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Rapporten gjør en kort gjennomgang av de forskjellige aktørene på Hornøya før en ved bruk av avisutklipp om aktiviteten på Hornøya kommenterer ueningheter. Det viktigste bidraget i rapporten er knyttet at det gis råd til hvordan «Hornøyarådet» kan arbeide og gjennom forslag til elementene i tilrettelegging for et helhetlig turistprodukt for destinasjon Hornøya.

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Arctic charr and European whitefish are considered to be strong competitors in lakes, with the latter usually being the superior species. However, high niche plasticity and lake morphometry may suggestively facilitate resource partitioning and coexistence between charr and whitefish. Here, we explore the trophic niche utilization (diet and habitat use) of charr and whitefish co-occurring with brown trout in the deep and oligotrophic Lake Fyresvatnet, southern Norway (59°05’N, 8°10’E). Using CPUE, stomach contents and stable isotope analyses, a distinct resource partitioning was revealed between brown trout and the other two species. Brown trout typically occupied the littoral zone, feeding on benthic invertebrates, surface insects and small-sized whitefish. In contrast, charr and whitefish were predominantly zooplanktivorous, but diverged somewhat in habitat utilization as charr shifted seasonally between the profundal and the littoral zone, whereas whitefish were found in the upper water layers (littoral and pelagic habitats). Accordingly, the stable isotope values of carbon (δ13C) reflected a pelagic orientated prey resource use for both charr and whitefish, whereas brown trout had elevated carbon and nitrogen (δ15N) signatures that reflected their benthivore and piscivore diet, respectively. The findings suggest that charr may not rely upon the profundal zone as a feeding habitat but as a refuge area, and may coexist with whitefish if a third competitive and predatory species like brown trout co-occur in the lake. The study indicates that a general high habitat plasticity of Arctic charr may be essential in the presently observed coexistence with a competitively superior fish species like whitefish, and that a third fish species like brown trout may facilitate this particular fish community structure.

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В рамках международного проекта по мониторингу бурого медведя на территории трехстороннего парка «Пасвик-Инари» (Россия, Норвегия, Финляндия) проведен анализ численности и структуры популяции бурого медведя на российской сторо-не в 2015 г. В работе представлены данные, полученные в результате применения двух бесконтактных методов: анализа ДНК образцов шерсти и экскрементов и мето-да использования фотоловушек. Материал собирали с помощью пяти ловушек для сбора шерсти из колючей проволоки и пахучей приманки и четырех фотоловушек модели Boskon Guard. Помимо этого проводился сбор экскрементов, а также шер- сти с линии ИТС государственной границы представителями Пограничной службы России. Всего было собрано 54 образца шерсти и 10 образцов экскрементов. На основании полученных результатов рассчитана численность медведей на иссле-дуемой территории, которая составила 20 особей: 13 особей были установлены при помощи только анализа ДНК, остальные 7 – при помощи фотоловушек. Всего определено 9 самок и 7 самцов; 13 взрослых особей, 4 второгодка и 3 сеголетка. Социальная структура включала в себя три семейные группы и 10 одиночек, из кото- рых один – возможный самец-доминант. Плотность населения медведей на иссле- дуемой территории составила 1 особь на 1000 га. Совместное применение методов сбора шерсти и экскрементов, фотоловушек, а также ГИС показало себя взаимодо- полняющим при анализе численности и структуры популяции бурого медведя.

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The European winter moth, Operophtera brumata, is a non-native pest in the Northeastern USA causing defoliation of forest trees and crops such as apples and blueberries. This species is known to hybridize with O. bruceata, the Bruce spanworm, a native species across North America, although it is not known if there are hybrid generations beyond F1. To study winter moth population genetics and hybridization with Bruce spanworm, we developed two sets of genetic markers, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and microsatellites, using genomic approaches. Both types of markers were validated using samples from the two species and their hybrids. We identified 1216 SNPs and 24 variable microsatellite loci. From them we developed a subset of 95 species-diagnostic SNPs and ten microsatellite loci that could be used for hybrid identification. We further validated the ten microsatellite loci by screening field collected samples of both species and putative hybrids. In addition to confirming the presence of F1 hybrids reported in previous studies, we found evidence for multi-generation asymmetric hybridization, as suggested by the occurrence of hybrid backcrosses with the winter month, but not with the Bruce spanworm. Laboratory crosses between winter moth females and Bruce spanworm males resulted in a higher proportion of viable eggs than the reciprocal cross, supporting this pattern. We discuss the possible roles of population demographics, sex chromosome genetic incompatibility, and bacterial symbionts as causes of this asymmetrical hybridization and the utility of the developed markers for future studies.