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This study focusses on the spider fauna in two organically managed leys in different stages of a crop rotation and in one permanent pasture, all on the Tingvoll Farm in northwestern Norway. Spiders were collected by means of pitfall traps; the sampling period lasted from 28 April to 23 June 2000. Altogether 2415 specimens, representing 48 species, were found. A DCA-analysis shows differences in the spider populations found in the leys compared with the pasture, but less difference between the young and older ley. However, the number of species and the dominance pattern of the spider populations differ between the young and older ley. A total of 16 species were found in the young ley, 26 species in the older ley and 34 species in the pasture. Bathyphantes gracilis, Erigone atra, Oedothorax fuscus and Savignia frontata were the most abundant species in the leys, with Pardosa amentata and Silometopus elegans the most abundant in the pasture. Collinsia inerrans was represented by 83 specimens in the leys. This species is previously recorded only twice in Norway, and has been placed on the national Red List proposal.


Any evident grain deviation will reduce strength and increase warp in sawn timber. To describe the magnitude and variance of grain angle in Norway spruce, specimens from 1046 Norwegian sawlogs and 380 logs from Sweden and Finland were examined. For individual specimens, grain angle outside the innermost zone closest to the pith might be expressed by a simple linear function of radial distance from the pith. The intercept and inclination of this function are close to bivariate normally distributed with mean values (SD) of 2.7 deg. (1.9) and -0.039 deg/mm(0.037), respectively. Inclination is less negative for wider annual rings (r = 0.3), and intercept and inclination are negatively correlated (r = -0.4). The constant rate of change indicates inherited property rather than influence of any dynamic, external stimulus. No predictor for grain angle pattern was found. The linear model leads to simplifications both when observing the grain angle in the forestry, and in calculations of strength properties and distortion in the timber industry.


Trees cover over one-third of the world\"s land area and carry out about two-thirds of global photosynthesis. Coniferous forests cover 1.2 billion hectares of Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia, and Russia, and comprise one-fourth of the world\"s boreal and temperate forests. More than 50% of Scandinavia\"s land area consists of forests, mostly coniferous. Information about the molecular responses in trees to biotic and abiotic factors is therefore of great importance - both scientifically and practically. Generation of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) is an important part of genome research. Randomly selected cDNA clones are partially sequenced, and the ESTs reflect the level and complexity of gene expression in the sampled tissue. In order to find interesting gene products and to study gene expression in the most common and economically important conifer in the Nordic countries, we have started an EST-project on Norway spruce. So far we have sequenced ~3500 cDNA clones based on mRNA isolated from needles and cell cultures. Here, we present the frequency of the different ESTs, their putative function and their functional classification. We aim at sequencing another 20,000-30,000 cDNA-clones from wood-forming tissues and from seedlings treated with drought, low temperatures, pathogen infection, etc. The long-term goal is to develop a non-redundant and annotated collection of Norway spruce clones to be used in combination with microarray analysis


Artikkelen gir en presentasjon av siste års resultater med prøving av ulike midler mot overvintringssopp i høstkorn. Sammendrag for flere år blir også presentert. Problemer med overvintringssopp i høstkorn er ikke en årviss foreteelse i områdene for høstkorndyrking, heller ikke i de indre strøk. I år med soppangrep kan imidlertid skadene bli store. En behandling med et soppmiddel vil kunne hindre store årsvariasjoner, og meravlingen betaler i de fleste tilfelle for behandlingen. Sikkerheten i høstkorndyrkingen blir følgelig større. Behandling er viktigst i de indre deler av Østlandet, på store planter og med korn (hvete, bygg eller rug) som forgrøde. I områder med mer ustabilt snødekke bør kornplantenes størrelse ved innvintring, forgrøde og mengden av spillkorn, ugras og halm i overflata ha betydning for avgjørelsen om behandling. Sportak er det eneste tillatte midlet til behandling mot overvintringssopp. Ingen av strobilurinene er godkjent for bruk om høsten.


Startgjødsling er en gjødslingsmetode der en del av gjødsla legges sammen med såfrøet i såraden. Hovedmengden av gjødsla blir gitt på tradisjonell måte enten som dypgjødsling i rader under og mellom såkornradene eller som breigjødsling spredd på overflata. I hovedsak er det fosfor som har blitt tilført som stargjødsel. Rett etter spiring er kornrøttene små, og i kald jord går rotutviklingen seint. Plantene kan da ha problemer med å få tak i den næringen de trenger. Fosfor er mye mindre mobilt i jorda enn nitrogen og kalium, og kan dermed være ekstra vanskelig for planterøttene å få tak i. Det er gjennomført forsøk flere år, og det anbefales nå startgjødsling til bygg og hvete på siltjord og ellers på jord med dårlig struktur eller ved andre forhold som skulle tilsi en noe dårlig rotvekst. Anbefalte mengder er 1 kg P pr. daa, gitt som OPTI START NP 12-23. Fosformengden bør reduseres tilsvarende i fullgjødsla slik at det totalt sett gis de anbefalte mengdene beregnet i gjødslingsplan.