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Background Real-time reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) has greatly improved the ease and sensitivity of quantitative gene expression studies. However, accurate measurement of gene expression with this method relies on the choice of a valid reference for data normalization. Studies rarely verify that gene expression levels for reference genes are adequately consistent among the samples used, nor compare alternative genes to assess which are most reliable for the experimental conditions analyzed. Results Using real-time RT-PCR to study the expression of 10 poplar (genus Populus) housekeeping genes, we demonstrate a simple method for determining the degree of stability of gene expression over a set of experimental conditions. Based on a traditional method for analyzing the stability of varieties in plant breeding, it defines measures of gene expression stability from analysis of variance (ANOVA) and linear regression. We found that the potential internal control genes differed widely in their expression stability over the different tissues, developmental stages and environmental conditions studied. ConclusionOur results support that quantitative comparisons of candidate reference genes are an important part of real-time RT-PCR studies that seek to precisely evaluate variation in gene expression. The method we demonstrated facilitates statistical and graphical evaluation of gene expression stability. Selection of the best reference gene for a given set of experimental conditions should enable detection of biologically significant changes in gene expression that are too small to be revealed by less precise methods, or when highly variable reference genes are unknowingly used in real-time RT-PCR experiments.


Utbrot av rotstokkròte i jordbær har i stor grad samanheng med sortane som vert dyrka. Utviklinga dei siste tiåra har gått mot meir mottakelege sortar, og dette er hovudårsaka til den sterke spreiinga av sjukdomen. Ved Planteforsk har ei stor mengde sortar vortne testa dei siste åra, og også nedarving av motstandsevne mot sjukdomen har vorte studert.


Vascular plants were investigated as a potential surrogate group in complementary small scale site selection, such as woodland key habitats in Scandinavia. We compared the response of vascular plants to environmental gradients to that of seven other plant, fungal and animal groups within a forest reserve in western Norway using data from 59 plots of 0.25 ha. We also examined whether the spatial changes in species (beta-2 index) of vascular plants matched that of the other groups. All seven groups responded to the same gradients in nutrient richness and humidity as the vascular plants. Furthermore, changes in species composition of vascular plants were reflected in comparable degrees of change among the “target“ groups. The lower the degree of change in species composition between plots in the “target“ groups relative to that of vascular plants, the higher the percentage “target“ species encompassed in a complementary selection of sites based on vascular plants. We conclude that in practical site selection of small scale sites of conservation value, such as woodland key habitats, vascular plants may be used in combination with an inventory of important habitats for rare and/or redlisted forest species, such as dead wood, old trees, deciduous trees, and cliffs.

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På Vega er det vegetasjonskartlagt et areal på 141 km². Registrering av plantefelt og potensiell plantemark er utført for produktiv skogsmark. Vegetasjonskartlegginga er utført etter NIJOS sitt system for vegetasjonskartlegging i M 1:20 000 - 50 000. Det er framstilt vegetasjonskart og 4 avleda temakart om biologisk mangfold, kulturlandskap, husdyrbeite og skogressurser. Rapporten beskriver metoder for arbeidet og gir en nærmere omtale av registrerte vegetasjonstyper og hvordan disse fordeler seg i området. Viktige områder for biologisk mangfold og kulturlandskap samt beitevurderinger er beskrevet. Det blir og gitt en kort omtale av skogressursene i kommunen, i første rekke bonitet og aldersfordeling i plantefelt samt en oversikt over potensiell plantemark for gran.