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Innlegget sammenligner drift av konvensjonell og økologisk sauebesetning. Den går bl.a. nærmere inn på avlsmål, fôring og øvrig driftsopplegg.


The use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to predict potential carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) mineralisation in Norwegian grassland soils was investigated. Reference values of mineralisation were produced by aerobic incubation of soils, from which the course roots and stubble had been removed. NIRS was calibrated against 70 samples with a wide range in soil characteristics. Another 30 samples, taken from two other sites, were used to validate the predictive accuracy of the NIRS technique. A significant correlation was observed between the reference and NIRS values of potential C and N mineralisation on samples used during the calibration process. Increased error and significant bias occurred occasionally, when new samples were predicted. However, with site-specific calibrations the accuracy of performance was improved. The results of the comparisons with measured C and N mineralisation potentials, suggest that NIRS offers a promising alternative to otherwise time-consuming laboratory incubations, with the additional benefit of being a non-destructive analysis.


Utfør diametermåling etter barking. Dette er rådet til sagbruk som ikke er fornøyde med nøyaktigheten i sin sortering. Naturlig variasjon i barktykkelsen og avslitt bark på deler av omkretsen gjør diametermåling utenpå bark til en usikker operasjon.


A rapid and sensitive method was developed to discriminate between Seiridium cardinale and Seiridium cupressi, the fungi causing severe cankers on common cypress in the Mediterranean area. The method amplified sequence variants in the ITS2 region of ribosomal DNA using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), followed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, to reveal single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) between the two species. The greatest separation pattern was obtained with a gel matrix containing 7-10% formamide and 3-5% glycerol under optimized running conditions, which were found to be 30-40 V at 4-5 degrees C for 4-8 h. Sequence homology among isolates within each of the two species caused no mobility shifts, with all isolates displaying the same migration pattern. A few base differences between S. cardinale and S. cupressi caused markedly different migration patterns, allowing differentiation of the two pathogens. Differences between these fungi at the genetic level are consistent with known data on morphological, physiological and pathogenic characteristics. SSCP analysis constitutes a rapid and easy-to-perform method by which to recognize and distinguish closely related organisms, and has considerable potential for use in diagnosis and taxonomy.