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Little research has been done on pesticide dissipation under cold climates, and there is a need to focus on the influence of climate on pesticide degradation and transport in soil. Glyphosate " a herbicide frequently used for controlling perennial weeds through application after fall " and metribuzin " a herbicide used for controlling annual grasses and broadleaved weeds in potato in Norway " were used as model compounds for this study. The investigations were set up to study if soil frost affects the mobility of pesticides, and increases the risk of leaching on release of a frost period. ... This report on slow mineralization of pesticides under cold climatic conditions, as well as an increased risk of pesticide leaching on release of soil frost, point out the importance of taking the occurrence of soil freezing during winter into account in risk evaluations and pesticide fate prediction models for regions with a cold climate.

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Eit feltlysimeterforsøk i jordbær der det er nytta ulike plantevernmiddel mot ugras, skadedyr og plantesjukdomar er utført på Foss gard i Lier (Buskerud) under dagleg leiing av Landbrukets Fagsenter Østlandet, frukt og bærring. Hovudmålet til prosjektet var å sjå på produksjonssystem som er retta mot miljøvenleg plantevernpraksis og få dokumentert kunnskap om bruk av plantevernmiddel i jord. Rapporten er konsentrert om restmengder av plantevernmiddel i grøftevatn og overflatevatn i dyrkingsforsøk der det er nytta svart plast med dryppvatning og mattekultur av halm der det er bruka vatnspreiar. Det er Bioforsk Lab (Pesticidlaboratoriet) som har analysert vatnprøvane. I denne rapporten er resultata frå feltforsøket nytta i modellsimulering til å kunna beskriva ei slik vatnavrenning og utlekking av plantevernmiddel og på den måten finna kor gyldig den nytta matematiske modellformelen var. Viser til oppsummerte konklusjonar i avsnittet modellsimulering (s. 16)


Metribuzin is commonly used in Norway for weed control in potato crop in rotation with spring barley production. Under temperate climatic conditions, metribuzin dissipation has been widely studied, but in nordic environment data are needed to assess quantitatively the dissipation fate and the risk of leaching. Laboratory incubation studies were conducted at 5, 15 and 28"C to evaluate the influence of temperature on the mineralization of metribuzin in two sandy loam soils sampled in southern and northern Norway and under a temperate climate in France for comparison purposes. Using 14C-labelled metribuzin, mineralization and the evolution of 14C-residues in soil could be observed during an incubation period of 49 days. Total metribuzin mineralization and organic carbon mineralization rates showed a positive temperature response in all soils. Metribuzin mineralization was low, but degradation products were formed and their abundance depended on temperature conditions. Investigation of soil microbial characteristics such as microbial biomass and general microbial activity indicated differences in the composition of the soil microbial population. The evolution of available 14C-metribuzin residues with time gave evidence of a strong temperature effect indicating that in such soils where sorption is weak, biodegradation processes have a major control on metribuzin mobility and persistence.