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Tall oil is a by-product in pulping of resinous wood by the sulphate process. Tall oil contains a complex mixture of wood extractives. Some of these extractives act as natural protection against wood decaying fungi while other serve as nutrition for the fungi. This report describes a screening of the efficacy of four refined tall oils with different chemical composition on wood decaying fungi.Testing was performed as filter paper assay and mini-block assay. In the filter paper assay growth rates of the white rot fungus Coriolus versicolor and the brown rot fungus Poria placenta were inhibited by the tall oils. None of the oils caused total inhibition of the fungi but there was a clear pattern towards increased efficacy with increased portion of resin acids in the oils.Impregnated mini-blocks with approximately 200 kg/m3 retention of tall oil after leaching showed an evident effect against Coniophora puteana and Poria placenta compared to untreated control samples. However, using the criteria from EN 113 requiring less than 3% mass loss, tall oil failed.The results indicate that decay resistance of tall oil impregnated Scots pine sapwood to the retention level used in this study is comparable with the decay resistance of Scots pine heartwood. It was expected that the efficacy of the tall oils was related to chemical composition of the oils. This was confirmed for the filter paper assay where the efficacy increased with increasing amount of resin acids. However, this pattern was not found for the mini-block assay.The protective effect of the tall oils in wood seems therefore to be more related to their hydrophobic properties than to their fungicidal properties.


Chitosan, a derivate of the natural amino polysaccharide chitin, has proven effective as a potential environmentally benign antimicrobial component. Few studies have focused on chitosan applied to wood against wood inhabiting and decaying fungi.In these screening studies several mycological experiments were performed to screen chitosan as a potential wood protecting agent. Growth studies on chitosan-amended media showed total inhibition of Poria placenta, Coriolus versicolor and Aspergillus niger using 1% w/v concentration.Chitosan with high average molecular weight (MW) was more efficient against mould and staining fungi than chitosan with low MW. Agar plate leaching tests showed only a small leaching effect using a 5% concentration on A. niger and P. placenta. Decay testing with P. placenta demonstrated efficacy using 5% and 2.5% concentrations in unleached samples. Leaching decreased the efficacy of chitosan and further investigations are needed to improve the fixation in wood.



The report is investigating the current state of forestry, forest industries and the bioenergy sector in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden. The main task of the research is to illustrate the current supply and use of wood based fuels in the Baltic and Nordic countries. Additionally the present use of forest fuels in the different countries in the private and industrial sector is analyzed and bottlenecks in the current supply of forest fuels are identified. The focus on energy policy has been on energy systems with less CO2 emissions in order to meet requirement of international agreements. Therefore, forest fuels offer great potential as a source of renewable energy. There has been a steady increase in the growing stock of European forests. Large amounts of residues are left unutilised both in Nordic and Baltic forests, especially in first thinnings and intermediate cuttings. They offer large potential to further increase the share of wood fuels in total energy consumption. Forest industries utilize a great share of wood residues at present but especially in Baltic regions there is potential to intensify the use of wood residues. An additional increase in wood biomass utilization is also dependent on future expansion of the district heating networks in Nordic and Baltic countries. Potential is available especially in the Baltic countries and Norway. The situation in regards to utilization of wood biomass in private dwellings is similar in all seven countries. Large amounts of fuelwood are consumed annually but new furnace and burner technology is necessary to use resources more efficiently. In regards to energy policy a lot has been done to improve the use of biomass utilization, but more has to be done to strengthen the position of forest fuels in the future. The main bottlenecks for the larger use of forest biomass were found to be a lack of utilisation of available technology for harvesting and transport operations and a lack of district heating. An improved use of technology would decrease the price of forest fuels, necessary to compete with fossil fuel prices on international markets.



Det er analysert 18 askeprøver fra 5 biobrenselanlegg. De kvantitativt viktigste makro-elementene i aske fra biobrensel er kalsium (23,3%), kalium (8,34%), magnesium (3,25%), mangan (1,47%), fosfor (1,03%) og svovel (0,93%). Asken inneholder også viktige mikronæringsstoffer som sink, kobber, mangan og bor. Innholdet av viktige næringsstoffer er relativt høyt og gjør at asken har et brukspotensiale som gjødselkilde i tillegg til gode kalkingsegenskaper. Variasjonen i kjemisk sammensetning av asken innen hvert enkelt biobrenselanlegg varierer betydelig, men er mindre enn variasjonen mellom anleggene. Det er til dels store forskjeller i sammensetning av aske fra forskjellige anlegg også der hvor samme type pellets er brukt. Ved anvendelse av aske i skogsjord er effektene i første rekke knyttet til en økning i pH (økt nitrogen-mineralisering) og mindre til tilførsel av næringsstoffer. Effektene av økt pH i skogsjord er trolig avhengig av karbon/nitrogen-forholdet i jorda. Ved lave karbon/nitrogen-forhold vil nitrogen-mineraliseringen øke etter asketilførsel med muligheter for økt N opptak hos planter og økt nitratavrenning. Tilgjengeligheten av de tungmetallene som tilføres jord med aske kan både øke og avta. Generelt avtar tilgjengeligheten av de fleste metaller med økende pH, men pga ionebytteeffekter kan tilgjengeligheten øke (for eksempel ionebytte Cd/Ca). I en rekke forsøk er det påvist at tilførsel av ren CaCO3 øker opptaket av Cd i jordbruksvekster like mye som ved tilførsel av aske. Effektene i jord på kort og lang (5 år) sikt er vist å være svært avhengig askens herdingsgrad og pelleteringsform da disse faktorene vil påvirke reaksjonshastighet (bufrings- og ionebyttereaksjoner) og tilgjengelighet av næringsstoffer. Dersom aske fra biobrensel skal anvendes i større grad enn i dag vil det være behov for behandling av asken. Herding dvs. ved innblanding av vann (optimalt 30-40%) i asken, oppnås en større hardhet, mindre støving og bedre spredningsegenskaper. Erfaringer fra Sverige og Finland viser at herding er mer kostnadseffektivt enn granulering og pelletering. Den beskjedne bruken av aske i Norge er ikke i første rekke relatert til askens sammensetning og begrensninger i gjeldende lovverk, men til forhold knyttet til små og geografisk spredte anlegg (små askevolumer), logistiske begensninger, rimelige deponeringsløsninger og dermed manglende motivasjon og behov til å tenke helhetlig innen biobrenselbransjen.



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