combined model including the juvenile zone around the pith was suggested. Two parameters are sufficient to model the grain angle for the entire radial range from the pith to the mantle in any spruce specimen. The main impact of the finding might be for use in modelling and simulation. Derived from observations in a 3D scanner, four parameters describing the centroid of sawlogs were calculated. Based on these parameters several distinct crook types could be classified in an automated routine: First, straight logs were separated from crooked ones; then smooth and simple sweep (that might be accepted in sawlogs) were separated from abrupt crook. Even more specific crook classes could be identified. In an industrial application, this model might increase the speed and reliability of sawlog classification. Observing the log diameter on or under bark and the cross-sectional shape of a sawlog both have an impact on the yield. Optimal yield was only obtained after accurate observing the diameter under bark, integrated in the conversion process. Based on actually observed crosscut shapes, simulation indicated that this strategy might produce up to one tenth more main yield as compared to diameter observation in one direction before barking. Other methods were intermediate. Further investigations analysing the variation in crosscut shape along the stem and the accuracy of observation were recommended.