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The growing concern about sub-national domestic support to agriculture is caused by the increased international monitoring of agricultural policies (through the WTO and the OECD) combined with the resulting problems of broadening the scope of agricultural policies to include rural development concerns. In this study, the term «sub-national» is defined as including any level of governance below a country’s (or a group of countries’) top level of governance. Australia, the EU, and the United States are selected as case studies in an attempt to describe and compare the evidence, significance, and reporting procedures of sub-national domestic support. These countries are major actors in world agricultural markets, possess considerable political power to influence international negotiation outcomes, and are able to set standards in the way sub-national domestic support is reported. The study shows that sub-national domestic support is evident in all countries investigated, but its significance varies considerably. Measured as a percentage of total domestic support, sub-national domestic support accounted for 5% and 15% in the US and the EU, respectively, while it reached 50% in Australia. The main reasons for the differences can be found in the historical development of the countries’ governance structure in general and the evolution of the countries’ agricultural policies in particular. […]


Gusathion og de andre fosformidlene er nå definitivt på vei ut av frukthagene. Det er flere ting vi kan gjøre for å møte problemene som oppstår, og forberedelsene kan begynne straks. Jeg tillater meg å komme med  noen "luftige" forslag.


Eplesorten "Discovery" poda på 8 grunnstammervart prøvde i intensive plantesystem i fem år ved to lokalitetar. Grunnstammene var to seleksjonar av M.9 (EMLA, RN.29), to frå den Polske (P) serien (P.59, P.60), tre frå Geneva (G) serien (G.30, G.78730-026, G.202) and M.26. Tre-storleiken var signifikant påverka av grunnstammene. P.59, G.78730-026 og M.9 RN.29 gav dei minste og G.30 og G.202 dei største trea målt som stammetverrmål. Avlinga var størst på P.59 og G.30 fylgd av G.202, P.60 and M.9 EMLA. Effektiviteten var største hjå tre av P.59 og dei to M.9 klonane. Det var liten skilnad på fruktvektene. Fruktkvaliten var generelt høg og det var liten skilnad mellom dei ulike grunnstammene.


Dyrkingsteknikk for potetsorter i Norge. Nitrogengjødsling, setteavstander, settepotetstørrelse, forbehandling av settepotetene samt styrker og svakheter vedr sortene


Virkningen av vårbeiting med rein på bjørk, gras, urter og strølaget ble undersøkt på en kysteng som ble henholdsvis beitet og beskyttet fra beiting (kontroll) våren 1996 og 1997. Det ble registrert 29 forskjellige arter i enga og reinen beitet på samtlige unntatt sølvbunke. Det ble ikke registrert endringer i høyden på små bjørkeplanter i feltene som ble beitet av rein. I kontrollfeltene doblet bjørkeplantene høyden i løpet av de to årene forsøket pågikk. Andelen gras i forhold til urter var høyere (P


Six experimental sites in the coastal spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) forest of central Norway were investigated. A comparison of different silviculture systems was performed based on the present situation of mature stands, and a single tree selection system, a group system and a clearcutting system were studied. The diameter distribution shows the classical inverse J-shaped curve at five of six sites. The mean tree volume removed in the selection system was 0.6 m3, and about 0.3 m3 for the other two methods. The harvesting cost was about 14 Euro/m3 for clearcutting, and about 10% higher for the group and selection systems. In simulations of all future revenues and expenses based on the observed stand conditions, cutting and extraction costs, the net present value (NPV) was app. 15% lower for the group and selection systems compared to clearcutting. A lower stem volume production in uneven-aged stands and higher administration and harvesting costs had only a minor influence on the NPV. One percent higher interest rate lowered the NPV of the group and selection systems to 75% of the clearcutting method.


Roser er et planteslag som lett angripes av skadedyr og sjukdommer, og det blir derfor en del sprøyting i denne kulturen. I forbindelse med sprøyting har det vært vanlig å konsentrere seg om den biologiske effekten på sjukdom og skadedyr og eventuelle sprøyteskader på rosene. I et forsøk som ble utført for noen år siden, ble det undersøkt hvordan sprøyting med kjemiske og "biologiske" midler påvirker holdbarheten til rosene.


Studies were conducted to investigate potential interactions between brassicaceous plants, the isothiocyanates they produce and insect pathogenic fungi. Studies in vitro showed that 100 ppm of 2-phenylethyl isothiocyanate completely inhibited growth of Metarhizium anisopliae and Tolypocladium cylindrosporum. T. cylindrosporum was significantly inhibited by 10 ppm 2-phenylethyl isothiocyanate, but not by 1 ppm. M. anisopliae was not inhibited by 10 or 1 ppm 2-phenylethyl isothiocyanate. The effect of freshly grated rutabaga on virulence of M. anisopliae to Galleria mellonella larvae was also tested, resulting in reduced infection by M. anisopliae. To study the effect of plants in the Brassicaceae under more field-like conditions fungi were added to soil without plants or at the bases of two different plant species, Barbarea vulgaris and Eruca vesicaria sativa. Soil was sampled at 5, 10 and 15 days to determine the concentration of colony forming units (CFUs). Treatments with plants did not have fewer CFUs than the control. Instead significantly fewer CFUs resulted when M. anisopliae was added to pots with soil only than to pots with plants. There were no significant differences between the two plant species in the number of CFUs at day 5. For days 10 and 15, however, significantly more M. anisopliae CFUs were found in pots containing E. vesicaria sativa than B. vulgaris. T. cylindrosporum was less affected by the different treatments than M. anisopliae. Our studies demonstrated that while isothiocyanates can inhibit insect pathogenic fungi in Petri dishes, when using a more realistic fungus/plant/soil microcosm no fungal inhibition was found.


In a recently started research project with field experiments conducted under different climatic conditions, winter survival, spring growth and nitrogen dynamics of white clover are studied in relation to its physiological condition. Belowground biomass and the functioning and longevity of roots and nodules are especially focused. The physiological condition of the plants is manipulated by the use of different defoliation regimes during the growing season. The field experiments are situated at two locations; at Apelsvoll at 61°N, and in Tromsø, 69°N. The results show that the defoliation regimes affected the strategy of DM allocation in the white clover plants. The more frequent defoliation regime lead to increased allocation of photosynthates to leaves at the expense of roots and stolons. The defoliation regimes thus created a gradient in physiological condition of the plants