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Soil water repellency (SWR) is a common phenomenon on sand-based golf greens. Soils are considered severely water repellent if water droplets remain on the surface of undisturbed, air-dried soil samples for more than 600 seconds before penetrating. The objective of this research was to evaluate the potential of a surfactant to overcome SWR and restore turfgrass quality on a green with severe drought symptoms. The surfactant Aqueduct® was applied at a rate of 25 L ha-1 at weekly intervals from 4 June through 25 June 2008, either alone or after aeration with solid tines to 5 cm depth before each application. The experiment was irrigated uniformly corresponding to 1.65 times pan evaporation values from 4 June till 12 June, after which irrigation was not necessary due to natural rainfall. Conspicuous and statistically significant improvements in turfgrass quality occurred 10-12 days after the first application of surfactant, and the difference from untreated control plots continued to increase for about two and a half months after the completion of treatments. The improvement was accompanied by a significant increase in the SWC of the 0-20 cm soil layer and a deeper root system. The difference in WDPT between treated and untreated plots was significant at 1 cm, but not at 2, 3, 5 or 10 cm soil depths which were always far more water repellent than the thatch layer. Repeated aeration had no significant effect on turfgrass quality, and there was no significant interaction between surfactant and aeration treatments.


Forskingsprosjektet "VELVET GREEN: Overvintring og skjøtsel av hundekvein på golfgreener" er et av de mest omfattende som hittil er finansiert av nordiske golfspillere gjennom stiftelsen "Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation (STERF)". Foruten forsøk i kontrollert klima på Universitet for Miljø og Biovitenskap (Ås) og feltforsøk på Bioforsks sentre Landvik (Grimstad) og Apelsvoll (Toten) omfatter prosjektet praktisk utprøving av hundekvein på golfbaner i Finland, Sverige, Norge og Danmark. Sammen med rådgivere og forskere fra de ulike land utgjør headgreenkeeperne på disse banene prosjektets referansegruppe. I juni var denne gruppa samlet på Apelsvoll for å utveksle erfaringer så langt i prosjektet. De praktiske erfaringene til greenkeeperne i referansegruppa er et nødvendig supplement til forsøksresultatene som kommer ut av prosjektet. Erfaringene viser at utfordringen med hundekvein på golfbaner i Norden ikke er overvintringa, men å finne fram til skjøtselrutiner som kontrollerer det organiske materiale og forekomsten av sykdommer i vekstsesongen. Så snart greenen er inngrodd må gjødsling og vanning reduseres, men riktig nivå avhenger av vekstmedium, spilletrykk, klimaforhold og mange andre faktorer. På nye greener vil hundekvein gi rask etablering og tidlig baneåpning, men hvis skader først oppstår, er reparasjonsevnen dårligere enn for krypkvein.


Høy gresskvalitet på golfbaner er i avhengig av optimalt samspill mellom en rekke faktorer. Blant dem er det soppsykdommene som har størst økonomisk betydning, og deres kontroll er en vesentlig del av gress skjøtselen. Utvikling av soppsykdommer eller deres fravær defineres som regel av natur betingelser, skjøtselskvalitet og sortsresistens.  Greenkeepere kan unngå mange problemer på golfbaner med riktig skjøtsel som inkluderer vannings regimer, gjødsling, toppdressing, klippe høyde, filt kontroll, surhetsgrad av vekst medier, mengde og naturen av organisk forbedring i dem osv. Riktig og betimelig diagnostisering av en sykdom på gresset er viktig når man velger en strategi for å løse problemet. De viktigste soppsykdommene på golfbaner i Norden er rosa snømugg (Michrodochium nivale), rød trådkølle (Typhula incarnata), Rhizoctonia og Pythium spp., antraknose (Colletotrichum graminicola), rotdreper(Gaeumannomyces graminis og Magnaporthe poae) og andre. Sykdomsdiagnostisering består av en rekke operasjoner som kan utfores av en enkel greenkeeper hvis symptomene på en sykdom er klassiske, eller i diagnostisering lab. Men hvordan kan man finne ut årsak for en sykdom? Hvordan kan man anerkjenne de viktigste patogenene? Hvilke symptomer forventes på planter? Hvilke tegn viser patogen? Foredraget og følgende øvelser hjalp å finne svar på de og andre spørsmålene om diagnostisering av sykdommer på sportsgress.


