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Gjennom det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet for rovvilt i Norge ble det i 2018 samlet inn prøver til DNA analyse med antatt opphav fra brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) for tiende år på rad. Av de 1007 prøvene som ble samlet inn i 2018, ble 984 prøver inkludert i den genetiske analysen (720 ekskrementprøver, 252 hårprøver og 12 vevsprøver) og 53 % var positive for brunbjørn. Totalt gav 447 prøver (45 %) en full DNA-identitet, og det ble fra disse prøvene påvist 138 ulike bjørner; 63 hunnbjørner og 75 hannbjørner. Dette er en økning på 10 % (13 individer) sammen-lignet med 2017, mens kjønnsfordelingen bare har endret seg med 2% i samme periode. Dette er det høyeste antallet brunbjørn registrert siden 2013, og det høyeste antallet hunnbjørn regi-strert siden overvåkningen startet i 2009. Forekomsten av brunbjørn er hovedsakelig konsentrert i fylkene Finnmark (49), Hedmark (44) og Trøndelag (32) som tidligere. Av det totale antallet bjørner påvist i 2018 er 59 % (81 individer) tidligere påvist i Norge, noe som utgjør en reduksjon i gjenfunn på 6 % i forhold til i fjor. Dette er den laveste andelen gjenfunn siden 2009. Om man inkluderer gjenfunn fra Sverige, Finland og Russland utgjør det totale antallet gjenfunn 87 indi-vider (63 %). Estimatet for 2018 på 7,7 ynglinger er det høyeste anslaget siden overvåkningen startet i 2009, og er en økning fra 2017 hvor estimatet lå på 6,9 ynglinger. I rovviltregion 5 (Hedmark) ligger antallet estimerte ynglinger i år, som i fjor, over bestandsmålet på 3 årlige ynglinger. De andre rovviltregionene ligger under bestandsmålet i 2018.

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Background The populations of brown bear (Ursus arctos) in northern Europe have been recovering or are in the process of recovery from a severe demographic bottleneck. Especially in the main popula- tions of Scandinavia and Finland, the number of individuals has been increasing substantially, compared to the population sizes estimated 20 years ago. Also, the populations have spatially expanded, putatively restoring connectivity and gene flow between these two, formerly separated populations. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) assigned a pro- ject to assess the connectivity and gene flow between the eastern and western parts of Fen- noscandia, Finland and Scandinavia. Objective Our objective was to detect possible immigration of brown bears from eastern Fennoscandia, specifically Finland, into Scandinavia. Material and Methods For the first time with continuous sampling of brown bears, we assessed the population genetic structure and gene flow between the brown bear populations of Scandinavia and Finland. We based our analyses on the dispersing sex, male brown bears, as females tend to be philopatric. Our target area was the county of Norrbotten in northern Sweden, at the border to Finland and Norway, representing the most likely area for potential eastern immigrants into Sweden. Previous research did not reveal any influx from Finland into Sweden. However, brown bear samples from Norrbotten have to a very limited degree been included in earlier studies on genetic connectivity in the area. In addition to a large number of samples from Norrbotten and northern Finland, we included genotypes sampled in regions surrounding the target area: Västerbotten in Sweden, Troms and Finnmark in Norway and southern Finland. We utilized all samples and genotypes from male bears available, and, also, genotyped recently collected samples of male brown bears from the study area. Analyses on population genetic structure and gene flow among regions were based on 924 individual male brown bear STR-genotypes (12 short tandem repeats or microsatellite markers). In order to reveal patterns of male dispersal and the distribution of male linages we used brown bear samples genotyped with nine Y-chromosomal STRs from 826 males. KEY WORDS : connectivity, european brown bear, Fennoscandia, Finland, male gene flow, migration, population genetic structure, Scandinavia, Ursus arctos NØKKELORD : europeisk brunbjørn, Fennoskandia, Finland, genflyt, konnektivitet, migrasjon, populasjons genetisk struktur, Skandinavia, Ursus arctos

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Wild animal populations experience selection pressures from both natural and anthropogenic sources. The availability of extensive pedigrees is increasing along with our ability to quantify the heritability and evolvability of phenotypic traits and thus the speed and potential for evolutionary change in wild populations. The environment may also affect gene expressions in individuals, which may in turn affect the potential of phenotypic traits to respond to selection. Knowledge about the relationship between the genetic and environmental components of phenotypic variation is particularly relevant, given ongoing anthropogenically driven global change. Using a quantitative genetic mixed model, we disentangled the genetic and environmental components of phenotypic variance in a large carnivore, the brown bear (Ursus arctos). We combined a pedigree covering ~1,500 individual bears over seven generations with location data from 413 bears, as well as data on bear density, habitat characteristics, and climatic conditions. We found a narrow‐sense heritability of 0.24 (95% CrI: 0.06–0.38) for brown bear head size, showing that the trait can respond to selection at a moderate speed. The environment contributed substantially to phenotypic variation, and we partitioned this into birth year (5.9%), nonadditive among‐individual genetic (15.0%), and residual (50.4%) environmental effects. Brown bear head circumference showed an evolvability of 0.2%, which can generate large changes in the trait mean over some hundreds of generations. Our study is among the first to quantify heritability of a trait in a hunted large carnivore population. Such knowledge about the degree to which species experiencing hunting can respond to selection is crucial for conservation and to make informed management decisions. We show that including important environmental variables when analyzing heritability is key to understanding the dynamics of the evolutionary potential of phenotypic traits.