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Kalver i alderen 9-12 mnd har samme tilvekst om de fores med kraftfor eller egenprodusert valset bygg. Det er usikkert om bedre valsing ville gitt enda bedre tilvekst. Det er videre usikkert om resultatene ville vært de samme dersom forsøket strakk seg over lenger tid. Det er god lønnsomhet å fore med egetprodusert valset bygg i stedet for innkjøpt kraftfor dersom bonden fra før har det nødvendige driftsutstyr.


A new white clover cultivar, Norstar, with excellent winter hardiness and good yield potential has been released (1999) for northern and upland parts of Norway. In a field experiment in Tromsø (690 39"N), the dry matter (DM) yield and persistence of Norstar in mixtures with different grass species was studied. The plots were subjected to simulated grazing or cut for silage, and fertilised with a yearly total of 60kg Nha-1. DM yields of the clover and grass components were determined during three growing seasons. The different grass mixtures had no direct impact on DM yield of clover, but in the first year the clover proportion of the total grass/clover yield was lower in mixture with timothy/meadow fescue than in mixture with smooth meadowgrass. However, in the following years the clover proportion of this mixture increased, whereas it declined in the mixture containing smooth meadowgrass. In 1999, the clover content in both mixtures was about 30%. Cutting regime had no influence on clover yield in either of the mixtures. Simulated grazing depressed the grass yield in white clover/timothy/meadow fescue mixtures, but not in white clover/smooth meadowgrass mixtures.


In the present study, the growth, dry matter partitioning and morphological characteristics and C exudation of two white clover cultivars, Norstar and AberHerald, were compared, under two temperature regimes (24/18°C and 12/6°C day/night) in a controlled temperature room. Root exudates collected from the two cultivars were also tested on two common soil types from northern Norway to determine the influence of the exudates on microbial activity in those soils. Plants grown at the higher temperatures had greater biomass and lower root:shoot ratio than those grown at the lower temperature regime. The plants growing in the higher temperature regime had a higher N content and concentration. Temperature significantly affected morphological characters and plants grown at the higher temperature had more leaves and growing points, and longer stolons than those grown at 12/6°C. Total organic C in the root exudates was determined on two occasions during the experiment. After 7 days, the concentration in the leachates from the plants at the higher temperature was significantly greater, but after 34 days, the concentrations were much more variable from plant to plant and no significant differences were seen. There were no significant differences in the rate of O2 uptake and utilisation by either the peat or mineral soils given exudates collected from plants growing at the cooler temperatures. In soils which were given exudates collected from plants growing at the higher temperatures, the rate of O2 utilisation by the mineral soil given the Norstar exudates was significantly lower than the other three combinations.


Transfer of nitrogen from clover to grass can be an important component in nutrient cycling, especially in poor soils. Plant root exudates are an important source of carbon and nitrogen in the rhizosphere and may actively contribute to grass growth and nutrient uptake. It has been shown that nitrate and ammonium uptake by white clover can be influenced by temperature, but little work has been done to determine the effect of temperature on substrate release from white clover roots and subsequent effects on grasses. Stresses imposed on clover plants may change the form and quantity of root exudation and will effect the general carbon and nitrogen economy of white clover. The ways in which temperature stress affects nutrient uptake and root exudation of clover and ryegrass were studied in this project.


Føremålet med dette innlegget er å drøfte korleis ein i framtida skal klare å skaffe fram det grovfôret (type, mengd, kvalitet) mjølkekyrne har behov for ved ulike avdråttsnivå, og kva utfordringar dette kan gi planteforedling og forsking.


Tilgang på nok innmarksbeite av god kvalitet om våren er ofte ein flaskehals på sauebruka. Også om hausten er det behov for gode innmarksbeite. Ved val av driftsopplegg bør omsynet til å skaffe nok vårbeite og haustbeite telje meir enn å produsere vinterfôr med veldig god kvalitet. Det vil normalt vere lønsamt å sørge for optimal tilvekst på lamma om våren og heller kjøpe grovfôr til vinterfôr, om det er nødvendig. Søyene kan klare seg med grovfôr med middels kvalitet om vinteren, med unnatak for perioden rundt lamming. Ein må såleis ha moglegheiter til å produsere grovfôr av eng- og grønfôrvekstar med ulik kvalitet. Det kan ein oppnå ved å skjerme deler av garden, eller leigejord, mot beiting, og leggje vekt på dyrke grovfôr med ønska kvalitet på slike areal.


Temaarket beskriver hvilke faktorer en må ta hensyn til for å dyrke gode vår- og høstbeiter til sau. Forskjeller i tilvekst hos lam på gode og dårlige beiter beskrives i tekst og tabeller. Det vises også hvordan ulik kvalitet på beite kan medføre forskjeller i slakteklassifisering hos lam.


An organic crop rotation system simulating a dairy farm with 1.0 cow per ha has been run for six years with undersown barley, three year leys, swede and oats. The fodder supply at the farm has been evaluated with the presumptions that 70 % of the energy requirement of the cows should be covered by roughages and that the yearly milk production was 5000 kg per cow. The requirement for roughages was covered by the farm itself in five out of six years, whereas the yields of barley and oats were all years too low to cover the proportion of energy to be supplied from other sources. Due to a low nitrogen content, the protein deficit of the fodder produced in the system was higher than the energy deficit, and considerable amounts of fodder rich in proteins would have to be imported unless the stocking rate and/or the milk production per cow is lowered.