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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.


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Heathlands are extensive systems often dominated by slow-growing and long-lived woody plants. These systems require longer-term studies to capture if and how they are changing over time. In 2020, we resurveyed species richness and cover of vascular plant communities in 139 heathlands along the coastline of northern Fennoscandia, first surveyed during 1965–1975. The first survey included six heathland types, each with dominance – a cover of 25% or more – of the dwarf shrubs Calluna vulgaris, Kalmia procumbens, Betula nana, Vaccinium myrtillus and Empetrum nigrum. The two latter heathland types made up 29% and 48%, respectively, of all heathlands. In addition to the dominant dwarf shrubs giving their names to the heathland types, a few other species qualified as dominant. In the resurvey, all the heathland types had E. nigrum as the single dominant species, except for the heathland formerly dominated by B. nana. Most other species had low cover both at the time of the original survey and the resurvey. Also, the heathland types were species poor at the time of the original survey, with an average of eight vascular plant species per 4 m2 and were found equally species poor in the resurvey. Species richness differed between heathland types only at the time of the original survey, and the ratio of species exchange between the two surveys was negatively related to the original cover of E. nigrum. Here we provide a half-century perspective on vegetation change, during which several heathland types in northern Fennoscandia have changed to Empetrum heathlands, reducing the diversity of heathland types across the Boreal to Arctic landscape. As a native plant, E. nigrum cannot be considered invasive, but its allelopathic capacity has likely already modified these heathland ecosystems and will continue to do so, reducing ecosystem multifunctionality across the region.

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Cellulose is a major renewable resource for a wide variety of sustainable industrial products. However, for its utilization, finding new efficient enzymes for plant cell wall depolymerization is crucial. In addition to microbial sources, cellulases also exist in plants, however, are less studied. Fleshy fruit ripening includes enzymatic cell wall hydrolysis, leading to tissue softening. Therefore, bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), which produces small fruits that undergo extensive and rapid softening, was selected to explore cellulases of plant origin. We identified 20 glycoside hydrolase family 9 (GH9) cellulases from a recently sequenced bilberry genome, including four of which showed fruit ripening-specific expression and could be associated with fruit softening based on phylogenetic, transcriptomic and gene expression analyses. These four cellulases were secreted enzymes: two B-types and two C-types with a carbohydrate binding module 49. For functional characterization, these four cellulases were expressed in Pichia pastoris. All recombinant enzymes demonstrated glucanase activity toward cellulose and hemicellulose substrates. Particularly, VmGH9C1 demonstrated high activity and ability to degrade cellulose, xyloglucan, and glucomannan. In addition, all the enzymes retained activity under wide pH (6–10) and temperature ranges (optimum 70 °C), revealing the potential applications of plant GH9 cellulases in the industrial bioprocessing of lignocellulose.

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Norwegian apple ciders have recently gained attention at the levels of international competitiveness. Accordingly, a comparative study on the chemical composition of selected Norwegian and French apple ciders was conducted to gain knowledge on what ubiquitous chemical parameters make the Norwegian ciders different from ciders from well-established producing regions. A total of 43 ciders, 24 Norwegian and 19 French, in the category of acidic dominant ciders, were included in the study. Ethanol, individual sugars and organic acids, pH, total phenols, aroma compounds including esters, C6-alcohols, volatile phenols and terpenoids, were analysed. Norwegian ciders showed higher contents in ethanol, malic and citric acids, whereas total phenols, pH, glucose, and fructose were higher in French counterparts. Regarding the aromatic profile, no significant differences were observed for C6-alcohols. In contrast, differences were more expressed in the case of esters and volatile phenols. Norwegian ciders were characterised by higher average concentration for all the groups of esters, with the most important differences measured for higher alcohol acetates. Norwegian ciders also displayed higher contents of 4-vinylphenol and 4-vinylguaiacol while French ciders contained substantially higher levels of 4-ethylphenol and 4-ethylguaiacol. These results are in mutual correlation with the empirical observation reporting Norwegian apple ciders as more acidic, alcoholic and with lighter body but fruitier profile. Whereas French ciders are often perceived with more structure and animalistic profile.