One of the major concerns for the use of velvet bentgrass (Agrostis canina) in Scandinavia is whether current cultivars have sufficient winter hardiness. To meet this challenge, velvet bentgrass (VB) cultivars were tested for winter hardiness in controlled environments at UMB during 2006/2007. Hardened and unhardened VB cultivars Avalon, Villa, Greenwich and Legendary were compared with creeping bentgrass (CB, Agrostis stolonifera) cv. Penn A-4 (control) for freezing tolerance. There were no differences in freezing tolerance between velvet and creeping bentgrass, but none of the tested cultivars, whether hardened or not, tolerated freezing to - 9 ºC or lower.That became a background for the collaborative project between the Norwegian Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Research (Bioforsk), Norwegian University of Life Science, Rutgers University and the University of Massachusetts. The objectives of the project would be: (1) to compare freezing tolerance of VB and CB, (2) to quantify carbohydrate changes during the two consecutive phases of cold acclimation in these species, and (3) to compare one direct and two indirect methods for determination of LT50 in turfgrasses.


Preliminary results from the study "Effects of metabolic changes during cold hardening on freezing survival of Agrostis spp." were presented. The objectives of the trial were: (1) to compare freezing tolerance of velvet bentgrass and creeping bentgrass, (2) to quantify carbohydrate and protein changes during the two consecutive phases of cold acclimation in these species, and (3) to compare one direct and two indirect methods for determination of LT50 in turfgrasses. Three (of four) treatments representing different phases of cold acclimation were compared: (i) nonacclimated (NA) plants maintained at 18 °C/12 °C (day/night); (ii) plants acclimated at 2 °C for 2 wk  and 250 μmol m-2 s-1 for 12 h photoperiod (A2); and (iii) as treatment (ii) but for 4 wk (A4). Plants exposed to additional sub-zero acclimation in the dark at -2 °C for 2 wk (A4+SZA2) were under acclimation treatment at that time. Results regarding 1st and 3rd objectives were discussed. Acclimation at 2 ºC significantly improved freezing tolerance of both species, but differences between species were not significant. The LT50 for plants subjected to A2 and A4 were 4 and 6 °C lower, respectively, compared to NA plants. Crown viability test had a good correlation with the LT50 based on whole plant survival. Electrolyte leakage underestimated freezing survival ability in Agrostis spp.


Results from the study "Effects of metabolic changes during cold hardening on freezing survival of Agrostis spp." were presented. The objectives of the trial were: (1) to compare freezing tolerance of velvet bentgrass and creeping bentgrass, (2) to quantify carbohydrate and protein changes during the two consecutive phases of cold acclimation in these species, and (3) to compare one direct and two indirect methods for determination of LT50 in turfgrasses. Four treatments representing different phases of cold acclimation were compared: (i) non-acclimated (NA) plants maintained at 18 / 12 °C (day/night); (ii) plants acclimated at 2 °C for 2 wk (A2); (iii) plants acclimated at 2 °C for 4 wk (A4); and (iv) plants acclimated at 2 °C for 4 wk with an additional sub-zero acclimation in the dark at -2 °C for 2 wk (A4+SZA2).  Velvet bentgrass and creeping bentgrass showed no difference in lethal temperatures for 50% of the test population (LT50) as estimated by whole plant survival. Treatments A2 and A4 resulted in accumulation of sucrose and fructans, and significantly lowered LT50 as compared with NA.  A4+SZA2 resulted in less fructans, no difference in sucrose and higher concentration of reducing sugars but LT50 was not lower than after A4 treatment.  Crown viability determined by reduction of tetrazolium chloride showed close correlation with LT50 values based on whole plant survival. Electrolyte leakage produced less consistent results and cannot be recommend as a quick method for evaluation of relative hardiness of the rather small crowns of bentgrass species, especially not if acclimation at subfreezing temperatures is part of the testing procedure.