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Fish counting is crucial in fish farming. Density map-based fish counting methods hold promise for fish counting in high-density scenarios; however, they suffer from ineffective ground truth density map generation. High labeling complexities and disturbance to fish growth during data collection are also challenging to mitigate. To address these issues, LDNet, a versatile network with attention implemented is introduced in this study. An imbalanced Optimal Transport (OT)-based loss function was used to effectively supervise density map generation. Additionally, an Image Manipulation-Based Data Augmentation (IMBDA) strategy was applied to simulate training data from diverse scenarios in fixed viewpoints in order to build a model that is robust to different environmental changes. Leveraging a limited number of training samples, our approach achieved notable performances with an 8.27 MAE, 9.97 RMSE, and 99.01% Accuracy on our self-curated Fish Count-824 dataset. Impressively, our method also demonstrated superior counting performances on both vehicle count datasets CARPK and PURPK+, and Penaeus_1k Penaeus Larvae dataset when only 5%–10% of the training data was used. These outcomes compellingly showcased our proposed approach with a wide applicability potential across various cases. This innovative approach can potentially contribute to aquaculture management and ecological preservation through counting fish accurately.
Accurate locating and counting of litopenaeus vannamei fry can provide substantial support for vannamei fry sales and scientific feeding. However, traditional methods not only require visual observation by experts, but also are time-consuming and labor-intensive, with no guarantee to reach consensus between salesmen and customers. In contrast, more innovative methods require more expensive equipment or are only effective under specific conditions. The small size and high density nature of the shrimp fry makes its counting even more challenging. In this study, a point prediction method for counting and localization of litopenaeus vannamei fry with region-based super-resolution enhancement (PPCL-RSE) is proposed. Through the inclusion of three modules of density partitioning, high-density region expansion and regional super-resolution, the accuracy of fry counting and locating is improved. The model is deployed on a cloud server for convenient fry counting and localization based on images taken by smartphone cameras. To achieve this, we create a dataset called Vannamei-983 which contains images with more than 1,000,000 fry labeled. The proposed method shows accuracies of 99.04 % and 97.71 % in counting and localization of shrimp fry in low- and high-density images, respectively. The excellent model performance also demonstrate the effectiveness of the strategies considered in the study.
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Increasing planting densities and nitrogen (N) application rates are two practices commonly used in high-yield maize (Zea mays L.) production systems to increase crop yield, but have resulted in lower N use efficiency, increased lodging, and negative environmental problems. Crop sensing-based precision N management (PNM) strategies have been developed to optimize maize yield, N use efficiency, and reduce environmental footprints, however, PNM strategies to balance grain yield and lodging risks are still very limited. The objectives of this study were to: (1) propose a N nutrition index (NNI)-based algorithm for in-season estimation of maize N demand; and (2) develop a sensor-based PNM strategy to balance grain yield and lodging risk for maize. Field experiments were conducted in Northeast China from 2017 to 2019, using a split-plot design with three planting densities (5.5, 7.0 and 8.5 plants m−2) as main plots and six N rates (0–300 kg ha−1) as subplots. Based on previous studies, a leaf fluorescence sensor Dualex 4 good for estimating plant N concentration and a canopy reflectance sensor Crop Circle ACS 430 good for estimating plant aboveground biomass were used to estimate maize NNI and predict lodging risk. Total N rates to achieve low lodging risk were determined based on wind velocity causing maize stalk lodging and historical actual natural wind speed, as well as the response of a lodging risk indicator (stem failure moment, Bs) to N supply. In-season side-dress N rates were determined based on theoretical amount of preplant N fertilizer estimated using NNI and a target total N rate. The final recommended sidedress N rates were adjusted based on the sensor-predicted lodging risk. The results indicated that NNI could be used for estimating the theoretical amount of preplant N fertilizer required to reach the current N status. It’s feasible to estimate maize side-dress N demand based on the difference of a target total N rate (to achieve an optimal grain yield or low lodging risk) and the current theoretical N supply. Total N rate to ensure low lodging risk was suggested to be adopted under low and medium planting densities. Medium planting density of 70,000 plants ha−1 matched with the corresponding optimal N rate would be recommended for the study area to balance economic return and lodging risk. In general, high planting density is not recommended because it has high lodging risk. More studies are needed to further improve the developed crop sensing-based PNM strategy with more site-years of data and multi-source data fusion using machine learning models for practical on-farm applications.
Context Traditional critical nitrogen (N) dilution curve (CNDC) construction for N nutrition index (NNI) determination has limitations for in-season crop N diagnosis and recommendation under diverse on-farm conditions. Objectives This study was conducted to (i) develop a new rice (Oryza sativa L.) critical N concentration (Nc) determination approach using vegetation index-based CNDCs; and (ii) develop an N recommendation strategy with this new Nc determination approach and evaluate its reliability and practicality. Methods Five years of plot and on-farm experiments involving three japonica rice varieties were conducted at fourteen sites in Qixing Farm, Northeast China. Two machine learning (ML) methods, random forest (RF) and extended gradient boosting (XGBoost) regression, were used to fuse multi-source data including genotype, environment, management, growth stage, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalized difference red edge (NDRE) from portable active canopy sensor RapidSCAN. The CNDC was established using NDVI and NDRE instead of aboveground biomass (AGB) measured by destructive sampling. A new in-season N diagnosis and recommendation strategy was further developed using direct and indirect NNI prediction using multi-source data fusion and ML models. Results The new CNDC based on NDVI or NDRE explained 94−96 % of Nc variability in the evaluation dataset when it was coupled with environmental and agronomic factors using ML models. The ML-based PNC and NNI prediction models explained 85 % and 21–36 % more variability over simple regression models using NDVI or NDRE in the evaluation dataset, respectively. The new in-season N diagnosis strategy using the NDVI and NDRE-based CNDCs and plant N concentration (PNC) predicted with RF model and multi-source data fusion performed slightly better than direct NNI prediction, explaining 7 % more of NNI variability and achieving 89 % of the areal agreement for N diagnosis across all evaluation experiments. Integrating this new N management strategy into the precision rice management system (as ML_PRM) increased yield, N use efficiency (NUE) and economic benefits over farmer’s practice (FP) by 7–15 %, 11–71 % and 4–16 % (161–596 $ ha−1), respectively, and increased NUE by 11–26 % and economic benefits by 8–97 $ ha−1 than regional optimum rice management (RORM) under rice N surplus status under on-farm conditions. Conclusions In-season rice N status diagnosis can be improved using NDVI- and NDRE-based CNDC and PNC predicted by ML modeling with multi-source data fusion. Implications The active canopy sensor- and ML-based in-season N diagnosis and management strategy is more practical for applications under diverse on-farm conditions and has the potential to improve rice yield and ecological and economic benefits.
