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- Hvis man tar utgangspunkt i den energien som tømmeret representerer, går mindre enn 3 % av denne med til å fremskaffe dette tømmeret til industrien. Om lag halvparten av energiforbruket fra skogetablering til industritomt er knyttet til tømmertransport. - I livssyklusfasene til boliger og kontorbygg er det bruksfasen som utgjør det største energiforbruket, ca. 85-93%. - Drivhusgassbalanse og energi som går til gjenvinning, vil i stor grad avhenge av hvordan tre behandles etter riving og eventuell substitusjon av fossilt brensel. For trekonstruksjoner er den energien som frigjøres ved forbrenning av rivingsvirke, minst like stor som den energien som kreves til fremstilling av trekonstruksjonene. - I 95 % av de gjennomgåtte studiene i denne undersøkelsen der tre ble sammenlignet med alternative materialer, har man kommet til at tre var like bra (35 %) eller bedre (60 %). - Gode levetidsdata for tre og trekomponenter er helt avgjørende for gode LCA analyser. Økt levetid på bygningsdeler i tre vil kunne bidra til økt karbonbinding. Det er derfor av stor betydning å finne nye trebeskyttelsessystemer som bidrar til økt levetid. - Nyere undersøkelser peker i retning av at den største samlede reduksjonen i CO2-utslipp til atmosfæren oppnås ved å drive et intensivt skogbruk. Dette er basert på forutsetninger om at biomassen fra skogen benyttes til å substituere mer energikrevende produkter, samt til substitusjon av fossilt brensel. I praksis vil et intensivt skogbruk kunne komme i konflikt med en del av kravene som er satt til et bærekraftig skogbruk.


New restrictions draw governments, industry and research towards new and environmental benign wood protective agents. These agents often come from a natural source, and are also a waste product. One of these is chitosan. Chitosan is a derivative from chitin, mainly found in the exoskeleton of crustacean. Some research has been conducted on chitosan and wood. Chitosan has earlier proven good antifungal effectiveness, but to achieve a good protection, a 5 % concentration is needed, which makes the end product quite expensive. In recent research, a way to make chitosan treated wood hydrophobic has been invented. The objective of the research presented in this paper, is to describe the effectiveness of the following compounds: Chitosan, chitosan/copper, chitosan/boron and chitosan/Scanimp (a commercial wood preservative). Results show that chitosan works well alone, but has a fixation problem. Chitosan and boron give good fixation, and reduced amounts of chitosan and together give good protection against wood destroying fungi. The fire protection agents are promising, but needs higher concentration and/or better fixation to give a sufficient protection against wood destroying fungi

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Forskere ved Skog og landskap og Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap (UMB) har, sammen med industrien, oppdaget at det er variasjoner i opptak av impregneringsvæske ved trykkimpregnering. Dette skyldes til dels forskjeller mellom furubestand. Den største forskjellen skyldes breddegrad. Det vil si at furu fra sørlige bredde grader lettere lar seg impregnere enn furu fra nordlige breddegrader.


To evaluate the decay resistance of wood, treated or untreated, for hazard classes 3, 4 and 5, the mass loss due to fungal exposure needs to be calculated. The standards for calculating mass loss in wooden test samples (i.e EN 113 and ENV 807) require that the samples used in the test are pre-dried to 0 % moisture content, m0, for determination of the initial dry mass. The standards describe that the samples should be dried at 103±2°C for 18 hours. When drying wood samples to 103 °C the samples are altered. Literature describes that extractives are influenced at temperatures as low as 60 °C, and redistribution and/or evaporation of these, will change the characteristics of the wood samples...


The variations on the ratio of filling (RoF) were investigated on Norwegian grown Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). The samples were taken from 10 different stands in south-east Norway, and treated with furfuryl alcohol and a copper-containing wood preservative. Both within tree variations, between tree variations and variations between stands were investigated for significant differences. Factors like horizontal and vertical positioning of the stem, annual ring width, density, tree height, tree age and latitude were tested. Samples of 20 x 20 x 60 mm were impregnated with a mild treatment scheme to avoid full penetration, which made it possible to distinguish the RoF. A significant variation was found between copper impregnated a furfuryl treated samples, favouring the copper impregnated samples. Within tree variations show a positive significance of the first log compared to the other logs, and a higher RoF in younger sapwood. The latitude of the stand gave a strong correlation, favouring southern stands.


An easier penetrability and a more even uptake of wood protection agents is aimed for the two most common wood species in Europe, namely Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine heartwood (Pinus sylvestris), particularly when there is a great difference in absorption behavior of sapwood and heartwood. Microwave conditioning can improve permeability, reduce density and heat conductivity and change dimensional stability of wood. It could also improve the permeability of refractory wood species. This study deals with the evaluation of different parameters of a microwave treatment and their influence on the penetrability of water during dipping and impregnation of Scots pine heartwood and Norway spruce. Microwave irradiation lead to an increased water uptake after a submersion test, and after vacuum and pressure impregnation of the tested samples. This effect was more pronounced for Scots pine heartwood samples than for spruce wood samples. A short process with high microwave energy is recommended in order to reduce the development of large cracks but to increase the sorption behavior due to small checks in wood.


Wood is a unique building material, but is by nature designed to deteriorate. A detailed understanding of the factors and interactions involved are important when working with service life prediction of wooden components in buildings. Wood may experience exponential fungal degradation caused by variation in the climatic factors within a small limited area and by minor imperfection in the wooden component. In this paper we put forward a new term: critical in-situ conditions (CIC). This is meant to bring the attention to the importance of looking into details in the construction design, the specific climatic factors and interactions involved. Gaining realistic and useful data for prediction of service life is only possible by controlling and understanding the factors that are target specific for a wooden component or even only a part of it. Performing measurements in a right way and in the proper part of the wooden component are vital for getting useful data for further processing. The objective in this paper is to exemplify the CIC in inservice situations and to describe the factors and interactions that control the service life. Case studies were performed on a building at Bryggen in Bergen, on a hunting cabin on Svalbard, on several wooden windows in the southern part of Norway and on an external wall of a residence house in Ås.


The area of wood protection is in a period of change. New wood protection systems have been developed while their mode of action remains insufficiently understood. The development of molecular methods provides potential tools to investigate the interaction between modified wood and decay fungi. One small step to tackle some of the unsolved questions about the mode of action of modified wood is taken in this study. A specific and quantitative real-time PCR (QRT-PCR) assay was now established for identifying and quantifying early stages of fungal colonisation in modified wood and for profiling growth dynamics of the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor through different stages of decay. QRT-PCR of colonisation of three different wood modification systems (acetylation, furfurylation, thermal modification), two reference treatments (Cu-HDO, CCA) and Scots pine sapwood as control was performed. Incubation time was 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks...