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Here we report on low molecular weight organic acids in root exudates and soil solutions of Norway spruce and silver birch grown in rhizoboxes, sterile microcosms and the field. Monocarboxylic acids dominated in all three experimental systems. Formic, shikimic and oxalic acids were found in both spruce and birch microcosms. Fumaric acid was exclusive for spruce, while lactic, malonic, butyric and phthalic acids were only found in the birch microcosms. In spruce rhizoboxes oxalic, lactic, formic, butyric and pthalic acids were found. In addition, citric, adipic, propionic, succinic and acetic acids were observed in the rhizosphere of birch. Behind root windows in the field, only oxalic and lactic acids were found in the rhizosphere of spruce fine roots, whereas also formic and phthalic were observed close to birch fine roots, all at low concentrations. The rhizosphere of mycorrhizal short roots of birch contained butyric acid along with the acids observed for birch fine roots. Our results emphasise that characteristics of both the trees e.g. species, developmental stage, root density, mycorrhizal status, and the experimental system, i.e. growth conditions are important for the composition and the amount of organic acids. We conclude that the rhizosphere of birch contains more organic acids at higher concentrations than spruce. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Here we report on low molecular weight organic acids in root exudates and soil solutions of Norway spruce and silver birch grown in rhizoboxes, sterile microcosms and the field. Monocarboxylic acids dominated in all three experimental systems. Formic, shikimic and oxalic acids were found in both spruce and birch microcosms. Fumaric acid was exclusive for spruce, while lactic, malonic, butyric and phthalic acids were only found in the birch microcosms. In spruce rhizoboxes oxalic, lactic, formic, butyric and pthalic acids were found. In addition, citric, adipic, propionic, succinic and acetic acids were observed in the rhizosphere of birch. Behind root windows in the field, only oxalic and lactic acids were found in the rhizosphere of spruce fine roots, whereas also formic and phthalic were observed close to birch fine roots, all at low concentrations. The rhizosphere of mycorrhizal short roots of birch contained butyric acid along with the acids observed for birch fine roots. Our results emphasise that characteristics of both the trees e.g. species, developmental stage, root density, mycorrhizal status, and the experimental system, i.e. growth conditions are important for the composition and the amount of organic acids. We conclude that the rhizosphere of birch contains more organic acids at higher concentrations than spruce.


Tre typer organisk materiale, torv, hage/park-avfallskompost og kloakkslamkompost (1/3 kloakkslam + 2/3 granbark) ble sammenlikna som tilsetning til rotsonelaget på sandbaserte USGA-greener i et lysimeterforsøk på Planteforsk Landvik i 2003-2004. Kontrollruter med rein sand, uten organisk tilsetning, etablerte seg 2-3 måneder seinere og hadde i denne perioden signifikant større utvasking av gjødselnitrogenenn enn ruter med organisk materiale.  Ruter med hage/parkavfallskompost etablerte seg raskere, men hadde også større utvasking av N,P og K, enn ruter med torv eller kloakkslamkompost. Til tross for svært forskjellige pH-verdier, ble ruter med torv og ruter med hage/parkavfallskompost likt angrepet av rotdreper(Gaeumannomyces graminis), mens ruter uten organisk materiale og ruter med kloakkslamkompost var praktisk talt fri for denne sjukdommen.  I middel for første år etter såing hadde ruter med kloakkslamkompost best greenkvalitet.


Det norske høstearealet for engfrø økte fra 19417 daa i 2003 til 25668 daa i 2004. Timotei utgjorde 60% av kontraktarealet, men alt i alt ble det høsta frø av 14 forskjellige arter og 32 forskjellige sorter. Tre arter var nye i norsk frøavl i 2004, nemlig sauesvingel, krypkvein og flerårig raigras. Av de viktigste artene var avlingsnivået over 10-årsgjennomsnittet for timotei, omtrent som gjennomsnittet for rødkløver og noe under gjennomsnittet for engsvingel. Det ble utført 63 frøavlsforsøk i 2004.


Rapporten presenterer sammendrag av resultatene for 2004 fra tre overvåkingsprogrammer: “Overvåking av langtransportert forurenset luft og nedbør”, “Overvåkingsprogram for skogskader` (OPS) og “Program for terrestrisk naturovervåking” (TOV).