Lingwei Dong Yuxin Miao Xinbing Wang Krzysztof Kusnierek Hainie Zha Min Pan William D. BatchelorSammendrag
Efficient and accurate in-season diagnosis of crop nitrogen (N) status is crucially important for precision N management. The main objective of this study was to develop a strategy for in-season dynamic diagnosis of maize (Zea mays L.) N status across the growing season by integrating proximal sensing and crop growth modeling. In this study, we integrated plant N concentration (PNC) derived from leaf fluorescence sensor data and aboveground biomass (AGB) based on the best-performing spectral index calculated from active canopy reflectance sensor data with simulated PNC and AGB using a crop growth model, DSSAT-CERES-Maize, for dynamic in-season maize N status diagnosis across the growing season. The results confirmed the applicability of leaf fluorescence sensing for PNC estimation and active canopy reflectance sensing for AGB estimation, respectively. The calibrated DSSAT CERES-Maize model performed well for simulating AGB (R2 = 0.96), which could be used for calculating the N status indicator, N nutrition index (NNI). However, the model did not perform satisfactorily for PNC simulation, with significant discrepancies between the simulated and measured PNC values. The data integration method using both proximal sensing and crop growth modeling produced accurate predictions of NNI (R2 = 0.95) and N status diagnostic outcomes (Kappa statistics = 0.64) for key growth stages in this study and could be used to simulate maize N status across the growing season, showing the potential for in-season dynamic N status diagnosis and management decision support. More studies are needed to further improve this approach by multi-sensor and multi-source data fusion using machine learning models.
Krzysztof KusnierekSammendrag
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I dagens verden med krig og høye priser er matproduksjon og selvforsyningsgrad viktige temaer. Produksjonen av mathvete er viktig for å øke Norges selvforsyningsgrad. Norsk mølleindustri har svært spesifikke kvalitetskrav til kornet de bruker i sine melblandinger. Dette medfører at det tradisjonelt sett har blitt importert mye hvete slik at man har fått hvete som passer møllenes kvalitetskrav. Der det har vært brukt norsk hvete har mesteparten av denne tradisjonelt vært vårhvete. For å øke norsk selvforsyning må det dermed produseres mer hvete som oppfyller disse kvalitetskravene. Produksjon av høsthvete som har større avlingspotensiale kan være et viktig ledd i å øke selvforsyningsgraden, men da må kvaliteten være tilpasset møllenes behov. Formålet ned dette masterarbeidet er å studere hvordan strategier for delt nitrogengjødsling kan påvirke avlingsoppbygningen og proteininnholdet i kornet, og om bruk av N-sensor målinger ved aksskyting/blomstring kan være et hjelpemiddel for å oppnå en mer presis gjødslingsveiledning til bonden. Fem gjødselbehandlinger, fire lokasjoner og tre sorter ble brukt for å undersøke effekten av delt nitrogengjødsling. Hvert felt inneholdt i tilegg tre gjentak hvor hvert gjentak inneholdt alle kombinasjonene av gjødselbehandling og sort. Det ble tatt klippeprøver og N-sensormålinger ved aksskyting og blomstring for å undersøke opptatt nitrogen gjennom vekstsesongen samt undersøke om dette kan brukes til å predikere blant annet proteininnhold ved høsting. Proteininnholdet ble derimot påvirket av både total nitrogenmengde og fordelingen av nitrogen mellom delgjødsling en og to. Proteinprosenten var signifikant høyere for forsøksleddet som fikk 8 kg nitrogen ved første delgjødsel og 6 kg nitrogen ved andre delgjødsling enn forsøksleddet som fikk 14 kg nitrogen ved første delgjødsling og ingen gjødsel ved andre delgjødsling. Begge forsøksleddene fikk 8 kg nitrogen om våren. For avlingsnivå er sortsvalg viktigere enn gjødselbehandling. Kuban ga signifikant høyere avling enn både Bernstein og Ellvis. Det ble gjennomfør N-sensormålinger ved aksskyt og blomstring, og det ble tatt klippeprøver for å måle reelt N-opptak i plantebestandene ved disse tidspunktene. N-sensormålingene underestimerer nitrogenopptaket noe i forhold til klippeprøvene, spesielt når plantebestandet er preget av tørkestress. Ca. 2/3 av variasjonen i nitrogenopptaket ved z49 og z65 kunne forklares av modellen. Mer forskning og et større datamateriale er nødvendig for å utarbeide bedre modeller.