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We describe the cloning and characterization of a single copy gene from Trichoderma atroviride P1 encoding a novel 30 kDa chitinase, Ech30. Ech30 is a family 18 chitinase showing low sequence similarity to other Trichoderma chitinases. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR studies revealed that expression of the ech30 gene was induced by the presence of Botrytis cinerea in plate confrontation assays, but hardly by chitin in liquid cultures. Studies of Ech30 purified from an Escherichia coli strain overexpressing the ech30 gene devoid of the leader sequence and a predicted intron, showed that the gene encodes an active chitinase, which, as expected for family 18 chitinases, is inhibited by allosamidin.



A mixed model approach was used to estimate variance components and heritabilities for resistance to powdery mildew, a wind-borne disease in strawberry. In order to improve precision in the statistical computations, spatial error control effects were included to account for systematic environmental variations in the large field trials. Pedigree information was included where feasible. Seedling families obtained from an incomplete 63-by-63 diallel cross were grown at six locations and scored subjectively for mildew attack three times during the growing season. The 63 parents included both European and American cultivars as well as advanced selections from various breeding programmes. A total of 298 full-sib families were realized, including 26 reciprocal families. No reciprocal differences were found. On a plot-mean basis, the broad-sense heritability was found to be intermediate, H2=0.44"0.50, depending on whether the pedigree information was included in the model or not. The increase was mainly due to a substantial increase in the additive variance component. Likewise, the narrow-sense heritability increased from h2=0.39 to h2=0.45 when the pedigree information was included, while the ratio of the specific combining ability variance to the general combining ability variance fell from 13% to 10%. The predicted breeding values of the 63 parents demonstrate that important cultivars such as Elsanta and Korona are unlikely to produce progenies with a high degree of resistance. On the other hand, the Norwegian cultivar Solprins, the Canadian cultivar Kent and the Italian cultivar Patty appeared to give highly resistant progeny. At the full-sib level, the estimated disease scores ranged from 1.15 (Kent × Induka) to 4.19 (Cavendish × Avanta), revealing a huge range of variation for powdery mildew resistance available for selection.


Resultat frå jordbærforedling i Planteforsk vert presentert. Fire sortar frå prosjektet er gitt namn. Dei mest lovande av desse ser ut til å vere `Babette" og `Hanibal". `Babette" konkurrerer godt med `Honeoye" i tidlegsegmentet. `Babette" har litt høgare avling enn `Honeoye", større bær og skårer betre på kvalitetseigenskaper ved bæret og den er også sterkare mot mjøldogg på planta. `Hanibal" har omlag samme avlingsprofil som `Korona" og `Polka" og skil seg frå desse med betre bærkvalitet. Spesielt skalstyrke, fastheit og heilskapen er betre, samstundes som den skårer minst like bra på smak. Tre nye seleksjonar vert omtala. PK98.12 er aktuell for hovedsesongen medan PK98.204 er aktuell for tidlegsesongen. PK98.204 produserer vesentleg betre enn `Honeoye" samstundes som den har betre bærkvalitet og smak. PK98.12 skil seg frå `Korona" spesielt på bærstorleik og ytre kvalitetseigenskaper. PK97.48.1 har etter utprøving hos prøvedyrkarar kome i fokus som ein mogeleg industrisort. I våre eigne forsøk har PK97.48.1 vore produktiv, men noko småfallen samenlikna med til dømes `Korona". Til konsumbær har den difor falle igjennom. Seleksjonen har imidlertid svært gode konserveseigenskaper.