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Filter beds and constructed wetlands (CWs) treat municipal wastewater through retention of nutrients and particles. Retention of nitrogen (N) in filter beds was studied in the laboratory using columns and meso-scale trenches filled with shellsand and light-weight aggregates (LWA). The objective was to examine whether measuring the natural abundance of "15N in NO3- could be used to estimate denitrification in these systems. In both the columns and the trenches, it was seen that denitrification was more efficient in shellsand and LWA collected from field scale filter beds compared to raw LWA. This was due to the high pH value (about 10) of raw LWA. The enrichment factors (") from the column study was in general lower than values found in laboratory tests of isotope discrimination in denitrification, but similar to " values found for denitrification in groundwater systems. No enrichment factors could be found for the trench study due to simultaneous denitrification and nitrification. When NH4 was partially nitrified in the upper parts of the trench, this diluted the 15N enrichment of NO3- due to denitrification. Thus in systems with high NH4 concentrations, and partial aerobic conditions, the method of natural abundance is not suitable for estimating denitrification.


Nordisk kontaktorgan for jordbruksforskning (NKJ) vedtok i juni 2005 å nedsette en arbeidsgruppe innen området kulturlandskap med formål å utrede status for kulturlandskapsforskningen i Norden med fokus på jordbrukets næringsmessige utnyttelse av arealer. Bakgrunnen for vedtaket var Akureyri-deklarasjonen om jordbrukets framtidige roller og kulturlandskapet som ressurs, ikke minst i sammenheng med bygdeutvikling. Arbeidsgruppen har utarbeidet en oversikt over pågående forskning i de nordiske landene, kommet med anbefalinger om hvilke forskningsoppgaver som er mest aktuelle samt foretatt en vurdering av ulike samarbeidsformer.

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The Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural Research (NKJ) promotes and supports cooperation between the Nordic Research Councils. The main goal for NKJ is to support a sustainable agricultural development. In June 2005 NKJ therefore decided to establish a working-group to follow up the Aukureyri declaration. This declaration focuses on the future tasks for Nordic agriculture and on the cultural landscape as a resource especially with regard to rural development. The working-group has given an account of Nordic research regarding use of the cultural landscape as a resource for sustainable agricultural development. Based on this the working-group give attention to needs for research and give recommendations for future Nordic agricultural research. Furthermore the workinggroup has evaluated different kinds of research cooperation.