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Symptomer på P.ramorum på diverse vertplanter.


Pythium aphanidermatum er hos oss best kjent som årsak til aggresiv rothalsråte i veksthusagurk. For første gang er patogenet nå også påvist i forbindelse med rotråte i norske julestjerner


Studies of genetic variation of the late blight pathogen among isolates collected in 2003  in the Nordic countries were presented


Phytophthora infestans was isolated from potato leaves collected from 200 fields located in different parts of Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway in 2003. Sampling was carried out relatively late in the epidemic. The SSR analysis was carried out in Norway. Nine SSR markers were tested; Pi4B, Pi4G, PiG11, Pi02, Pi04, Pi16, Pi26, Pi33 and D13. Based on only 7 SSR markers 190 genotypes were found. Six genotypes occurred twice and one genotype occurred six times. The high genetic variation indicates sexual reproduction in the Nordic late blight population

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Det mangler per i dag overvåkingssystemer for en rekke viktige insekter som er eller kan bli viktige skadegjørere i norsk skog i fremtiden. Dette behovet har ytterligere blitt aktualisert fordi fremmede arter introduseres, og fordi klimaendringer kan endre artenes utbredelse og tendens til å gi utbrudd. Det anbefales derfor at overvåkingen av granbarkbillen opprettholdes og suppleres med registreringer av skadde trær. I tillegg bør det være en egen overvåking ved importhavnene hvor fremmede arter har størst sannsynlighet for å bli introdusert. Det bør også være en målrettet overvåking og vurdering av behovet for overvåking av andre potensielle skadegjørere.


The area of wood protection is in a period of change. New tools are needed to understand the mode of action, and to further improve the new wood protection systems. A set of useful tools are found among the molecular methods. This paper presents an overview of some of the tools available, and the methods are exemplified by papers within the frame of wood protection issues. However, there is still a great unexplored potential within the field of wood protection by the use of various molecular methods. The majority of the work using molecular methods has been performed on species identification issues and within species variation. This paper lists some new promising molecular methods for wood protection issues and a presentation of a new project. The new project will help to gain some new knowledge about how the fungal decay processes are affected by different wood modification systems.


In spring 2002, extensive damage was recorded in southeast Norway on nursery-grown Norway spruce seedlings that had either wintered in nursery cold storage or had been planted out in autumn 2001. The damage was characterised by a top shoot dieback. Two visually distinct types of necroses were located either on the upper or lower part of the 2001-year-shoot. Isolations from the upper stem necroses rendered Gremmeniella abietina, while Phomopsis sp. was isolated mostly from the from the lower stem necroses. RAMS (random amplified microsatellites) profiling indicated that the G. abietina strains associated with diseased nursery seedlings belonged to LTT (large-tree type) ecotype, and inoculation tests confirmed their pathogenicity on Norway spruce seedlings. Phomopsis sp. was not pathogenic in inoculation tests, this implying it may be a secondary colonizer. We describe here the Gremmeniella - associated shoot dieback symptoms on Norway spruce seedlings and conclude that the unusual disease outburst was related to the Gremmeniella epidemic caused by the LTT type on large pines in 2001. The role of Phomopsis sp. in the tissue of diseased Norway spruce seedlings is yet unclear.