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Agricultural extension services are integral to technology adoption where they play a key role in delivering relevant agricultural information and technologies to farmers. In China, agricultural extension services are provided through experimentation, demonstration, training, and consulting. In Norway, agricultural extension is focused on collecting, developing, and coordinating agricultural knowledge to farmers. This chapter focuses on why agricultural extension is needed, how it is developed, and what services agricultural extension provides to its clients. It discusses experiences from China and Norway where agricultural extension has led to or is necessary for boosting agricultural productivity, increasing food security and safety, and improving the well-being of farmers.

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The benefits of individual vessel quota (IVQ) management in terms of improved harvest strategy and profitability are well recognized, but there is less focus on how different components of a quota portfolio can influence decisions underlying the effort allocation and profit-maximizing behaviour of fishers. Variations in the components of the quota portfolio may create economic incentives that alter the optimal harvest strategy and profitability. Thus, we study the potential impact of different components of quota portfolio on the intra-annual harvest strategy and profitability in two segments of the Norwegian bottom trawl fleet. By developing a vessel-based spatio-temporal bioeconomic framework, we demonstrate and compare adopted harvest strategies and accrued profits for small and large trawl vessels under three scenarios regarding restrictive quotas in codfish fishery. Our analysis confirms that alternations in the components of the quota portfolio influence the spatio-temporal dynamics of the fishing effort for small and large trawl vessels in different ways, probably due to the differences in vessel-specific characteristics. We also demonstrate that the differences in profit between small and large vessels in part depend on the overall size of the quota portfolio. The economies of scale in the trawl industry are being eroded as the shares of higher-priced species in the quota portfolio decreases. The benefits of economies of scale cannot be reaped as trawlers respond to the reduction in profit by redirecting effort from offshore areas of the Arctic to nearshore waters or staying ashore. Likewise, having small quotas of high-priced species reduces the effectiveness of the IVQ system in meeting management objectives, and could in some cases undermine sustainability outcomes. Our results also demonstrate that both the intensity with which fishers react to the fluctuations in market price levels and fishers’ perceptions of location attractiveness are influenced by the components of the quota portfolio.


The SiEUGreen project was implemented to enhance the EU-China cooperation in promoting urban agriculture (UA) for food security, resource efficiency and smart, resilient cities through the development of showcases in selected European and Chinese urban and peri-urban areas. In the last four years, SiEUGreen project assembled numerous existing and/or unexploited technologies for the first time to facilitate the development of the state-of-the-art UA model. In light of this, there is natural interest in whether SiEUGreen’s efforts resulted in meaningful impacts. Hence, the objective of this report is to determine the multi-dimensional impacts of the showcases developed and implemented by the SiEUGreen project. The analysis of the impact of the technologies or showcases implemented by the SIEUGreen mainly relies on the data obtained from other relevant tasks and deliverables within the project (e.g., showcase deployment, market analysis, and deliverables related to technology deployment). The willingness to pay studies use NIBIO’s existing data from a contingent valuation survey for willingness to pay of Oslo residents towards food produced using the target technologies. The report is presented as follows: • Section 2 gives an overview of the implementation status of the SiEUGreen technologies with the current technology readiness levels (TRLs); • Section 3 discusses the impacts in terms of land use, food security, environmental resilience and resource efficiency, and societal inclusion; • Section 4 focuses on willingness to pay studies for UA-related technologies; • Section 5 discusses the results and impact pathways; and • Section 6 provides the lessons learned and recommendations. Overall, our assessment indicates that SiEUGreen has provided a wide-ranging array of impacts in multiple dimensions: land-use, food security, environmental resilience and resource efficiency, and societal inclusion.


Rapporten presenterer resultater fra en intervjuundersøkelse blant småskala grøntprodusenter i Troms og Finnmark, samt representanter for ulike salgskanaler. Målet var å kartlegge markedsmessige muligheter og utfordringer for småskala grøntproduksjon i landets nordligste fylke. Det er underdekning på potet og grønnsaker i Troms og Finnmark. Produsentmiljøet er lite. For å snu denne utvikling anbefales en satsning på småskalaproduksjon, i tillegg til volumproduksjon. Undersøkelsen viser fremtidstro blant småskala grøntprodusenter, og god markedsadgang. Samtidig opplever produsentene at klimatiske forhold, mangel på produsentnettverk, lange avstander og små markeder, manglende infrastruktur, begrenset innpass i dagligvare, tidspress, lav lønnsomhet og mangel på offentlig støtte skaper utfordringer for næringa. Det er grunn til å anta at særskilte produksjonsmessige (kort vekstsesong og kaldt klima) og markedsmessige (lange avstander og små produsentmiljøer og markeder) som preger landsdelen, gjør utfordringene mer krevende for produsenter i nord enn lenger sør. Rapporten anbefaler at tiltak for å styrke småskala grøntproduksjon i Troms og Finnmark inkluderer å (i) sikre produsentene gode økonomiske betingelser, (ii) tilby veiledning og kurs og (iii) legge til rette for samarbeid og produsentnettverk, spesielt innen markedsføring og salg. Forprosjektet bør følges opp med forskning som blant annet undersøker (i) avlingsvolum og hvilken rolle småskala grøntproduksjon kan spille for regional selvforsyning, (ii) kostnader forbundet med produksjon og salg, samt potensialet for omsetning, (iii) ulike former for produsentsamarbeid og (iv) hvordan nordlig klima påvirker kvaliteten av ulike plantevekster.