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In agricultural areas dominated by subsurface drainage, leaching of phosphorus (P) from soils is a concern for downstream water quality. Still, the role of chemical processes in subsoils and organic soils in influencing dissolved P leaching needs to be clarified for better predicting the P leaching. In ten mineral and organic soils, we examined a wide range of chemical characteristics including various P pools and sorption–desorption properties at different soil depths and related those characteristics to leaching of dissolved P at the drain depth in an indoor lysimeter experiment. Results showed significant correlations between different P pools (R2-adj = 0.61 to 0.98, p < 0.001) and between sorption capacity measurements (R2-adj = 0.60 to 0.95, p < 0.001). Some organic soils followed the same patterns in P sorption capacity and P lability as sandy soils but some did not, suggesting organic soils differ among themselves possibly due to differences in origin and/or management. Flow-weighted mean concentrations of dissolved reactive P and dissolved organic P depended on both the labile P pools (labile inorganic and organic P pools, respectively) in the topsoil and P sorption and desorption characteristics in the subsoils. Mass-weighted whole-profile degree of P saturation based on the ammonium lactate extraction method (DPS-AL) was an excellent indicator of flow-weighted mean concentration of total dissolved P (FWMC-TDP) (R2-adj = 0.93, p < 0.001). Two profiles, one with organic soils overlaying on sand and the other with sandy soils in all layers, had the greatest FWMC-TDP among all profiles (316 and 230 µg/L versus 33–84 µg/L) due to the same reason, i.e., large labile P pools in the topsoils, low P sorption capacity in the subsoils, and high whole-profile DPS-AL. All results point to the need to include subsoil characteristics for assessing the risks of dissolved P leaching from both mineral and organic soils. Also, the study suggests the need to investigate further the roles of the origin and management of organic matter and organic P in influencing P lability and dissolved organic P (DOP) leaching, as well as the bioavailability of DOP in recipient waters.


The chilling requirements of ‘Junifer’, ‘Rovada’ and ‘Red Dutch’ red currants and ‘Mucurines’ and ‘Pax’ gooseberries were studied under controlled environment conditions. Field grown single-stem potted plants were chilled at 0°C from October 15 for 0 to 20 weeks and forced in a lighted greenhouse at 20°C and 18 h photoperiod for 60 days for recording of budbreak and flowering. None of the red currant plants were able to break without chilling, while the number of breaking buds increased linearly with more than four weeks of chilling, and fastest so in ‘Junifer’. ‘Red Dutch’ proved to have a particularly deep and stable dormancy. Comparable but markedly lower chilling requirements were found in the two gooseberry cultivars. While more than 20 weeks of chilling were required for full dormancy release in the red currant cultivars, 16 to 20 weeks were adequate for the ‘Mucurines’ and ‘Pax’ gooseberries, respectively. This compares with a chilling need of 14 weeks at 0°C previously found for most commercial black currant cultivars under the same conditions. The results also confirm that, as previously demonstrated for black currants, flower development requires more chilling than bud break itself also in red currants and gooseberries. This highlights the need for extended chilling of the plants before the plants are set to forcing in modern tunnel production. We also conclude that the red currant cultivar ‘Rovada’ with its large berry trusses seems particularly well suited for tunnel production.

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Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are serious pests of most food crops, causing up to 100% yield loss. Nevertheless, commercial nematicides are costly and harmful to the environment. While the nematicidal potential of crustacean and synthetic chitin has been demonstrated globally, research on the potential of insect-derived chitin for nematode control has received limited attention. Here, seven chitin-fortified black soldier fly frass fertilizer extracts (chFE) were assessed for their suppressiveness of Meloidogyne incognita and impacts on spinach growth in comparison with a commercial nematicide using in vitro and in vivo bioassays. The performance of chFE and control treatments was assessed by determining their effects on nematode egg hatchability; infective juvenile (J2) mortality and paralysis; number of galls, egg masses, and J2s per plant; and spinach root and shoot biomass. In vitro results showed that chFE and commercial nematicide suppressed nematode egg hatchability by 42% and 52%, respectively, relative to the control (sterile distilled water). Up to 100% paralysis was achieved when M. incognita J2s were exposed to either chFE or commercial nematicide. Further, the J2 mortality achieved using chFE (95%) was comparable to the value achieved using commercial nematicide (96%); in all treatments, mortality increased with exposure time. Similarly, up to 85% suppression of gall development was achieved when spinach plants were grown in soil drenched with chFE; up to 79% reduction in egg mass formation and 68% suppression of J2 development in the root system were achieved using chFE. Also, chFE application significantly increased spinach root and shoot biomass by 54%–74% and 39%–58%, respectively, compared to commercial nematicide. Our findings demonstrate the nematicidal potential of chFE and its benefits on crop production. Thus, chFE could be considered as a promising multipurpose, regenerative, and cost-effective input for sustainable management of plant-parasitic nematodes and enhancement of crop yield.