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Sjur Spildo PrestegardSammendrag
In this note it is first shown that public intervention in agriculture may be desirable in the case of market failure. Then the focus is on objectives concerning income distribution, price and income stability. The note then focuses on the proposition that some of the conflicting views on agricultural policy between economists, politicians and countries, arise from a difference in the fundamental view on agricultural policy. Is agricultural policy basically seen as an income policy or social policy, or as an intervention to correct market failures in agriculture? I suggest that this difference in viewing agricultural policy, also influence views on which policy instruments to use. Economists (and politicians) who look upon agricultural policy as mainly an income policy or social policy, often speak in favour of decoupling support, i.e. that support not should be linked to production. This argument has a strong basis in economic theory. However, if the objectives of agricultural policy are regarded as mainly policy interventions to correct market failures, decoupling of support can not be seen as effective. If the objective is to maintain a public good such as the agricultural landscape, the support must be given to landscape maintenance (and this requires some agricultural activity). This implies that «a greening of policies» which intends to decouple support totally from agricultural production, will not be an effective policy. But «a greening of policy» by reducing tariffs and price support in favour of for example different forms of acreage support or support per head of animals, will be more efficient and less trade distorting. It is argued that this has to be taken into account in the forthcoming negotiations within the WTO on further agricultural liberalisation. To give purely income support, is the same as stating that the main reason for keeping an agriculture in that country, is to give farmers an income. In this note it is argued that it should be seen the other way round. To give farmers a decent income and standard of living can not be regarded as an agricultural objective in itself, it must be seen as a necessary condition for maintaining a national agriculture and thereby obtain other objectives (i.e. correcting market failures). If a society has as its main agricultural objective to secure the income of farmers compared to other groups in society, it can be argued that this could be done better through the regular tax and social system than as an integrated part of agricultural policy.
Å HålandSammendrag
Ein serie på 25 lokale eitt-årige markforsøksfelt i Sørvest-Norge viste at 6 tonn storfeblautgjødsel pr. dekar spreidd på eng når graset var 10 cm høgt hadde svakare gjødselverknad enn same mengd spreidd ved vegetasjonsstart. Dette gjeld verknad både på avlingsstorleik og på mengd N, Ca og K opptatt i avlinga, men ikkje på utnyttingsgraden av N, P og K i gjødsla. Tre tonn av same gjødsla viste ikkje tilsvarande forskjell mellom spreietidspunkta. Det blei i forsøka gitt tilskot av nitrogen i kalksalpeter for å jamna ut skilnader i nitrogenforsyning som hadde andre årsaker enn tidspunktet for spreiing av blautgjødsla. Det var små avlingsskilnader mellom forsøksledd med ulike spreietidspunkt og mengder blautgjødsel og kalksalpeter. Men opptatt N, Ca og K i 1.slåtts avling var betydeleg lågare etter sein enn etter tidleg spreiing av blautgjødsla. Verknaden av delt spreiing av både 3 og 6 tonn blautgjødsel skilde seg stort sett lite frå verknaden av udelt spreiing både på avling, næringsinnhald i avlinga og på utnyttingdgraden av N, P og K. Det var ikkje samspel mellom spreietidspunkt og blautgjødselmengd på avling. Alle ledd med blautgjødsel gav mindre sumavling enn Fullgjødsel med tilsvarande N-mengder, men for 6 tonn blautgjødsel spreidd tidleg, var forskjellen ikkje signifikant. Fullgjødsel gav større P- og K-opptak enn leddet med 3 tonn blautgjødsel. Utnyttingsgraden av N i blautgjødsel saman med kalksalpeter endra seg ikkje med spreietidspunktet for blautgjødsla eller etter delt spreiing, men var signifikant betre for Fullgjødsel. P og K blei betre utnytta i minste mengd blautgjødsel enn i største.
B. BraskerudSammendrag
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S BøSammendrag
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H. Lystad E. AranedaSammendrag
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T. Westby A. GautSammendrag
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Petter NilsenSammendrag
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A. HovdeSammendrag
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