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Jordbærsvartflekk, forårsaket av soppen Colletotrichum acutatum, ble i 1999 påvist for første gang i Norge. I de følgende år er sjukdommen blitt funnet hos12 XXprodusenter av jordbærplanter og 17 bærprodusenter. Fordi sjukdommen ble påvist sentralt i den sertifiserte produksjonen av jordbærplanter, er et nytt kjerneplantemateriale nå under utvikling. Latent smitte av skadegjøreren er påvist på flere vanlige ugrasarter, og på annen vegetasjon som ofte finnes i nærheten av jordbærfelt. Sjukdomsutbrudd og smittespredning bekjempes med tiltak etter Matloven, og i tillegg tilrås en del dyrkningsmessige tiltak.


Various needle discolorations, often due to lack of uptake of certain nutrients are frequently observed in nordmann fir (Abies nordmanniana) in Norwegian Christmas tree plantations. Most common are the yellow to necrotic needle tips on older needles caused by magnesium (Mg) deficiency (confirmed by chemical analysis of foliage). Even though chemical analysis of soil samples show that Mg is present in sufficient amount, various soil factors may cause Mg-deficiency; too high or too low pH, excess potassium (K) or too wet or too dry conditions. Antagonism, causing imbalance in nutrient uptake, can lead to negative effects. High pH may give Ca2+/Mg2+ antagonism, too low pH NH4+/Mg2+ antagonism, and abundant K K+/Mg2+ antagonism. During wet conditions K+ and other monovalent cations may leave the colloids to regain equilibrium between liquid and solid material. Then Mg2+ may easily bind to the free spaces on the colloids, and thereby becomes unavailable for the plants. If the soil is very dry there may not be enough liquid for the nutrients to be dissolved, and thus uptake inhibited. Nordmann fir is mainly grown in the southwestern coastal region of Norway since the climate there is fairly mild and suitable for this plant species. The yearly rainfall is high in that region, so a main cause for Mg deficiency on nordmann fir is probably related to wet soil conditions. Uptake of Mg after foliage application has proved to be ineffective due to the wax layer on the fir needles. However application on young needles and shoots has been reported by the Norwegian extension service to be successful. K deficiency also results in discoloration of older needles, but symptoms can easily be distinguished from Mg deficiency. Both deficiencies results in yellowing of the needles, but different from K deficiency, the base remains green on needles suffering from Mg deficiency. Both Mg and K are very mobile nutrients in plants, and they are therefore easily translocated from older to younger needles. Samples with yellow discoloration of the youngest needles have been observed to be low in iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn), especially when the trees have grown in soil with high pH. Both nutrients are nearly immobile in plants after they have been transported to the cells, and they are therefore not available for the young shoots. Nitrogen (N) deficiency is seen as a uniform, pale green discolouration of both young and old needles.


Næringsmangel kan føra til redusert vekst og dårlegare vinterherding, prydverdi og motstandskraft mot ulike skadegjerarar. Ofte er ikkje grunngjødsling nok til å få fram fine tre. Då må ein inn med supplerande gjødsling med ulike næringsstoff. På grunn av vokslag på eldre nåler, vert effektivt opptak av bladgjødsel hindra. Generelt bør difor alle former for bladgjødsling gjennomførast om våren i strekkingsperioden til dei nye skota. I denne perioden er skota mjuke og svært utsette for skade, så ein må vera varsam. I denne artikkelen vert det gitt ei tilråding om grunngjødsling og sett fokusert på symptom på ulike mangelsjukdomar og dei tiltaka som vert tilrådde av Pyntegrøntringen.


In 2004, damages resembling those caused by Phytophthora spp. were observed on three different fir species in Norway. Isolations were carried out from all the host plants on the Phytophthora selective medium PARP (with and without hymexazol added). In a nordmann fir (Abies nordmanniana) Christmas tree field at the southwestern coast of Norway, approximately 70 % of the plants died within a few months after planting. The massive infestation in a field previously used for grass production over decades, left no doubt that the disease had followed the imported transplants. Symptoms included poorly developed roots and discoloration under the bark from the stem basis downwards. The foliage had different stages of drought symptoms; pale green, yellow or brown. Isolations were carried out from the area between healthy and diseased tissue, both from roots and stem base, and a Phytophthora sp. was isolated. The culture produced nonpapillate sporangia with internal proliferation. The sexual stage was observed in water, but not on agar. The oogonia were large. The oospores were aplerotic and the anteridia predominantly amphigynous. ITS rDNA sequences of the isolate were obtained and found to be most similar to P. inundata. Samples were examined from diseased 15-year-old noble fir (A. procera) grown in a bough plantation at the southwestern coast of Norway. Approximately 25 % of the trees were dead or dying. The foliage had turned chlorotic to brown. On one tree a typical stem canker extending approximately 1.5 meters above ground on one side of the tree resulted in dead basal branches (flagging). Isolations were carried out from both roots and the cankered stem. Based on morphological characters (nonpapillate sporangia, internal proliferation, characteristic hyphal swellings, heterothallic culture) and ITS rDNA sequencing, the isolate was identified as P. cambivora. In a Christmas trees planting in southeastern Norway, several seven-year-old trees of subalpine fir (A. lasiocarpa) were dying. The tree loss was estimated to 25 %. Typical Phytophthora canker was found at the base of several trees. Isolations resulted in a culture that readily produced oogonia. The average diameter of the oogonia was 48 "m. The oospores were aplerotic with an average diamerter of 40 "m. The antheridia were paragynous, but a few amphigynous antheridia were also observed. The culture produced nonpapillate sporangia with internal proliferation ITS rDNA sequences matched P. megasperma. A pathogenesis test to fulfil Koch"s postulate was carried out on all three species of fir, each of them inoculated with the respective isolate. After seven weeks, root growth was poor on all the inoculated plants, and canker symptoms had developed in the lower part of the stem. Reisolated culture from noble fir was ITS rDNA sequenced and found identical to the original culture used for inoculation. Results from the ITS rDNA sequencing of the other two reisolated cultures are not yet available.


Svampen Phytophthora har i mange år været problematisk i den norske produktion af cypres (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana). Til gengæld har pyntegrøntproduktionen med forskellige granarter indtil videre været forskånet for angreb af denne alvorlige skadevolder.


Utviklere av beslutningsstøttesystemer for landbruket i de nordiske landene; Danmark, Norge og Sverige har, sammen med kolleger i Japan og på New Zealand, blitt enige om å lage et felles data-fil-format for utveksling av landbruksmeteorologiske data i form av et XML-skjema. Hovedintensjonen med den standarden som foreslås, er til bruk i databaserte varslingssystemer for planteskadegjørere, både i tjener- og klient-applikasjoner. De nordiske landene ønsker også å dele ressurser med hensyn til beregningsoppgaver, eksempelvis benytte hverandres kontroll- og rekonstruksjons-rutiner for værdata og forsterke samarbeidet generelt. Drivkraften bak dette arbeidet er ønsket om øket kvalitet på beslutningsstøttesystemer såvel som deling av kostnader.