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Per Gundersen Bridget A. Emmett O. Janne Kjønaas Chris J. Koopmans Albert TietemaSammendrag
Impact of nitrogen (N) deposition was studied by comparing N fluxes, N concentrations and N pool sizes in vegetation and soil in five coniferous forest stands at the NITREX sites: Grdsjn (GD), Sweden, Klosterhede (KH), Denmark, Aber (AB), Wales, UK, Speuld (SP), the Netherlands, and Ysselsteyn (YS), the Netherlands. The sites span a N- deposition gradient from 13 to 59 kg N ha-1 yr-1. Measurements of soil N transformation rates by laboratory and field incubations were part of the site comparison. Further, results from 4-5 yr of NH4NO3 addition (35 kg N ha-1 yr-1) at low deposition sites (GD, KH, AB) and 6 yr of N removal (roofs) at high deposition sites (SP, YS) were included in the analysis. Significant correlations were found between a range of variables including N concentrations in foliage and litter, soil N transformation rates and forest floor characteristics. Using the methods from principal component analysis (PCA) these variables were summarized to an index of site N status that assigned the lowest N status to GD and the highest to YS. Site N status increased with N deposition with the exception that AB was naturally rich in N. Nitrate leaching was significantly correlated with N status but not correlated with N deposition.Forest floor mass and root biomass decreased with increased N status. Characteristics of the mineral soil were not correlated with vegetation and forest floor variables. High C/N ratios in the mineral soil at the high-N deposition sites (SP, YS) suggest that the mineral soil pool changes slowly and need not change for N saturation to occur. Nitrogen transformation rates measured in laboratory incubations did not agree well with rates measured in the field except for a good correlation between gross mineralization in the laboratory and net mineralization in the field. The changes in N concentrations and fluxes after manipulation of N input followed the direction expected from the site comparison: increases at N addition and decreases at N removal sites. Nitrate leaching responded within the first year of treatment at all sites, whereas responses in vegetation and soil were delayed. Changes in N status by the manipulation treatments were small compared to the differences between sites. Changes in nitrate leaching were small at the low-N status sites and substantial at the high-N status sites. Nitrogen-limited and N-saturated forest ecosystems could be characterized quantitatively.
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Kåre Olav VennSammendrag
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Ricardo HolgadoSammendrag
Cereal cyst Nematodes Heterodera spp. are pests of cereal crops, and their occurrence is known for many years both in Europe and in Norway. This group of nematodes forms a complex of species referred to as the "Heterodera avenae-complex", this includes H.avenae Wollenweber (CCN), H. bifenestra Cooper, H. mani Matthews, H. iri Matthews, H. hordecalis Andersson, H. latipons Franklin and H. filipjevi Krall. The host status of cereal cultivars differs between and within different species of the H. avenae-complex, and several pathotypes occur in several species. The border lines for species and pathotypes of the Heterodera avenae-complex are diffuse. Several pathotypes of CCN are found in Europe, and two pathotypes Ha51 and Ha11 are reported from Norway, Symptoms of damage by cyst nematodes in cereals are usually shown as patches of pale and stunted plants. The effects on the aerial parts of plants are identical with symptoms of severe nitrogen and other mineral deficiencies. Plants attacked by the nematodes wilt readily in dry weather. This reflects the nematode damage to the root system. In our experience most modern commercial varieties of cereals are equally susceptible to CCN. The aim of the project is to study the occurrence and distribution of the species within H. avenae-complex, to clarify the pathotype spectrum and to investigate the possible occurrence of microbial antagonists in Norway. The project is expected to be completed in 2001.
Svein Ole BorgenSammendrag
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Magne SætersdalSammendrag
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Tore Sveistrup T Haraldsen R LangohrSammendrag
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