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Soil erosion in Norway Abstract Soil erosion in Norway mainly occurs in autumn and winter period. High soil losses may occur by heavy snowmelt and/or rainfall in combination with frozen and not covered soil. Dominating erosion processes are sheet and rill erosion, deeper rilling caused by concentrated surface runoff, gullying and erosion in connection with tile drains. Research on tillage systems have been ongoing since the mid- seventies and the systems have been ranked according to their relative erosion risk. Soil losses are documented both in plot, field and at catchment scale and also in the National Agricultural Environmental Monitoring Programme (JOVA). The data have been used for the development of the Norwegian erosion risk model ERONOR and in several governmental actions involving subsidies and new regulations based on soil erosion risk maps using an USLE ?equation adapted to Norwegian conditions. Subsidies are given for tillage practice with low erosion risk, catch crops, grass covered waterways, buffer zones and sedimentation ponds. Soil losses (annual mean values) have been 0.1- 4.36 t ha-1 in plot studies, 0.028 ? 5.2 t ha-1 in field scale studies and 0.1- 3.5 t ha-1 in catchment studies. Soil losses by extreme gullying have exceeded 100 t ha-1.


Temporal changes in the scores of selected soil fertility indices were studied over six years in three different cases of organic crop rotation located in southern, eastern and central Norway. The cropping history and the initial scores of fertility indices prior to conversion to organic cropping differed between the sites. Crop yields, regarded as an overall, integrating fertility indicator, were in all rotations highly variable with few consistent temporal trends following the first year after conversion. On the site in eastern Norway, where conversion followed several years of all-arable crop rotations, earthworm number and biomass and soil physical properties improved, whereas the system was apparently degrading with regard to P and K trade balances and contents in soil. On the other two sites, the picture was less clear. On the southern site, which had a relatively fertile soil before conversion, the contents of soil organic matter and K decreased during the six-year period, but the scores of other fertility indices showed no trends. On the site in central Norway, there were positive trends for earthworm-related indices such as worm biomass and tubular biopores, and negative trends for soil porosity. The results, especially those from the eastern site, illustrate the general difficulty in drawing concllusions about overall fertility or sustainability when partial indicators show divergent trends. Consequently, the study gave no unambiguous support to the initial working hypothesis that organic farming increases inherent overall soil fertility, but rather showed that the effect varied among indicators and depended on status of the cases at conversion. It is concluded that indicators are probably better used as tools to learn about and improve system components than as absolute measures of sustainability.


Temporal changes in the scores of selected soil fertility indices were studied over six years in three different cases of organic crop rotation located in southern, eastern and central Norway. The cropping history and the initial scores of fertility indices prior to conversion to organic cropping differed between the sites. Crop yields, regarded as an overall, integrating fertility indicator, were in all rotations highly variable with few consistent temporal trends following the first year after conversion. On the site in eastern Norway, where conversion followed several years of all-arable crop rotations, earthworm number and biomass and soil physical properties improved, whereas the system was apparently degrading with regard to P and K trade balances and contents in soil. On the other two sites, the picture was less clear. On the southern site, which had a relatively fertile soil before conversion, the contents of soil organic matter and K decreased during the six-year period, but the scores of other fertility indices showed no trends. On the site in central Norway, there were positive trends for earthworm-related indices such as worm biomass and tubular biopores, and negative trends for soil porosity. The results, especially those from the eastern site, illustrate the general difficulty in drawing conclusions about overall fertility or sustainability when partial indicators show divergent trends. Consequently, the study gave no unambiguous support to the initial working hypothesis that organic farming increases inherent overall soil fertility, but rather showed that the effect varied among indicators and depended on status of the cases at conversion. It is concluded that indicators are probably better used as tools to learn about and improve system components than as absolute measures of sustainability.

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Det har vært gjennomført en kartlegging av kystsonen i Sarpsborg for å finne frem til egnede områder for ulike avløpsløsninger for spredt avløp. Området er mye brukt for friluftsliv og bading, og det er stor tetthet av fritidsboliger. Grunnvann er en vanlig brukt drikkevannskilde. Kystsonen i Sarpsborg er en indre skjærgård med dype kiler og tildels brakkvannstilstander på grunn av utløpet av Glomma. Dette er derfor en mer sårbar resipient enn normalt ved kysten. Området er delt inn i 5 soner basert på grunnforhold og tetthet av drikkevannsbrønner. Til hver sone er det tillagt anbefalte avløpsløsninger, og de viktigste løsningene er beskrevet. Det er utarbeidet et sonekart.


Foredraget ga en oversikt over faktorer som påvirker behover for soppbekjempelse i høstkorn og andre faktorer som påvirker overvitringa, samt hjelpemidler for å vurdere strategier for soppbekjempelse kommende vesktsesong


Resultater fra forsøkene viser at i vårhvete vil en behandling med en strobilurinblanding i perioden fra begynnende skyting til full skyting gi en god beskyttelse mot hveteaksprikk. To ganger behandling kan være aktuelt i sorter med liten mjøldoggresistens. I gjennomsnitt for feltene i vårhvete i 2003-2005 var økningen i lønnsomhet ved to ganger behandling beskjeden i forhold til en gang behandling. I 25 % av forsøkene i perioden var det ikke behov for behandling. Tre ganger behandling var ikke lønnsomt i forsøkene. I forsøkene i høsthvete hadde en tidlig behandling med Stereo god virkning mot mjøldogg og på oppsmitting av hveteaksprikk. En tidlig behandling med et "ikke strobilurin", etterfulgt av en redusert eller full dose av en strobilurinblanding avhengig av sjukdomsrisiko vil ofte være en god strategi i høsthvete. Riktig tidspunkt for 2. gangs behandling må vurderes i forhold til værprognosene. 3 ganger behandling kan være aktuelt i høsthvete i år med vedvarende smittepress, og der årkeren har et høyt avlingspotensiale. Kartleggingen av sjukdommer i feltene har vist at det er en rekke sjukdommer til stedet i hveteåkrene, og at sjukdomsfloraen varierer noe fra felt til felt. Dette kan være en årsak til utslag som kan være vanskelig å forklare. Kartleggingen av hvilke bladflekksjukdommer som er til stede i forsøksfeltene er viktig for å kunne differensiere anbefalingene om bekjempelse bedre.