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Controlled experiments were carried out in a meso-scale sub-surface flow constructed sand filter treating municipal wastewater from a single household. The system consisted of a 50 cm high vertical flow column (pre-filter) with unsaturated flow and a 3 m long horizontal sub-surface flow unit (main filter) with saturated flow. Fluxes of nitrogen and carbon were analysed in four different operating conditions (low and high loading, with and without the pre-filter unit). Water samples were taken from the inlet, the outlet and within the sand filter at different depths and locations and analysed for water quality (Tot N, NO3-N, NH4-N, TOC, DOC, CODcr, BOD5, SS, pH and EC) and dissolved gas content (N2O, CH4 and CO2). Emissions of N2O, CH4 and CO2 were measured with the closed-chamber technique adjacent to water quality sampling points. The results show that pre-filtering in a vertical, unsaturated flow column changed the incoming ammonium to nitrate during low loading. During high loading part of the ammonium nitrified in the pre-filter was lost by denitrification. Within the horizontal main filter there were two pathways for the incoming nitrate: denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA).


The analyses are based on phenological observations carried out at international phenological gardens (IPG) at Fana (western Norway) and Kvithamar (Trøndelag), also at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Ås, south-eastern Norway) and the research station Njøs (Sogn, western Norway). The longest series are from Njøs (1927) and Ås (1947), whereas no series at the IPGs is older than 1964. For the three southernmost sites (Ås, Fana, and Njøs) all trends are negative, i.e. there has been a change towards earlier occurrences of the phenophases in spring. For the northernmost site (Kvithamar) also positive trends are seen. Four species are cultivated at Fana as well as at Kvithamar. For these species the trend lines are steeper at Fana than at Kvithamar. For the longest series (1927 - 2005) the trend is only -0.4 day/decade but insignificant (p > 0.05). This amounts only to about 3 days earlier occurrence (apple at Njøs) within this period of 79 years. The trend at Ås (1947 - 2005) is also insignificant, although it amounts to about -1 day/decade or about 6 days earlier occurrence within the 59 year period.


Welfare conditions for free ranging animals are in several respects superior to many indoor systems. However, attempts to improve protection of endangered predator species, in particular brown bear (Ursus arctos), wolves (Canis lupus), lynx, wolverine (Gulo gulo), and the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaëtos) during the late 1980s and the 1990s have lead to increasing sheep losses on Norwegian ranges. Predators are causing considerably more pain than slaughtering, a longer time of suffering and sometimes leave surviving animals wounded with scratches or thorn up udders etc. Lambs may be chased away from the mothers. Mitigating measures such as replacing outfield pastures with fenced farmland, sending animals to secure areas or sheep milk production are gradually being introduced. The paper discusses the animal welfare implications induced by the changes currently taking place in the Norwegian sheep industry.

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Aptering etter tradisjonelt prima- og sekundasystem har ikke fungert tilstrekkelig med hensyn til utnyttelse av råstoffet, verken når det gjelder treff på etterspurte kvaliteter eller lengder. Tømmerpriser og prisspenn mellom prima og sekunda sortiment har i liten grad gjenspeila foredlingsverdien. Nye måter å aptere på har derfor vært i fokus de siste åra, og mye nytt er tatt i bruk. Lengde er en viktig kvalitet i seg sjøl, og bakgrunnen for å tenke lengdeaptering er nettopp fordelene av å produsere riktige og markedsretta trelastlengder allerede i skogen. Formålet med forsøket var å gjennomføre ei økonomisk vurdering av ei streng lengdeaptering, med fire meter lange rotstokker og fem meter lange øvrige stokker, mot tradisjonell prima- og sekundaaptering. Dette for å vurdere om produkttilpassa lengdeaptering, med de fordeler det innebærer, men uten bestemte krav til kvalitet, er konkurransedyktig....