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The genus Leptographium was described in 1927 and currently includes 48 species, with L. lundbergii as the type species. In recent years, the taxonomic status of L. lundbergii has not been uniformly agreed upon and it has been the topic of considerable debate. The problem was compounded by the absence of a type specimen, and the species was epitypified at a later stage. Unfortunately, the whereabouts of the epitype is now unknown. In 1983, Wingfield & Marasas described L. truncatum, which is morphologically similar to L. lundbergii. Based on DNA comparisons and similarities in their morphology, this fungus was reduced to synonymy with L. lundbergii. The loss of the type specimen as well as variation in the morphology of strains identified as L. lundbergii prompted us to re-examine the taxonomic status of this species. A number of strains from various geographic areas were studied. These include a strain of L. lundbergii deposited at CBS by Melin in 1929 (CBS 352.29) as well as the ex-type strain of L. truncatum. The strains were compared based on morphology and comparison of multiple gene sequences. Three genes or genic regions, ITS2 and part of the 28S gene, partial â-tubulin and partial elongation factor 1-α were compared. Strains currently identified as L. lundbergii, represented a complex of species. Strains initially described as L. truncatum clustered separately from other L. lundbergii strains, could be distinguished morphologically and should be treated as a distinct taxon. L. lundbergii is provided with a new and expanded description based on a neotype designated for it. A third group was also identified as separate from the main L. lundbergii clade and had a distinct Hyalorhinocladiella-type anamorph, described here as H. pinicola sp.nov.


Time since death and time since fall were estimated for hybrid spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss Picea engelmannii Parry ex Engelm.) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.) logs to quantify temporal changes in log decay and habitat quality in east-central British Columbia. We sampled 136 logs (72 spruce and 64 fir) for species, size, and morphological attributes and used dendroecological techniques to estimate year of death (n = 97) and fall (n = 122).Time since death and time since fall of spruce and fir were similar in decay classes 1 and 2; fir was older than spruce in more advanced stages of decay. Discriminant analysis based on time since fall correctly classified logs into four decay classes for 67% and 80% of spruce and fir, respectively.Function as wildlife habitat changed significantly as logs decayed. Logs served as elevated runways for approximately 15 years and then increased in value as habitat for invertebrates and insectivores as wood softened and vegetation established. Concealed spaces increased as the wood decomposed but decreased when logs collapsed.We conclude that decay classes represent biologically and statistically significant stages of log decomposition that are relevant to wildlife habitat and therefore provide a useful construct for model development and field interpretation.


Korncystenematoder (Heterodera spp.) er et kompleks av arter og patotyper med forskjellige vertsplanter og skadelighet på kornsorter. I Norge viser det seg så langt å være vanlig havrecystenematode (Heterodera avenae) patotype Ha 11, H. avenae "svensk patotype Våxtorp" og rugcystenematoden (H. filipjevi) "svensk patotype vest". Biotest mot disse patotypene ble gjennomført. 37 kornsorter inngikk i testen. I bygg var Otira resistent mot H. avenae Ha 11, og det var lav oppformering i Edel og Iver. For H avenae Våxtorp populasjonen viste flere byggsorter lav oppformering uten å kunne betraktes som resistent. Byggsortene Gunilla, Iver, Pernilla og Sunita viste resistens mot H. filipjevi vest, og disse sortene viste lavere oppformering enn Baronesse. Av havre viste sorten Gunhild resistens mot H. avenae Ha 11, og Gunhild var også resistent mot H. filipjevi vest, i tillegg til at sorten viste lav oppformering av H. avenae Våxtorpspopulasjonen. Mot H. filipjevi vest finnes flere resistente havresorter. Vårhvete sorten Avans viste resistens mot både H. avenae Ha 11 og Våxtorpspopulasjonen. Mot H. filipjevi vest ble ingen resistens påvist i vårhvete. Testen viser at det finnes sorter på det norske markedet som kan benyttes for å holde korncystenematodene på et lavt nivå.


The conceptual frame for the discussion is introduced. Then the phenomenon called leaf wetness is discussed in an informal manner, and a documentation system for measured parameters is introduced, bringing examples from the measurements made in the automated station network of agro meteorological stations belonging to the Norwegian Crop Research Institute. Two examples of documenting parameters in the leaf wetness part of a SVAT-model is given. Parameters characterizing leaf wetness as input to biological modelling of infection of fungal diseases in crops are discussed. In the end part of this report contribution the concept of leaf wetness found in literature and on the web are discussed and criticized by using the conceptual frame of the preceding paragraphs.