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Background & Aim: Land-use regimes and their changes, as well as landscape heterogeneity are key determinants of the distribution and composition of species in cultural landscapes. In European agricultural landscapes, habitat loss due to both abandonment and intensification of agriculture fields are major causes for the decline of species diversity. Landscapes that are diverse in habitats and species are important to maintain basic ecosystem functions and services as, for instance, pollination or habitat preservation. In Norway, semi-natural species-rich habitats, such as agricultural grasslands, often occur in mosaics with forests and crop fields. This research studies key information for design of conservation plans focused on these habitats, addressing how landscape structure and land-use history affect the distribution, richness and composition of species in species-rich grasslands across geographical regions. Material & Methods: We recorded vegetation (species occurrence and cover) in agricultural grasslands with varying intensity and type of use from 569 plots of 8 x 8 m size systematically distributed throughout Norway (from 64 to 78 °N latitude). To identify the most important driving factors of species diversity and composition we explored the combined effects of historic and current land-use and the spatial landscape configuration of nearby land cover types (e.g. minimum distance to or area of neighbouring wetland, forest, cultivated land) taking into account the effects of grazing, elevation, and moisture conditions. Non-metrical multidimensional scaling (NMDS) was applied to identify the most important drivers of species composition. We used Generalized Additive Mixed Models to test the relationship of these drivers with patterns in species richness. Main results & Interpretations: NMDS revealed species composition to be explained most by the distance to surface cultivated land and transportation corridors (r=0.905, p<0.001 and r=-0.982, p<0.001; 1. NMDS axis) as well as shape of the patch in which the vegetation plot is embedded (patch shape) and grazing intensity (r=0.988, p<0.001 and r=-0.952, p<0.001; 2. NMDS axis). Observed patterns in species richness were statistically significantly linked to the combined effects of elevation, grazing intensity, historical land-use, patch shape, distance to transportation corridors and forest, and area of nearest wetland. Our results demonstrate the importance of a variety of factors influencing the species composition and richness in Norwegian grasslands. We found that both the landscape element harbouring the observed plot and also the surrounding landscape structure and intensity of land-use are important determinants of species diversity. The fact that distance to more intensively managed agricultural land is one of the strongest explanatory facts signals how effects of agricultural management practices reaches outside the field itself and into adjacent landscape elements. This suggests that the entire landscape needs to be taken into consideration when management of a particular habitat patch is planned.


Sammendrag: Formålet med dette forsøket var å prøve ut prototype 2 av NoFence virtuelle gjerder på reinsdyr og registrere effekten av systemet på atferd hos forsøksdyra. Åtte voksne dyr ble merket og satt inn i et gjerdeanlegg der de ble tildelt fôr en gang per dag. Forsøket gikk over to dager. Første dag ble dyrenes atferd registrert i gjerdet med aktive NoFence klaver og siste dag ble dyrene observert da det fysiske skillegjerdet ble åpnet. Prototype 2 var i denne utprøvingen forbedret med vibrasjon i tillegg til lydsignaler og strømstøt hvis dyret krysset den virtuelle gjerdegrensen. Klavene kunne i tillegg fjernstyres og ble slått av da dyrene ikke var under observasjon. Da skillegjerdet ble åpnet passerte hele flokken gjennom åpningen uten store tegn til nøling eller ubehag. Reinen ristet på hodet og kvapp til da strømstøt ble utløst, men respekterte ikke strømsignalet nevneverdig. Det kan tenkes at reinen trenger lenger tid for å lære seg assosiasjonen mellom varselsignaler og gitte områder i omgivelsene. Resultatene fra denne utprøvingen har imidlertid synliggjort behovet for ytterligere praktiske justeringer som må til for å tilpasse NoFence systemet til reindriftens behov og reinens atferd og levevis.

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Store område med godt beite går ut av produksjon i Norge. Samtidig viser prognosene til Nortura at vi har vi for lite norsk lammekjøtt og storfekjøtt. Kva skal til for at vårt moderne landbruk tar i bruk desse areala igjen? Det undersøker forskarane ved Bioforsk Økologisk i prosjektet BeiteRessurs.