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Content of 18O, 2H, 3H and geochemical components in rainfall, stream water, peat water and bedrock groundwater in four headwater catchments were compared to reveal differences in sources of runoff and hydrological vulnerability to tunnel drainage during summer. Water previously stored within the catchments was the predominant component of streamflow during small and moderate events. The proportion of event water increased at high discharge in autumn. Neither the isotopic nor the hydrochemical composition of stream water indicated any considerable contribution from old bedrock groundwater. Stream water hydrochemistry revealed clear influence of soil water pathways. The differences in land cover could be seen in water quality and runoff generation. Water storage and mixing in lakes and lowland wetlands reduced fluctuations in runoff and water quality. Runoff retention and the solute trapping effect in peatlands were most efficient in flat areas near the catchment outlet. In lowflow periods fluxes from hillslopes were of minor importance compared to discharges from wetland water storage. Water delivery from hillslopes with thin till cover (


This report explores how equivalence and mutual recognition have been applied by the European Union (EU) in order to facilitate trade. The EU is of particular interest in this area because it has been in the forefront internationally with regard to applying these tools, both in its internal market project and in its external trade relations. The report includes an empirical mapping of EU’s experience with applying equivalence and mutual recognition as trade facilitating tools. The aim here is to increase the understanding of how these tools can be relevant and important in a wider global context, in particular with regard to food trade. Furthermore, based on this experience some of the challenges that countries are faced with when applying these tools are highlighted thus allowing some assessments of the prospects of and difficulties in achieving trade facilitation through these means. Chapter 2 includes an account of some of the regulatory approaches that the EU has pursued in its attempts at realising an internal market, from the adoption of common rules, to mutual recognition and the «Better Regulation» programme included in the Lisbon strategy. Chapter 3 discusses EU’s rules for third-country relations. Furthermore, some of EU’s mutual recognition and equivalence agreements are explored. In addition to these, Chapter 3 includes an account of one-way judgements of equivalence included in EU’s rules for imports of organic food and fishery products. Chapter 4 presents EU’s work and positions on equivalence and mutual recognition in the WTO and the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Chapter 5 includes an assessment of the EU’s experience with mutual recognition and equivalence. Finally, in Chapter 6 some conclusions and final remarks are made. […]


SFT bevilget i 2006 midler til Bioforsk Jord og miljø til arbeidet med binding, mobilisering og transport av TBT. Rapporten beskriver resultater fra adsorpsjons- og desorpsjonsforsøk som er gjennomført i laboratoriet og resultater fra modellering av TBT transport fra forurensede sedimenter i sjønære deponier. Adsorpsjonen av TBT til sand, jord og sedimenter er generelt høyest mellom pH 6 og 7. For materialer som inneholder leire og TOC er det en tendens til at bindingen av TBT reduseres med økende salinitet, mens sandige materialer med lav TOC har en tendens til sterkere binding med økende salinitet. I kolonneforsøk (utvaskingsforsøk) med forurensede sedimenter mobiliseres mer TBT, DBT (dibutyltinn) og (MBT) monobutyltinn ved eluering med ferskvann enn med brakk- og saltvann. Simuleringene av transport av TBT fra forurensede sedimenter er gjort ved bruk av Comsol Multiphysiscs. Simuleringene viser at det vil ta lang tid (> 10.000 år) før saltet i et deponi bestående av marine sedimenter er lekket ut noe som medfører lav utlekking av TBT. Nedbrytningen av TBT vil ha større betydning enn utlekking for spredning av TBT fra sedimenter som deponeres i sjønære deponier.


Disposal of domestic sewage effluents in soil has been used for several decades in Norway and more than 100000 constructed systems for wastewater purification have been built with capacities between 5 and 8000 pe (person equivalent). However, the infiltration of wastewater effluents into soils and the estimation of application rates for a given system design and environmental setting are extremely complex and often poorly understood and oversimplified (Siegrist, 2004). The infiltration system presented here consists of 26 horizontal distribution pipes separated by 1.25 m over an area of 1100m2. The distribution pipes are placed in a coarse stone/gravel distribution layer at about 1m depth. A pump ensures regular injection of wastewater into the system. Below the distribution layer there is a 20 cm thick layer of local natural soil, which is a coarse gravely sandy soil, followed by a 25 cm thick layer of light weight aggregates (LWA). Below the LWA layer there is natural soil and the water drains freely to the groundwater at about 5m depth. Hence the retention time and flow pattern are key factors determining whether phosphates are retained and organic components are degraded before water leaves the filter system or enters the phreatic level. In this study a combination of time lapse electrical resistivity (ER) measurements and numerical modelling of an unsaturated system have been performed in order to examine the wastewater distribution and its potential effect on flow and transport in a 2D unsaturated layered profile. Measurements were performed in June 2005. In addition to the ER measurements, an inactive tracer was applied and the breakthrough curve monitored at three depths below the constructed filter. Changes in electrical resistivity with time revealed a distribution of water coinciding with the distribution pipes. The re is some consistency between measured changes in resistivity and changes estimated from unsaturated numerical simulations. Although a forward modelling based on the simulations were not done for this paper. The difference between the simulations and the field measurements indicate that the flow and transport in the system may be non uniform over the area, hence causing preferential flow paths in the filter system.


Sammenfattende presentasjon av ulike tiltak for å håndtere avrenning av forurenset overvann fra sterkt trafikkerte veger før utslipp til resipient